Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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122 Oh, to be faithful each to each! What lesson gives the noble steed? Oh! to be swift in thought and deed! What lesson gives the peerless wife? Oh! there is victory after strife; Sweet is the triumph, rich the spoil, Pleasant the slumber after toil!" They drain the cup, they leave the hall, They seek the armoury and stall, The shield re-echoing to the spear Proclaims the foray far and near; And soon around the castles gate Full sixty steeds impatient wait, And every steed a knight upon, The strong, small-powerful force of Con! Their lances in the red dawn flash, As down by Easky's side they dash; Their quilted jackets shine the more, From gilded leather broidered o'er; With silver spurs, and silken rein, And costly riding-shoes from Spain; Ah! much thou hast to fear, MacJohn, The strong, small-powerful force of Con! As borne upon autumnal gales, Wild whirring gannets pierce the sails Of barks that sweep by Arran's shore,[90] Thus swept the train through Barnesmore. Through many a varied scene they ran, By Castle Fin, and fair Strabane, By many a hill, and many a clan, Across the Foyle and o'er the Bann:-- Then stopping in their eagle flight, They waited for the coming night, And then, as Antrim's rivers rush Straight from their founts with sudden gush, Nor turn their strong, brief streams aside, Until the sea receives their tide;

123 Thus rushed upon the doomed MacJohn The swift, small-powerful force of Con. They took the castle by surprise, No star was in the angry skies, The moon lay dead within her shroud Of thickly-folded ashen cloud; They found the steed within his stall, The hound within the oaken hall, The peerless wife of thousand charms, Within her slumbering husband's arms: The bard had pictured to the life The beauty of MacDonnell's wife; Not Evir[91] could with her compare For snowy hand and shining hair; The glorious banner morn unfurls Were dark beside her golden curls; And yet the blackness of her eye Was darker than the moonless sky! If lovers listen to my lay, Description is but thrown away; If lovers read this antique tale, What need I speak of red or pale? The fairest form and brightest eye Are simply those for which they sigh; The truest picture is but faint To what a lover's heart can paint. Well, she was fair, and Con was bold, But in the strange, wild days of old; To one rough hand was oft decreed The noblest and the blackest deed. 'Twas pride that spurred O'Donnell on, But still a generous heart had Con; He wished to show that he was strong, And not to do a bootless wrong. But now there's neither thought nor time For generous act or bootless crime;

122<br />

Oh, to be faithful each to each!<br />

What lesson gives the noble steed?<br />

Oh! to be swift in thought and deed!<br />

What lesson gives the peerless wife?<br />

Oh! there is victory after strife;<br />

Sweet is the triumph, rich the spoil,<br />

Pleasant the slumber after toil!"<br />

They drain the cup, they leave the hall,<br />

They seek the armoury and stall,<br />

The shield re-echoing to the spear<br />

Proclaims the foray far and near;<br />

And soon around the castles gate<br />

Full sixty steeds impatient wait,<br />

And every steed a knight upon,<br />

The strong, small-powerful force of Con!<br />

Their lances in the red dawn flash,<br />

As down by Easky's side they dash;<br />

Their quilted jackets shine the more,<br />

From gilded leather broidered o'er;<br />

With silver spurs, and silken rein,<br />

And costly riding-shoes from Spain;<br />

Ah! much thou hast to fear, MacJohn,<br />

The strong, small-powerful force of Con!<br />

As borne upon autumnal gales,<br />

Wild whirring gannets pierce the sails<br />

Of barks that sweep by Arran's shore,[90]<br />

Thus swept the train through Barnesmore.<br />

Through many a varied scene they ran,<br />

By Castle Fin, and fair Strabane,<br />

By many a hill, and many a clan,<br />

Across the Foyle and o'er the Bann:--<br />

Then stopping in their eagle flight,<br />

They waited for the coming night,<br />

And then, as Antrim's rivers rush<br />

Straight from their founts with sudden gush,<br />

Nor turn their strong, brief streams aside,<br />

Until the sea receives their tide;

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