M. Coli, M. Baldi rediscover an ancient world, its social context, organization, and land use as developed through time by the numerous Ancient Egyptian Kingdoms and the Roman and Byzantine Empires. The Authors thank Prof. Gloria Rosati (Archaeologist, University of Firenze, Italy), for her contribute and Prof. Daniele Castrizio (University of Messina, Italy) for the evaluation of the present day value of the ancient Dracma. Figure 10. One of the best preserved signal towers: it is squared and built with slabs of the local schists (reconstructions from Sidebotham et al. 2008). Towers were built with stones collected in the neighbourhood, therefore, according to the local stone resources, they were built in granites, schists, metabasites). Stones were carefully stacked without mortar and with the inner filled by debris; they were roughly squared about 3,0-3,5m a side and a few meters high (Sidebotham et al., 2008). 7 FINAL REMARKS The results of the research outline a strict relationship between geological setting, quarry and mine sites, and excavation techniques, which in turn attest and confirm, once again, the good knowledge of the territory and its setting that both the Egyptians and the Romans/Byzantines had. A follow-up of this study could be done to define criteria and develop methods of conservation for the great cultural heritage in the Wadi Hammamat area: mines, quarries, settlements, inscriptions, and the whole know-how of ancient extraction activity. In our opinion that goal can be reached by: - creating a museum in the degraded hydreuma of El-Fawakhir in which the history, the technology and the life related to the extraction activity in the area could be displayed, - organizing guided visits to quarry and mine sites. Indeed, existing local knowledge and written history provide the elements to REFERENCES Abdeen, M.M., & Greiling, R.O., 2005, A Quantitative Structural Study of Late Pan-African Compressional Deformation in the Central Eastern Desert (Egypt) During Gondwana Assembly. Gondwana Research, 8/4, pp 457-471. Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M., 1969, Lithostratigraphy of the Hammamat-Um Seleimat District, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Nature, 223, pp 284-285. Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M, 1978, Principal lithostratigraphic units of the Arabian Desert orogenic belt between latitudes 25°35 ' and 36°30'N. Proc. Egypt. Acad. Sci. 31, pp 293-309. Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M., 1980, Geology and lithostratigraphy of the Arabian Desert orogenic belt of Egypt between latitudes 25°35' and 26°30’N. In: Coaray, EG., Tahoun, S.A. (Eds.), Evolution and Mineralization of the Arabian- Nubian Shield. Inst. Appl. Geol. Jeddah Bull. 3, pp 127-135. Arnold D. (1991) Building in Egypt. Pharaonic Stone Masonry, Oxford Univ. Press, New York- Oxford. Aston B.G., Harrell J.A., Shaw I. (2000) Stone. In Nicholson P.T.-Shaw I. eds., Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 5-77. Aufrère S. (1991) L’univers minéral dans la pensée égyptienne, IFAO, Cairo. Bessac J.C. (1986) L’outillage traditionnel du tailleur de pierre de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, suppl.14. CNRS, Paris. Bessac J.C. (1993) Traces d’outils sur la pierre: problématique, méthodes d’études et interprétation. In Francovich R. Ed. (1993), 143- 176. Bessac J.C. (1998) Monuments et carrières: les interactions. In De Marchi M., Mailland F., Zaviglia A. Eds., Lo spessore storico in architettura tra conservazione, restauro, distruzione. Atti del Seminario, Milano 20-21 ottobre 1995, Quaderni dell’Ufficio Qualificazione Tutela e Promozione, 18

