Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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116 And where are eyes more starry bright?" Then young hearts beat along the board, To praise the maid that each adored, And lips as young would fain disclose The love within; but one arose, Gray as the rocks beside the main,-- Gray as the mist upon the plain,-- A thoughtful, wandering, minstrel man, And thus the aged bard began:-- "O Con, benevolent hand of peace! O tower of valour firm and true! Like mountain fawns, like snowy fleece, Move the sweet maidens of Tirhugh. Yet though through all thy realm I've strayed, Where green hills rise and white waves fall, I have not seen so fair a maid As once I saw by Cushendall.[84] "O Con, thou hospitable Prince! Thou, of the open heart and hand, Full oft I've seen the crimson tints Of evening on the western land. I've wandered north, I've wandered south, Throughout Tirhugh in hut and hall, But never saw so sweet a mouth As whispered love by Cushendall. "O Con, munificent gifts! I've seen the full round harvest moon Gleam through the shadowy autumn drifts Upon thy royal rock of Doune.[85] I've seen the stars that glittering lie O'er all the night's dark mourning pall, But never saw so bright an eye As lit the glens of Cushendall. "I've wandered with a pleasant toil, And still I wander in my dreams; Even from the white-stoned beach, Loch Foyle,

117 To Desmond of the flowing streams. I've crossed the fair green plains of Meath, To Dublin, held in Saxon thrall; But never saw such pearly teeth, As her's that smiled by Cushendall. "O Con! thou'rt rich in yellow gold, Thy fields are filled with lowing kine, Within they castles wealth untold, Within thy harbours fleets of wine; But yield not, Con, to worldly pride Thou may'st be rich, but hast not all; Far richer he who for his bride Has won fair Anne of Cushendall. "She leans upon a husband's arm, Surrounded by a valiant clan, In Antrim's Glynnes, by fair Glenarm, Beyond the pearly-paven Bann; 'Mid hazel woods no stately tree Looks up to heaven more graceful-tall, When summer clothes its boughs, than she, MacDonnell's wife of Cushendall!" The bard retires amid the throng, No sweet applause rewards his song, No friendly lip that guerdon breathes, To bard more sweet than golden wreaths. It might have been the minstrel's art Had lost the power to move the heart, It might have been his harp had grown Too old to yield its wonted tone. But no, if hearts were cold and hard, 'Twas not the fault of harp or bard; It was no false or broken sound That failed to move the clansmen round. Not these the men, nor these the times, To nicely weigh the worth of rhymes; 'Twas what he said that made them chill, And not his singing well or ill.

117<br />

To Desmond of the flowing streams.<br />

I've crossed the fair green plains of Meath,<br />

To Dublin, held in Saxon thrall;<br />

But never saw such pearly teeth,<br />

As her's that smiled by Cushendall.<br />

"O Con! thou'rt rich in yellow gold,<br />

Thy fields are filled with lowing kine,<br />

Within they castles wealth untold,<br />

Within thy harbours fleets of wine;<br />

But yield not, Con, to worldly pride<br />

Thou may'st be rich, but hast not all;<br />

Far richer he who for his bride<br />

Has won fair Anne of Cushendall.<br />

"She leans upon a husband's arm,<br />

Surrounded by a valiant clan,<br />

In Antrim's Glynnes, by fair Glenarm,<br />

Beyond the pearly-paven Bann;<br />

'Mid hazel woods no stately tree<br />

Looks up to heaven more graceful-tall,<br />

When summer clothes its boughs, than she,<br />

MacDonnell's wife of Cushendall!"<br />

The bard retires amid the throng,<br />

No sweet applause rewards his song,<br />

No friendly lip that guerdon breathes,<br />

To bard more sweet than golden wreaths.<br />

It might have been the minstrel's art<br />

Had lost the power to move the heart,<br />

It might have been his harp had grown<br />

Too old to yield its wonted tone.<br />

But no, if hearts were cold and hard,<br />

'Twas not the fault of harp or bard;<br />

It was no false or broken sound<br />

That failed to move the clansmen round.<br />

Not these the men, nor these the times,<br />

To nicely weigh the worth of rhymes;<br />

'Twas what he said that made them chill,<br />

And not his singing well or ill.

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