Xenotransplantation - Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Xenotransplantation - Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Xenotransplantation - Nuffield Council on Bioethics


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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Xenotransplantati<strong>on</strong></str<strong>on</strong>g> : progress and prospects<br />

Babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e marrow transplants for treating AIDS patients<br />

3.21 Another rather different use has been proposed for babo<strong>on</strong> xenografts. This stems<br />

from the observati<strong>on</strong> that babo<strong>on</strong>s, unlike most other primates, are resistant to<br />

infecti<strong>on</strong> with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. It has been proposed to transplant<br />

babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e marrow into patients suffering from the advanced stages of AIDS, in<br />

an attempt to restore the functi<strong>on</strong> of the immune system. This proposal has been<br />

approved by the Food and Drug Administrati<strong>on</strong> of the United States. 22 There are,<br />

however, several difficulties with the procedure. It is not clear that babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e<br />

marrow will transplant successfully into human beings. There is a risk that the<br />

babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e marrow will attack the patient’s body in what is called graft versus host<br />

disease. Moreover, it is not known whether babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e marrow will be able to<br />

restore the functi<strong>on</strong>s lacking in the patient’s immune system. In additi<strong>on</strong>, as<br />

described in Chapter 6, there are serious c<strong>on</strong>cerns about the risk that<br />

xenotransplantati<strong>on</strong> of babo<strong>on</strong> tissue will enable primate diseases to pass into the<br />

human populati<strong>on</strong>. Nevertheless, an AIDS patient received a b<strong>on</strong>e marrow xenograft<br />

in the US in December 1995. 23<br />

Will primate organs functi<strong>on</strong> properly in human beings?<br />

3.22 One problem in xenotransplantati<strong>on</strong> is caused by the disparity in size of human and<br />

primate organs. An adult male babo<strong>on</strong>, for example, weighs <strong>on</strong>ly about 22-30 kg, 24<br />

less than half the average weight of an adult human being, and the organs are<br />

corresp<strong>on</strong>dingly smaller than human organs. This means that a babo<strong>on</strong> heart would<br />

not be powerful enough to pump blood around the body of an adult human being.<br />

There is an acute shortage, however, of very small human organs for transplantati<strong>on</strong><br />

into babies suffering from heart malformati<strong>on</strong>s. This has led to the suggesti<strong>on</strong> that<br />

primate organs might be transplanted into children as a temporary soluti<strong>on</strong>, or<br />

bridge, while they wait for a suitable human organ to become available. This<br />

suggesti<strong>on</strong> is discussed further in Chapter 7 (paragraphs 7.22 - 7.24). C<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong><br />

must also be given to whether primate organs will be able to perform the biochemical<br />

and physiological functi<strong>on</strong>s required in human beings.<br />

22<br />

Pennisi E (1995) FDA Panel OKs babo<strong>on</strong> marrow transplant. Science, 269:293-4.<br />

23<br />

AIDS patient given babo<strong>on</strong> b<strong>on</strong>e marrow (1995) Nature, 378:756.<br />

24<br />

Whitney R A and Wickings E J (1987) Macaques and other old world simians, Chapter 40 of The UFAW<br />

Handbook <strong>on</strong> the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals Sixth Editi<strong>on</strong>. UK: L<strong>on</strong>gman Scientific &<br />

Technical.<br />


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