Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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204 The day he stood the world's young king, Upon his coronation morn, When diamonds hung on every thorn, And peeped the pearl flowers of the spring Adown the emerald slopes. He thinks upon his youthful pride, When in his ermined cloak of snow, Upon his war-horse, stout and staunch-- The cataract-crested avalanche-- He thundered on the rocks below, With his warriors at his side. From rock to rock, through cloven scalp, By rivers rushing to the sea, With thunderous sound his army wound The heaven supporting hills around; Like that the Man of Destiny Led down the astonished Alp. The bugles of the blast rang out, The banners of the lightning swung, The icy spear-points of the pine Bristled along the advancing line, And as the winds' 'reveille' rung, Heavens! how the hills did shout. Adown each slippery precipice Rattled the loosen'd rocks, like balls Shot from his booming thunder guns, Whose smoke, effacing stars and suns, Darkens the stifled heaven, and falls Far off in arrowy showers of ice. Ah! yes, he was a mighty king, A mighty king, full flushed with youth; He cared not then what ruin lay Upon his desolating way; Not his the cause of God or Truth, But the brute lust of conquering.

205 Nought could resist his mighty will, The green grass withered where he stood; His ruthless hands were prompt to seize Upon the tresses of the trees; Then shrieked the maidens of the wood, And the saplings of the hill. Nought could resist his mighty will; For in his ranks rode spectral Death; The old expired through very fear; And pined the young, when he came near; The faintest flutter of his breath Was sharp enough to kill. Nought could resist his mighty will; The flowers fell dead beneath his tread; The streams of life, that through the plains Throb night and day through crystal veins, With feverish pulses frighten'd fled, Or curdled, and grew still. Nought could resist his mighty will; On rafts of ice, blue-hued, like steel, He crossed the broadest rivers o'er Ah! me, and then was heard no more The murmur of the peaceful wheel That turned the peasant's mill. But why the evil that attends On War recall to further view? Accurs`ed War!--the world too well Knows what thou art--thou fiend of hell! The heartless havoc of a few For their own selfish ends! Soon, soon the youthful conqueror Felt moved, and bade the horrors cease; Nature resumed its ancient sway, Warm tears rolled down the cheeks of Day, And Spring, the harbinger of peace Proclaimed the fight was o'er.

204<br />

The day he stood the world's young king,<br />

Upon his coronation morn,<br />

When diamonds hung on every thorn,<br />

And peeped the pearl flowers of the spring<br />

Adown the emerald slopes.<br />

He thinks upon his youthful pride,<br />

When in his ermined cloak of snow,<br />

Upon his war-horse, stout and staunch--<br />

The cataract-crested avalanche--<br />

He thundered on the rocks below,<br />

With his warriors at his side.<br />

From rock to rock, through cloven scalp,<br />

By rivers rushing to the sea,<br />

With thunderous sound his army wound<br />

The heaven supporting hills around;<br />

Like that the Man of Destiny<br />

Led down the astonished Alp.<br />

The bugles of the blast rang out,<br />

The banners of the lightning swung,<br />

The icy spear-points of the pine<br />

Bristled along the advancing line,<br />

And as the winds' 'reveille' rung,<br />

Heavens! how the hills did shout.<br />

Adown each slippery precipice<br />

Rattled the loosen'd rocks, like balls<br />

Shot from his booming thunder guns,<br />

Whose smoke, effacing stars and suns,<br />

Darkens the stifled heaven, and falls<br />

Far off in arrowy showers of ice.<br />

Ah! yes, he was a mighty king,<br />

A mighty king, full flushed with youth;<br />

He cared not then what ruin lay<br />

Upon his desolating way;<br />

Not his the cause of God or Truth,<br />

But the brute lust of conquering.

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