y alluvium. Green schist and hornfelsic units are situated in northern part of the deposit. Granitic units occurred in central and southern parts of the deposit. Alteration zones in the deposit consist of silicification and argilic types. There is silisic veins and veinlets by aperture between 1 cm and 1 m and rarely consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite and Fe-oxides. 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES FOR DATA EXTRACTION 3.1 Pre-Processing and Corrections Before processing the satellite images, it is necessary that some corrections should be made on the images, which is called the preprocessing stage. These corrections are applied to the raw images, which includes geometric correction, radiometric correction (to correct the effects of the uncertainties of climate, topography and sensitivity of the sensor) and Layer Stacking (matching VNIR and SWIR) and etc. In this project, VNIR and SWIR bands of ASTER image with a pixel size of 15 m for Layer Stacking (PS = 15m) was made and then a PIX file format was developed to be used in the processing stage. Satellite images often contain some redundant data that calling them "noise" such as false light and atmospheric effects (humidity and cloud). The present of this data, will reduce the image resolution (contrast).This information should be removed from image to be clearer. Therefore, after applying the correction, the appropriate enhancement and detection is performed in PCI GeomaticaV9.1 software. 3.2 ASTER Image Processing Satellite image processing provides the possibility of extraction geological data: -Altered distinguish zones according to the type of geological units. - Identification and mapping of fractures and faults to evaluate the structural situation. -Evaluation of alteration zones associated with faults and fracture systems -Separating intrusive units according to their possible role in mineralization in the area. 3.2.1 Lineaments, faults and structures extracting To distinguish structures in satellite images, usually based on the status of the plants, the drainages path deviation, an abrupt change in lithology, differences in images tone and texture and changing Lithological unit's trend. Structures are including major and minor faults, annular structures that were divided in Image Work section from PCI GeomaticaV9.1 software with using different filters in the studied area. Filter is applied to the better detections of structures.Geological structures, faults and ring structures in many geological environments have significant association with mineralization. In other word, structures control the mineralization processes. In fact, the faults are considered as suitable place for adoption minerals. The first Structures that identified by satellite images were ring Structures. These structures can be associated with the intrusive effects which have any outcrops at the surface, but cause to alterations at surface. Many alterations occurred at the intersection of faults or ring structures. Thus, identifying and mapping on satellite images help to the exploration of mineral potential and tectonic position in the study area. For detection of ring structures in the study area, ASTER images with different band combinations were used. Initially, it was used 1,2,3 band combination in RGB with using Image Work section from PCI GeomaticaV9.1 and Arc View 3.2 software and structures were identified in these band combination(Fig 3b,3c). Then, 1,3,4 band combination was used to verify the extracted data. Concurrent, were used Edge Sharpening filters (to detect faults border and ring structures) and Laplacian Edge detector filter (for separating mountain ridges of faults). In Figure 3a, the image of ETM, Landsat 7, are shown general trend of the overall structures of study area. As you can see in 180

23 rd this figure, the lithology unit trends are the NE -SW which is associated with a large ring structure. This ring structure could increase the possibility of mineralization in other parts of the structure. Figure 3a.Image of ETM Landsat with combining bands 2,4,7 in RGB and show the overall structure of tectonic in studied area. In this figure, ring structure (turquoise line), major faults with NE-SW trend (blue lines) and studied area (red rectangle) are shown. Figure 3b. ASTER satellite image with band combination 1,3,4 in RGB and show ring structures ( turquoise line) and studied area (green rectangle) . Figure 3c. ASTER satellite image with band combination 1,3,4 in RGB and show minor faults (yellow lines) and studied area (green rectangle) Figure 3b, shows overview of ring structures and Figure 3c, also shows the fault lines in the study area (green rectangle). As you can see in these figures, Major faults (yellow lines) are the main trends in the region with the NE – SW. 3.2.2 Identification and differentiation of rock units For identification of rock units in this area, bands VNIR (wavelength range 0.52 to 0.86 µm) and SWIR (wavelength range 1/6to 2/34 µm) were evaluated in different combination band for the rock units. Finally, the combination band (RGB = 631) with simultaneous application of equalization and Linear filters were used for better representing the spectral and spatial variations of pixels and better visual acuity and identification of the boundaries between rock units. After separation of the geological units, the unit's controlled and were named with field operations. 181

23 rd <br />

this figure, the lithology unit trends are the<br />

NE -SW which is associated with a large ring<br />

structure. This ring structure could increase<br />

the possibility of mineralization in other<br />

parts of the structure.<br />

Figure 3a.Image of ETM Landsat with combining bands 2,4,7 in RGB and show the overall<br />

structure of tectonic in studied area. In this figure, ring structure (turquoise line), major faults<br />

with NE-SW trend (blue lines) and studied area (red rectangle) are shown. Figure 3b. ASTER<br />

satellite image with band combination 1,3,4 in RGB and show ring structures ( turquoise line)<br />

and studied area (green rectangle) . Figure 3c. ASTER satellite image with band combination<br />

1,3,4 in RGB and show minor faults (yellow lines) and studied area (green rectangle)<br />

Figure 3b, shows overview of ring<br />

structures and Figure 3c, also shows the fault<br />

lines in the study area (green rectangle). As<br />

you can see in these figures, Major faults<br />

(yellow lines) are the main trends in the<br />

region with the NE – SW.<br />

3.2.2 Identification and differentiation of<br />

rock units<br />

For identification of rock units in this area,<br />

bands VNIR (wavelength range 0.52 to 0.86<br />

µm) and SWIR (wavelength range 1/6to 2/34<br />

µm) were evaluated in different combination<br />

band for the rock units.<br />

Finally, the combination band (RGB =<br />

631) with simultaneous application of<br />

equalization and Linear filters were used for<br />

better representing the spectral and spatial<br />

variations of pixels and better visual acuity<br />

and identification of the boundaries between<br />

rock units. After separation of the geological<br />

units, the unit's controlled and were named<br />

with field operations.<br />


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