Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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2 O'Donnell" appeared in the "University Magazine," in which "Waiting for the May," "The Bridal of the Year," and "The Voyage of Saint Brendan," were subsequently published (in January and May, 1848). Meanwhile, in 1846, the year in which he was called to the bar, he edited the "Poets and Dramatists of Ireland," with an introduction, which evinced considerable reading, on the early religion and literature of the Irish people. In the same year he also edited the "Book of Irish Ballads," to which he prefixed an introduction on ballad poetry. This volume was republished with additions and a preface in 1869. In 1853, the poems afterwards published under the title of "Underglimpses" were chiefly written.[3] The plays of Calderon--thoroughly national in form and matter--have met with but scant appreciation from foreigners. Yet we find his genius recognized in unexpected quarters, Goethe and Shelley uniting with Augustus Schlegel and Archbishop Trench to pay him homage. My father was, I think, first led to the study of Calderon by Shelley's glowing eulogy of the poet ("Essays," vol. ii., p. 274, and elsewhere). The first of his translations was published in 1853, the last twenty years later. They consist[4] of fifteen complete plays, which I believe to be the largest amount of translated verse by any one author, that has ever appeared in English. Most of it is in the difficult assonant or vowel rhyme, hardly ever previously attempted in our language. This may be a fitting place to cite a few testimonies as to the execution of the work. Longfellow, whom I have myself heard speak of the "Autos" in a way that showed how deeply he had studied them in the original, wrote, in 1857: "You are doing this work admirably, and seem to gain new strength and sweetness as you go on. It seems as if Calderon himself were behind you whispering and suggesting. And what better work could you do in your bright hours or in your dark hours that just this, which seems to have been put providentially into your hands." Again, in 1862: "Your new work in the vast and flowery fields of Calderon is, I think, admirable, and presents the old Spanish dramatist before the English reader in a very attractive light. Particularly in the most poetical passages you are excellent; as, for instance, in the fine description of the gerfalcon and the heron in 'El Mayor Encanto.' I hope you mean to add more and more, so as to make the translation as nearly complete as a single life will permit. It seems rather appalling to undertake the whole of so voluminous a writer; nevertheless, I hope you will do it. Having proved that you can, perhaps you ought to do it. This may be your appointed work. It is a noble one."[5] Ticknor ("History of

3 Spanish Literature," new edition, vol. iii. p. 461) writes thus: "Calderon is a poet who, whenever he is translated, should have his very excesses and extravagances, both in thought and manner, fully reproduced, in order to give a faithful idea of what is grandest and most distinctive in his genius. Mr. MacCarthy has done this, I conceive, to a degree which I had previously supposed impossible. Nothing, I think, in the English language will give us so true an impression of what is most characteristic of the Spanish drama; perhaps I ought to say, of what is most characteristic of Spanish poetry generally." Another eminent Hispaniologist (Mr. C. F. Bradford, of Boston) has spoken of the work in similar terms. His labours did not pass without recognition from the great dramatist's countrymen. He was elected a member of the Real Academia some years ago, and in 1881 this learned body presented him with the medal struck in commemoration of Calderon's bicentenary, "in token of their gratitude and their appreciation of his translations of the great poet's works." In 1855, at the request of the Marchioness of Donegal, my father wrote the ode which was recited at the inauguration of the statue of her son, the Earl of Belfast. About the same time, his Lectures on Poetry were delivered at the Catholic University at the desire of Cardinal Newman. The Lectures on the Poets of Spain, and on the Dramatists of the Sixteenth Century, were delivered a few years later. In 1862 he published a curious bibliographical treatise on the "Memoires of the Marquis de Villars." In 1864 the ill-health of some of his family his leaving his home near Killiney Hill[6] to reside on the Continent. In 1872, "Shelley's Early Life" was published in London, where he had settled, attracted by the facilities for research which its great libraries offered. This biography gives an amusing account of the young poet's visit to Dublin in 1812, and some new details of his adventures and writings at this period. My father's admiration for Shelley was of long standing. At the age of seventeen he wrote some lines to the poet's memory, which appeared in the "Dublin Satirist" already mentioned, and an elaborate review of his poetry in an early number of the Nation. I have before alluded to Shelley's influence in directing his attention to Calderon. The centenary odes in honour of O'Connell and Moore were written, in 1875 and 1879, at the request of the committees which had charge of these celebrations. He returned to Ireland a few months before his death, which took place at Blackrock,

3<br />

Spanish Literature," new edition, vol. iii. p. 461) writes thus:<br />

"Calderon is a poet who, whenever he is translated, should have his very<br />

excesses and extravagances, both in thought and manner, fully<br />

reproduced, in order to give a faithful idea of what is grandest and<br />

most distinctive in his genius. Mr. <strong>MacCarthy</strong> has done this, I<br />

conceive, to a degree which I had previously supposed impossible.<br />

Nothing, I think, in the English language will give us so true an<br />

impression of what is most characteristic of the Spanish drama; perhaps<br />

I ought to say, of what is most characteristic of Spanish poetry<br />

generally."<br />

Another eminent Hispaniologist (Mr. C. F. Bradford, of Boston) has<br />

spoken of the work in similar terms. His labours did not pass without<br />

recognition from the great dramatist's countrymen. He was elected a<br />

member of the Real Academia some years ago, and in 1881 this learned<br />

body presented him with the medal struck in commemoration of Calderon's<br />

bicentenary, "in token of their gratitude and their appreciation of his<br />

translations of the great poet's works."<br />

In 1855, at the request of the Marchioness of Donegal, my father wrote<br />

the ode which was recited at the inauguration of the statue of her son,<br />

the Earl of Belfast. About the same time, his Lectures on Poetry were<br />

delivered at the Catholic University at the desire of Cardinal Newman.<br />

The Lectures on the Poets of Spain, and on the Dramatists of the<br />

Sixteenth Century, were delivered a few years later. In 1862 he<br />

published a curious bibliographical treatise on the "Memoires of the<br />

Marquis de Villars." In 1864 the ill-health of some of his family his<br />

leaving his home near Killiney Hill[6] to reside on the Continent. In<br />

1872, "Shelley's Early Life" was published in London, where he had<br />

settled, attracted by the facilities for research which its great<br />

libraries offered. This biography gives an amusing account of the young<br />

poet's visit to Dublin in 1812, and some new details of his adventures<br />

and writings at this period. My father's admiration for Shelley was of<br />

long standing. At the age of seventeen he wrote some lines to the<br />

poet's memory, which appeared in the "Dublin Satirist" already<br />

mentioned, and an elaborate review of his poetry in an early number of<br />

the Nation. I have before alluded to Shelley's influence in directing<br />

his attention to Calderon. The centenary odes in honour of O'Connell<br />

and Moore were written, in 1875 and 1879, at the request of the<br />

committees which had charge of these celebrations. He returned to<br />

Ireland a few months before his death, which took place at Blackrock,

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