Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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24 Sends the gentle streams a-straying Through the vales, like Love's first feelings Stealing o'er a maiden's heart; The Creator-- Imitator-- From his easel forth doth start, And from God's glorious Nature learns anew his Art! But who is this with tresses flowing, Flashing eyes and forehead glowing, From whose lips the thunder-music Pealeth o'er the listening lands? 'Tis the first and last of preachers-- First and last of priestly teachers; First and last of those appointed In the ranks of the anointed; With their songs like swords to sever Tyranny and Falsehood's bands! 'Tis the Poet--sum and total Of the others, With his brothers, In his rich robes sacerdotal, Singing with his golden psalter. Comes he now to wed the twain-- Truth and Beauty-- Rest and Duty-- Hope, and Fear, and Joy, and Pain, Unite for weal or woe beneath the Poet's chain! And the shapes that follow after, Some in tears and some in laughter, Are they not the fairy phantoms In his glorious vision seen? Nymphs from shady forests wending, Goddesses from heaven descending; Three of Jove's divinest daughters, Nine from Aganippe's waters; And the passion-immolated, Too fond-hearted Tyrian Queen, Various shapes of one idea, Memory-haunting,

25 Heart-enchanting, Cythna, Genevieve, and Nea,[14] Rosalind and all her sisters, Born by Avon's sacred stream, All the blooming Shapes, illuming The Eternal Pilgrim's dream,[15] Follow the Poet's steps beneath the morning's beam. But the Bride--the Bride is coming! Birds are singing, bees are humming; Silent lakes amid the mountains Look but cannot speak their mirth; Streams go bounding in their gladness, With a bacchanalian madness; Trees bow down their heads in wonder, Clouds of purple part asunder, As the Maiden of the Morning Leads the blushing Bride to Earth! Bright as are the planets seven-- With her glances She advances, For her azure eyes are Heaven! And her robes are sunbeams woven, And her beauteous bridesmaids are Hopes and wishes-- Dreams delicious-- Joys from some serener star, And Heavenly-hued Illusions gleaming from afar. Now the mystic right is over-- Blessings on the loved and lover! Strike the tabours, clash the cymbals, Let the notes of joy resound! With the rosy apple-blossom, Blushing like a maiden's bosom; With all treasures from the meadows Strew the consecrated ground; Let the guests with vows fraternal Pledge each other, Sister, brother,

24<br />

Sends the gentle streams a-straying<br />

Through the vales, like Love's first feelings<br />

Stealing o'er a maiden's heart;<br />

The Creator--<br />

Imitator--<br />

From his easel forth doth start,<br />

And from God's glorious Nature learns anew his Art!<br />

But who is this with tresses flowing,<br />

Flashing eyes and forehead glowing,<br />

From whose lips the thunder-music<br />

Pealeth o'er the listening lands?<br />

'Tis the first and last of preachers--<br />

First and last of priestly teachers;<br />

First and last of those appointed<br />

In the ranks of the anointed;<br />

With their songs like swords to sever<br />

Tyranny and Falsehood's bands!<br />

'Tis the Poet--sum and total<br />

Of the others,<br />

With his brothers,<br />

In his rich robes sacerdotal,<br />

Singing with his golden psalter.<br />

Comes he now to wed the twain--<br />

Truth and Beauty--<br />

Rest and Duty--<br />

Hope, and Fear, and Joy, and Pain,<br />

Unite for weal or woe beneath the Poet's chain!<br />

And the shapes that follow after,<br />

Some in tears and some in laughter,<br />

Are they not the fairy phantoms<br />

In his glorious vision seen?<br />

Nymphs from shady forests wending,<br />

Goddesses from heaven descending;<br />

Three of Jove's divinest daughters,<br />

Nine from Aganippe's waters;<br />

And the passion-immolated,<br />

Too fond-hearted Tyrian Queen,<br />

Various shapes of one idea,<br />


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