CELL BIOLOGY - New Age International

CELL BIOLOGY - New Age International CELL BIOLOGY - New Age International

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The Cell<br />

1<br />

Part A<br />

<strong>CELL</strong> <strong>BIOLOGY</strong>

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2 Biotechnology

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The Cell<br />

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1<br />

THE <strong>CELL</strong><br />

The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of the all living<br />

organisms. Cell biology is the study of the cell. Cell biology is also<br />

known as cytology. The word cytology was derived from Greek word<br />

Kitos (cytos) means a halo vessel or a compartment and Logus means to<br />

discover or to study. Therefore cytology literally means a branch of<br />

biology which studies the different aspects of cells, like study of<br />

phenomenon of heredity, variation, evolution, neutrition, metabolism,<br />

growth, reproduction of cell, etc.<br />

History<br />

1. In 1665, Robert Hook first time observed the cell. He observed a<br />

thin slice of cork under his own microscope. Under microscope,<br />

he observed a honey-comb like structure showing hallow empty<br />

spaces or compartments surrounded by firm cell wall. To each<br />

hallow space he called a ‘cell’. Actually what Robert Hook<br />

observed was dead cell.<br />

2. Antony Van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) observed first time the<br />

microorganisms (prokaryotic cell) under his compound<br />

microscope. He observed tiny microbes in a drop of pond water<br />

which he called animacules.<br />

3. In 1831, Robert Brown, first time observed a nucleus in the cell.<br />

4. In 1855 Rudolph Virchow observed that new cells arise from<br />

preexisting cells.<br />

5. In 1938, M.J. Schleiden, a German botanist studied many plants<br />

section under microscope and came to conclusion that, “all<br />

plants are ultimately made up of cell”.<br />

6. In 1938 T.S. Schwann, a German Zoologist came to the similar<br />

conclusion that, “all the animals are ultimately made up of cell”.<br />

Later, Schleiden and Schwann both together put forth a theory<br />

which is known as a cell theory. According to this theory all the

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4 Biotechnology<br />

organisms i.e. plants and animals are made up of cells. In twentieth<br />

century, after the invention of modern microscopes and various<br />

technique, our knowledge of cell increased and a statement of cell theory<br />

was slightly modified. According to the latest cell theory, “all the living<br />

organisms consists of cells and cell products”.<br />

Therefore all the living organisms i.e. prokaryotic and eukaryotic<br />

organisms are made up of cells. Viruses are not made up of cells. In<br />

unicelluar organisms, all functions are carried out by the same cell, while<br />

in multicellular organisms, different functions are performed by different<br />

types of cells.<br />

The cell theory may be summarised as<br />

(a) Cells of organisms are differentiated into distinct cell types.<br />

(b) A cell is a feature of all organisms with the exception of<br />

viruses.<br />

(c) The protoplasm is the living content of the cell and determines<br />

the activity of the cell and thus the whole organism.<br />

(d) <strong>New</strong> cells originate from preexisting cells through division. In<br />

any case, cell never arise de novo.<br />

All living cells/organisms have a common ancestor. Therefore, all<br />

cells shows common simplicity in the molecular organisation and<br />

principle of molecular economy.<br />

Cell Size—There seems no generalisation in size, shape and<br />

structure of the cell. The variety and diversity of cells are as many as<br />

their functions. The cell size broadly ranges from 0.2 µm to 2 mm<br />

(Table 1.1).<br />

Table 1.1<br />

VARIOUS <strong>CELL</strong> TYPES AND THEIR SIZE<br />

Cell type Size (µ)<br />

1. Mycoplasma (PPLO) 0.10<br />

2. Bacteria 0.20–2.50<br />

3. Small lymphocytes 4.0<br />

4. Erythrocytes 8.0<br />

5. Amoeba proteus 8.0–15.0<br />

6. Liver cells 20.00<br />

7. Euglena 100–200<br />

8. Human oocyte 250<br />

9. Ostrich egg 75 × 10 3<br />

10. Neurons (length) 2 × 10 6

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The Cell<br />

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Cell shape—Cell shape is controlled by certain physical, chemical<br />

and physiological factors. Majority of cells have characteristic fixed<br />

shape. While certain cells have no fixed shape called variable cells, for<br />

e.g., amoeba and leucocytes. Generally multicellular organisms are made<br />

up of different shaped cells (Table 1.2).<br />

Table 1.2<br />


Cell shape<br />

Example<br />

1. Variable cells Amoeba, Leucocytes, Myxomycetes<br />

2. Fixed cells<br />

(i) Spherical cells<br />

egg of many animals<br />

(ii) Flattened cells<br />

Squamous epithelium, endotheliums, and<br />

upper layer of epidermis<br />

(iii) Cuboidal cells<br />

Thyroid gland follicles<br />

(iv) Columner cells<br />

The cells lining the intestine.<br />

(v) Discoidal cells<br />

Erythrocytes<br />

(vi) Spindle shaped cells Smooth muscle fibres<br />

(vii) Elongated cells<br />

Nerve cells<br />

(viii) Branched cells<br />

Pigment cells of skin<br />

Depending upon their organisation, cells are basically of two types<br />

i.e., prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are primitive<br />

type of cells. These cells lacks true nucleus and other cell organelle like<br />

mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, etc.<br />

The word prokaryotes is derived from Greek word pro means primitive<br />

or old and karyotes means nucleus or main. Eukaryotic cells have true<br />

nucleus and it also contains cell organelles. The word eukaryotes is<br />

derived from Greek word eu means true and karyotes means nucleus.<br />

The main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is<br />

enlisted in Table 1.3.<br />

Table 1.3<br />


Prokaryotic cell<br />

Eukaryotic cell<br />

1. A true nucleus is absent. A true nucleus is present.<br />

2. Nuclear membrane is absent. Nuclear membrane is present.<br />

3. Nucleolus is absent. Nucleolus is present.<br />

4. Chromosome is single, circular. Chromosomes are many and linear.<br />

5. Chromosome present freely in Chromosomes are enclosed inside the<br />

the cytoplasm.<br />

nuclear membrane.<br />


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Prokaryotic cell<br />

Eukaryotic cell<br />

6. Histone proteins are absent in Chromosomes are well organised with<br />

the organisation of chromosome. histone protein.<br />

7. In photosynthetic cells, chloro- In photosynthetic cells, the chlorophyll<br />

phyll pigments are present in pigments are present in the plastids—<br />

cell membrane.<br />

chloroplast.<br />

8. Ribosomes are 70s type. Ribosomes are 80s type.<br />

9. Cell organells are absent. Cell organells are present.<br />

10. Streaming or amoeboid move- Streaming or amoeboid movement of<br />

ment of cytoplasm absent. cytoplasm present.<br />

11. Flagella if present, do not have Flagella shows typical 9 + 2<br />

typical 9 + 2 arrangement. arrangement.<br />

12. Enzymes necessary for respi- Enzymes necessary for respiration are<br />

ration are present in plasma- present in mitochondria.<br />

membrane.<br />

13. Cell division by the process of Cell division by the process of mitosis<br />

amitosis i.e., mitosis and meiosis and meiosis.<br />

is absent.<br />

14. mRNA will not have the 5' mRNA having 5' methyl cap and 3'<br />

methyl cap and 3' poly A tail. poly A tail.<br />

15. Transcription and translation are Transcription and translation are not<br />

combined process, both takes combined process. Transcription takes<br />

place in cytoplasm.<br />

place in nuclers, while translation<br />

occurs in cytoplasm.<br />

16. In genes non-coding regions are In genes non-coding region (i.e.,<br />

absent.<br />

introns) are present.<br />

17. After transcription there is no After transcription, post transcriptional<br />

post transcriptional modification modifications occurs in mRNA.<br />

in mRNA.<br />

18. Polycistronic mRNA. Mono cistronic mRNA.<br />

19. The cell wall contains amino When cell wall present, it doesnot consugars<br />

and muramic acid. tain amino sugar and muramic acid.<br />

Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic cell—Eukaryotic cells are highly<br />

evolved cells and show striking characters in contrast to prokaryotes. It<br />

contains specialised membrane bound cell organelles. The most<br />

important cell organelle is nucleus, which is membrane bound and<br />

includes filamentous chromosomes. Other membrane bound organelles<br />

include chloroplants, mitochondria, lysosomes, golgi complex,<br />

endoplasmic reticulum, etc. The cell organelles provides micro<br />

environments to subcellular metabolic units.<br />

The eukaryotic organisms are very diverse, few are unicellular,<br />

where all the functions are carried out by same cell, while many are<br />

multicellular organisms. Multicellular eukaryotes contains variety of cell

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The Cell<br />

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types originate as a result of cell differentiation and it’s organised<br />

aggregates, forming tissue systems. Although there is a basic pattern of<br />

organisation, several functional specializations are acquired by cells.<br />

Eukaryotes are grouped into phototrophs (e.g., plants) and<br />

chemotrops (e.g., animals). The phototrophs have a photosynthetic<br />

apparatus and a rigid cell wall of cellulose.<br />

Photosynthetic Eukaryotes—The eukaryotes, which are able to<br />

synthesize their own food in presence of the sunlight is called—<br />

Photosynthetic Eukaryotes. As an example of this we can consider a<br />

typical plant cell. A plant cell has a thick outer most coating called cell<br />

wall, which protect the cell from various osmatic stresses. Cell wall is<br />

made up of cellulose. Inside the cell wall, there is a plasma membrane,<br />

which encloses the cytoplasm. At several locations, two adjacent cells<br />

have intercellular channels called plasmodesmata, which help cellular<br />

communication.<br />

The cytoplasm of plant cell is semifluid, in which many cell<br />

organelles micro and macroneutrients and enzymes are suspended. All<br />

cell organelles are bound by double membrane. Different cell organelles<br />

which are present in plant cell are as follows (Fig. 1.1)<br />

(a) Nucleus—Nucleus is bounded by double layered nuclear<br />

membrane. It contains filamentous chromosomes, which contains genetic<br />

information.<br />

(b) Endoplasmic reticulum—The endoplasmic reticulum forms a<br />

network of tubules whose one end is connected with nuclear membrane.<br />

There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum—smooth endoplasmic<br />

