Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis


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268<br />

(Like a sheet of the whitest cream golden-edg'd paper),<br />

And wrote a few words, superscribed, "To the Sea."<br />

"My dear Beam," or "dear Ray" (t'was thus coolly he hailed him),<br />

"Pray take down to Neptune this letter from me,<br />

For the person you seek--though I lately regaled him--<br />

Now tries a new airing, and dwells by the sea."<br />

So our Mercury hastened away through the ether,<br />

The bright face of Thetis to gladden and greet;<br />

And he plunged in the water a few feet beneath her,<br />

Just to get a sly peep at her beautiful feet.<br />

To Neptune the letter was brought for inspection--<br />

But the god, though a deep one, was still rather green;<br />

So he took a few moments of steady reflection,<br />

Ere he wholly made out what the missive could mean:<br />

But the date (it was "April the first") came to save it<br />

From all fear of mistake; so he took pen in hand,<br />

And, transcribing the cruel entreaty, he gave it<br />

To our travel-tired friend, and said, "Bring it to Land."<br />

To Land went the Sunbeam, which scarcely received it,<br />

When it sent it, post-haste, back again to the sea;<br />

The Sea's hypocritical calmness deceived it,<br />

And sent it once more to the Land on the lea;--<br />

From the Land to the Lake--from the Lakes to the Fountains--<br />

From the Fountains and Streams to the Hills' azure crest,<br />

'Till, at last, a tall Peak on the top of the mountains,<br />

Sent it back to the Cloud in the now golden west.<br />

He saw the whole trick by the way he was greeted<br />

By the Sun's laughing face, which all purple appears;<br />

Then, amused, yet annoyed at the way he was treated,<br />

He first laughed at the joke, and then burst into tears.<br />

It is thus that this day of mistakes and surprises,<br />

When fools write on foolscap, and wear it the while,<br />

This gay saturnalia for ever arises<br />

'Mid the showers and the sunshine, the tear and the smile.

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