Sedimentary dust (mg/m 2 day) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Allowed average value Allowed high value Places of measurement Average monthly value High value Figure 3. Determined average and maximum values of sedimentary dust Airborne dust LC-10 (g/m 3 ) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Dry, transport work Rainy, transport work Dry, transport does not work Rainy, transport does not work Average LC-10 Allowed average LC-10 High value LC-10 Allowed high value LC-10 Figure 4. Determined values of airborne dust LC -10 Airborne dust ULC (g/m 3 ) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Dry, transport Rainy, transport Dry, transport Rainy, transport work work does not work does not work Average ULC Allowed average ULC High value ULC Allowed high value ULC Figure 5. Determined value of the total airborne dust 192

23 rd 4 DISCUSSION The results of measurements and comparison with the air quality limit values for average annual value, but also for the high value notes that all of the measured values of emissions of harmful pollutants are below the prescribed limits. The reason for this is the dynamic of removing overburden from the mine waste and tailings from mining. The frequency of vehicles on the roads is at a frequency of 1 dig vehicle is moving toward the landfill every 13 minutes, until it returns with another vehicle disposal on land. Crossing takes place in the middle the route, or the part of the route that passes through the village . Such traffic frequency is not characterized by driving transport vehicles in the row, and the emissions of exhaust gases, regardless of the amount and concentration, are not high enough to significantly influence the general change in the air quality in the investigated area. However, no matter the measured values of gaseous pollutants are below the limit, it is indicative that the laboratory analysis showed the appearance of harmful pollutants that are not found in the natural setting of the village, but that they are the result of the effects of mining operations located in the village environment . Traces of extremely harmful pollutants, formaldehyde and acrolein in the atmosphere of the village, which is emitted from the exhaust gases of diesel pick-up trucks, warn that some measures to reduce emissions of these pollutants have to be made. Measurements of emissions and dust settling airborne dust is determined as follows: - From these measurement points at the measuring point 7, which is located at 20 m from the route of transport, maximum concentrations were determined for the average monthly value of precipitated powder (4610.83 mg/m 2 day). Concentration of precipitated powder-dust sediment, the other measuring points are also above the normative value of 200 mg/m 2 day, ie from 350 mg/m 2 day. - Imission deposited dust decreased significantly with increasing distance from the pathway. For the measurement of 100 m away from the route of transport emissions of dust deposited in the winter go below normative values. These results indicate that the effect of truck transport decreases with distance from the pathway. - At tests were being conducted during two periods, winter and spring, it can be seen that the spring feature has higher emissions, dust settling on the measuring cells immediately around the route, which is logical, because the emitted dust is mostly deposited directly at the source of dust. The winter has generally lower concentrations of dust settling on the section of the route compared to the spring, although the values are still above the concentration limits. - The maximum value of particulate matter less than 10 micrometers (LC-10) was measured in terms of: Dry, truck freight works at the measuring point 7, and 20 m from the transport route. - The exceeding of the airborne dust concentration was measured in all cases except when it's wet, then transport does not work. - Total suspended particles present floating dust sizes up to 40 micrometers. According to the measurements of the largest ULC dust emissions were measured in the dry period when there is truck transport. - Decline the airborne dust with increasing distance of transport routes is not as enhanced as in the sedymentary dust. Emissions, dust suspended above the allowable values for measurement points that are further away from transport routes. 193

Sedimentary dust (mg/m 2 day)<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

Allowed average value<br />

Allowed high value Places of measurement<br />

Average monthly value<br />

High value<br />

Figure 3. Determined average and maximum values of sedimentary dust<br />

Airborne dust LC-10 (g/m 3 )<br />

1800<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Dry, transport<br />

work<br />

Rainy, transport<br />

work<br />

Dry, transport<br />

does not work<br />

Rainy, transport<br />

does not work<br />

Average LC-10 Allowed average LC-10 High value LC-10 Allowed high value LC-10<br />

Figure 4. Determined values of airborne dust LC -10<br />

Airborne dust ULC (g/m 3 )<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

0<br />

Dry, transport Rainy, transport Dry, transport Rainy, transport<br />

work<br />

work<br />

does not work does not work<br />

Average ULC Allowed average ULC High value ULC Allowed high value ULC<br />

Figure 5. Determined value of the total airborne dust<br />


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