reticulum and rough or granular endoplasmic reticulum. The main<br />

function of endoplasmic reticulam is synthesis and storage of protein/<br />

enzymes.<br />

(c) Golgi complex—It is made up of cisternae and vesicles. It’s main<br />

function is storage.<br />

(d) Mitochondria—Mitochondria synthesize ATP molecule (energy<br />

curency of cell) by oxidative phosphorylation in the absence of light by<br />

breaking down organic molecules.<br />

(e) plastids—Plastids are characteristic of plant cells only. Plastids<br />

are of two types—leucoplasts (with out pigment) and chromoplasts (with<br />

pigments). The most important plastid is with green chlorophyll pigment<br />

called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts participate in the photosynthetic activity.<br />

(f) Lysosomes—It contains hydrolytic enzymes for digestion.<br />

(g) Peroxysomes—It neutralise metabolic peroxides in the cell.<br />

(h) Glyoxysomes—It is involved in glyoxylate metabolism.

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(i) Ribosomes—Plant cell contains 80s types ribosomes. Ribosomes<br />

participates in protein synthesis.<br />

(j) Vacuoles—The plant cell contains a well defined, large vacuoles.<br />

It is usually filled with liquid material. Unlike other cell organelles,<br />

vacuoles are bound by single membrane called tonoplast. In plant cell,<br />

large volume is made up of vacuole generally central and cytoplasm and<br />

other cell organells occupy little space, generally peripheral.<br />

Mitochondrion<br />

Cellulose cell<br />

wall<br />

Chloroplast<br />

Cell membrane<br />

(plasmatemma)<br />

Central vacuole<br />

Leucoplast<br />

containing<br />

starch grain<br />

Ground substance<br />

of cytoplasm<br />

with granular<br />

inclusions<br />

Plasmodesma<br />

Small vacuole<br />

Golgicomplex<br />

(dictyosome)<br />

Nucleolus<br />

Nucleoplasm<br />

containing<br />

chromatin<br />

Endoplasmic<br />

reticulum<br />

with attached<br />

ribosomes<br />

Fig. 1.1 A typical plant cell.<br />

Chemosynthetic Eukaryotes—The eukaryotes which are not able<br />

to synthesise their food in the presence of sunlight are called<br />

chemosynthetic eukaryotes. e.g.. Animal cell. Animal cells are devoid of<br />

a cell wall, and the plasma membrane is the outermost cell boundary,<br />

which carries out catalytic as well as osmotic protection functions. The<br />

animal cell contains all membrane-bound cell organelles in cytoplasm<br />

similar to those of plant cells, with the exception of plastids. Other than

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The Cell<br />

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cell organelles, animal cells have centrosomes, locomotory organelles<br />

and an elaborate cytoskeleton (Fig. 1.2).<br />

Region containing microtubules and microfibrils<br />

Pinocytic vesicles<br />

Golgi<br />

apparatus<br />

Secretion<br />

vacuole<br />

Phospholipid<br />

storage granule<br />

Tysosome<br />

Centrosome<br />

Nucleus<br />

Nucleolus<br />

Ribosomes<br />

attached<br />

to endoplasmic<br />

reticulum<br />

Nuclear<br />

membrane<br />

Neutral lipid<br />

storage<br />

granule<br />

Cytoplasmic<br />

matrix<br />

Mitochondrion<br />

Plasma membrane<br />

Fig. 1.2 A typical animal cell.<br />

Centrosomes are usually one per cell, which is located near the<br />

nuclear surface. It is a complex structure with a dense outer granular<br />

mantle that encloses a less granular material around two pairs of<br />

cylindrical bodies called centrioles. The centrioles participate in mitosis<br />

and also anchor the flagellum in sperm cell. The cytoplasmic matrix<br />

consists of a complex network of microtubules and microfilaments,<br />

forming the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton helps in the movement of<br />

cell organelles, change in cell shape, amoeboid locomotion, cytokinesis,<br />


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10 Biotechnology<br />

Summary<br />

The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of the all living<br />

organisms. Cell biology is the study of cell. In 1938, M.J. Schleiden and<br />

T.S. Schwann proposed the cell theory. There is no generalisation in cell<br />

size, shape and structure. Basically cells are of two types namely<br />

prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cell is more primitive<br />

cell. Eukaryotic cells depending upon its capacity to produce their own<br />

food in presence of sunlight is divided into photosynthetic eukaryotes<br />

(e.g. plant cell) and chemosynthetic eukaryotes (e.g. animal cell). The<br />

main characteristic of plant cells is it contains chloroplasts and large<br />

vacuoles. The main characteristic of animal cells is it contains<br />

centrosomes, locomotory organelles, cytoskeleton. The remaining cell<br />

organelles commonly present in both plant and animal cells are nucleus,<br />

mitochondria, golgi complex, 80s ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum,<br />

lysosomes, peroxysomes.<br />


I. 1. What is cell? Describe cell theory.<br />

2. Explain broad classification of cell.<br />

II. Differentiate between the following:<br />

1. Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells.<br />

2. Plant cells and animal cells.

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