Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis


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105<br />

Her cold hands chilled the bosom they embraced.<br />

Who is this youth, whose forehead, like a book,<br />

Bears many a deep-traced character of pain?<br />

Who looks for pardon as the damned may look--<br />

That ever pray, and know they pray in vain.<br />

'Tis he, the wretched youth--the Demon's prey;<br />

One sudden bound, and he is at her side--<br />

One piercing shriek, and she has swooned away,<br />

Dim are her eyes, and cold her heart's warm tide.<br />

Horror and terror seize the startled crowd;<br />

The sinewy hands are nerveless with affright;<br />

When, as the wind beareth a summer cloud,<br />

The youth bears off the maiden from their sight.<br />

Close to the place the stream rushed roaring by,<br />

His little boat lay moored beneath the bank,<br />

Hid from the shore, and from the gazer's eye,<br />

By waving reeds and water-willows dank.<br />

Hither, with flying feet and glowing brow,<br />

He fled, as quick as fancies in a dream--<br />

Placed the insensate maiden in the prow--<br />

Pushed from the shore, and gained the open stream.<br />

Scarce had he left the river's foamy edge,<br />

When sudden darkness fell on hill and plain;<br />

The angry sun, shocked at the sacrilege,<br />

Fled from the heavens with all his golden train;<br />

The stream rushed quicker, like a man afeared;<br />

Down swept the storm and clove its breast of green,<br />

And though the calm and brightness reappeared<br />

The youth and maiden never more were seen.<br />

Whether the current in its strong arms bore<br />

Their bark to green Hy-Brasail's fairy halls,<br />

Or whether, as is told along that shore,<br />

They sunk within the buried city's walls;<br />

Whether through some Elysian clime they stray,<br />

Or o'er their whitened bones the river rolls;--<br />

Whate'er their fate, my brothers, let us pray<br />

To God for peace and pardon to their souls.

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