Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis Poems MacCarthy, Florence Denis

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100 And breathes Eternity's favonian air; Yet fond Tradition lingers o'er her tomb, And paints her glorious features as they were:-- Her smile was Eden's pure and stainless light, Which never cloud nor earthly vapour mars; Her lustrous eyes were like the noon of night-- Black, but yet brightened by a thousand stars; Her tender form, moulded in modest grace, Shrank from the gazer's eye, and moved apart; Heaven shone reflected in her angel face, And God reposed within her virgin heart. She dwelt in green Moyarta's pleasant land, Beneath the graceful hills of Clonderlaw,-- Sweet sunny hills, whose triple summits stand, One vast tiara over stream and shaw. Almost in solitude the maiden grew, And reached her early budding woman's prime; And all so noiselessly the swift time flew, She knew not of the name or flight of Time. And thus, within her modest mountain nest, This gentle maiden nestled like a dove, Offering to God from her pure innocent breast The sweet and silent incense of her love. No selfish feeling nor presumptuous pride In her calm bosom waged unnatural strife; Saint of her home and hearth, she sanctified The thousand trivial common cares of life. Upon the opposite shore there dwelt a youth, Whose nature's woof was woven of good and ill-- Whose stream of life flowed to the sea of truth, But in a devious course, round many a hill-- Now lingering through a valley of delight, Where sweet flowers bloomed, and summer songbirds sung, Now hurled along the dark, tempestuous night, With gloomy, treeless mountains overhung. He sought the soul of Beauty throughout space,

101 Knowledge he tracked through many a vanished age: For one he scanned fair Nature's radiant face, And for the other, Learning's shrivelled page. If Beauty sent some fair apostle down, Or Knowledge some great teacher of her lore, Bearing the wreath of rapture and the crown, He knelt to love, to learn, and to adore. Full many a time he spread his little sail, How rough the river, or how dark the skies, Gave his light corrach to the angry gale, And crossed the stream to gaze on Ethna's eyes. As yet 'twas worship, more than human love, That hopeless adoration that we pay Unto some glorious planet throned above, Through severed from its crystal sphere for aye. But warmer love an easy conquest won, The more he came to green Moyarta's bowers; Even as the earth, by gazing on the sun, In summer-time puts forth her myriad flowers. The yearnings of his heart--vague, undefined-- Wakened and solaced by ideal gleams, Took everlasting shape, and intertwined Around this incarnation of his dreams. Some strange fatality restrained his tongue-- He spoke not of the love that filled his breast; The thread of hope, on which his whole life hung, Was far too weak to bear so strong a test. He trusted to the future--time, or chance-- His constant homage and assiduous care; Preferred to dream, and lengthen out his trance, Rather than wake to knowledge and despair. And thus she knew not, when the youth would look Upon some pictured chronicle of eld, In every blazoned letter of the book One fairest face was all that he beheld: And where the limner, with consummate art, Drew flowing lines and quaint devices rare,

100<br />

And breathes Eternity's favonian air;<br />

Yet fond Tradition lingers o'er her tomb,<br />

And paints her glorious features as they were:--<br />

Her smile was Eden's pure and stainless light,<br />

Which never cloud nor earthly vapour mars;<br />

Her lustrous eyes were like the noon of night--<br />

Black, but yet brightened by a thousand stars;<br />

Her tender form, moulded in modest grace,<br />

Shrank from the gazer's eye, and moved apart;<br />

Heaven shone reflected in her angel face,<br />

And God reposed within her virgin heart.<br />

She dwelt in green Moyarta's pleasant land,<br />

Beneath the graceful hills of Clonderlaw,--<br />

Sweet sunny hills, whose triple summits stand,<br />

One vast tiara over stream and shaw.<br />

Almost in solitude the maiden grew,<br />

And reached her early budding woman's prime;<br />

And all so noiselessly the swift time flew,<br />

She knew not of the name or flight of Time.<br />

And thus, within her modest mountain nest,<br />

This gentle maiden nestled like a dove,<br />

Offering to God from her pure innocent breast<br />

The sweet and silent incense of her love.<br />

No selfish feeling nor presumptuous pride<br />

In her calm bosom waged unnatural strife;<br />

Saint of her home and hearth, she sanctified<br />

The thousand trivial common cares of life.<br />

Upon the opposite shore there dwelt a youth,<br />

Whose nature's woof was woven of good and ill--<br />

Whose stream of life flowed to the sea of truth,<br />

But in a devious course, round many a hill--<br />

Now lingering through a valley of delight,<br />

Where sweet flowers bloomed, and summer songbirds sung,<br />

Now hurled along the dark, tempestuous night,<br />

With gloomy, treeless mountains overhung.<br />

He sought the soul of Beauty throughout space,

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