23 rd Associazione Lombarda di Archeologia, Milano, 15-40. Bessac J.C., Journot F., Prigent D., Sapin C., Seigne J. (1999) La construction en pierre. Ed. Errance, Paris. Bloxam E. (2010) Quarrying and Mining (Stone). In Willeke Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopaedia of Egyptology, UC Los Angeles, USA, 1-15. Borghini G. (1989) Marmi antichi, De Luca Edizioni d’Arte, Roma, 342 pg. Brown V.M. & Harrell, J.A. (1995) Topographical and petrological survey of ancient Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, in Y. Maniatis, N. Herz and Y. Bassiakis (eds.), "The Study of Marble and Other Stones Used in Antiquity - ASMOSIA III, Athens", Transactions of the 3rd International Symposium of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity: University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 221-234 Closs H. (1922) Tectonic und Magma, Bd. I. Abh. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., N.F. 89. Coli M. & Marino L. (2008) Principles of Natural Stones Use and Practices from the Western Side of the Silk Road. ISRM News Journal, vol. 11, 74-81 De Putter T. & Karlshausen C. (1992) Les pierres utilisées dans la sculpture et l’architecture de l’Égypte pharaonique. Connaisance de l’Égypte Ancienne, Bruxelles. Eliwa H.A., Kimura J.I., Itaya T. (2006) Late Neoproterozoic Dokhan Volcanics, North Eastern Desert, Egypt: Geochemestry and petrogenesis. Precambrian Research, 151, 31-52. Essawy M.A. & Abu Zeid K.M. (1972) Atalla felsite intrusion and its neighbouring rhyolitic flows and tuffs, Eastern Desert. Annales Geol. Survey Egypt, II, 271-280. El-Ramly M.F. & Akaad M.K. (1960) The basement complex in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt between Lat. 24° 30` and 25° 40` N. Geol. Surv. Egypt. Paper No.8. Fowler T.J. & Osman A.F. (2001) Gneiss-cored interference dome associated with two phases of late Pan-African thrusting in the Central Eatern Desert, Egypt. Precambrian Research, 108, 17-34. Giampaolo C., Lombardi G., Mariottini M. (2008) Pietre e costruito della città di Roma: dall’antichità ai giorni nostri. In: La Geologia di Roma, R. Funiciello, A. Praturlon & G. Giordano Eds., Mem Descr. Carta Geol. It., LXXX/I, 273- 406. Harrell J.A. (1995) Ancient Egyptian origins of some common rock names. Journal of Geological Education, 43, 30-34. Harrell J.A. & Brown V.M. (1992) The oldest surviving topographical map from Ancient Egypt: (Turin Papyri 1879, 1899 and 1969). Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 29, 81- 105. Harrell J.A., Brown M.V., Lazzarini L. (2002) Breccia Verde Antica: source, petrology and uses. In: L. Lazzarini (ed.): Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone – ASMOSIA VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Venice, June 15-18, 2000, Bottega d'Erasmo Aldo Ausilio Editore (Padova), 207-218. Harrell J.A. & Storemyr P. (2009) Ancient Egyptian Quarries – an illustrated overview. In Abu-Jaber et al. Eds, QuarryScapes: ancient stone quarry landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean, Geological Survey of Norway, Sp. Publ. 12, 7-50. Herz N. & Waelkens M. (eds.) (1988) Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade. Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht, Boston) and NATO ASI Series E, Applied Sciences, 153. Holail M.H. & Moghazi M.A.-K. (1998) Provenenace, tectonic setting and geochemistry of grywackes and siltstones of Late Precambrian Hammamat Group, Egypt. Sedimentary Geology, 116, 227-250. Klemm R. & Klemm D.D. (1993/2008) Stone and Quarries in Ancient Egypt, British Museum Press, London (first German ed.: Springer Verlag, Berlin 1993). Klemm D., Klemm R., Murr A. (2001) Gold of the Pharaohs – 6000 years of gold mining in Egypt and Nubia. J. African Earth Sc., 33, 643-659. Lazzarini L. (2002) La determinazione della provenienza delle pietre decorative usate dai Romani. In “I Marmi Colorati della Roma Imperiale”, a cura di M. Di Nuccio & L. Ungaro, Marsilio Ed., 223-266. Matthias B. (2002) Considerazioni sulle cave, sui metodi di estrazione, di lavorazione e sui trasporti. In “I Marmi Colorati della Roma Imperiale”, a cura di M. Di Nuccio & L. Ungaro, Marsilio Ed., 179-194. Meyer C. (1997) Bir Umm Fawakhir: insights into Ancient Egyptian mining. JOM, 49/3, 64-68. Meyer C. (1998) Gold-miners and mining at Bir Umm Fawakhir. In: “Social approaches to an industrial past: the archaeology and anthropology of mining. A.B. Knapp, V.C. Pigott and E.W. Herbert Eds., Routledge, 306 pp. Meyer C., Heidron L.A., Kaegi W.E., Wilfong T. (2000) Bir Umm fawakhir Project 1993. A Byzantine Gold-mining Town in Egypt. Chicago Oriental Institute Meyer C., Earl B., Omar M., Smither R. (2003) Ancient Gold Extraction at Bir Umm Fawakhir. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 40. 19

M. Coli, M. Baldi<br />

rediscover an ancient world, its social<br />

context, organization, and land use as<br />

developed through time by the numerous<br />

Ancient Egyptian Kingdoms and the Roman<br />

and Byzantine Empires.<br />

The Authors thank Prof. Gloria Rosati<br />

(Archaeologist, University of Firenze, Italy), for her<br />

contribute and Prof. Daniele Castrizio (University of<br />

Messina, Italy) for the evaluation of the present day<br />

value of the ancient Dracma.<br />

Figure 10. One of the best preserved signal<br />

towers: it is squared and built with slabs of<br />

the local schists (reconstructions from<br />

Sidebotham et al. 2008).<br />

Towers were built with stones collected in<br />

the neighbourhood, therefore, according to<br />

the local stone resources, they were built in<br />

granites, schists, metabasites). Stones were<br />

carefully stacked without mortar and with<br />

the inner filled by debris; they were roughly<br />

squared about 3,0-3,5m a side and a few<br />

meters high (Sidebotham et al., 2008).<br />


The results of the research outline a strict<br />

relationship between geological setting,<br />

quarry and mine sites, and excavation<br />

techniques, which in turn attest and confirm,<br />

once again, the good knowledge of the<br />

territory and its setting that both the<br />

Egyptians and the Romans/Byzantines had.<br />

A follow-up of this study could be done to<br />

define criteria and develop methods of<br />

conservation for the great cultural heritage in<br />

the Wadi Hammamat area: mines, quarries,<br />

settlements, inscriptions, and the whole<br />

know-how of ancient extraction activity. In<br />

our opinion that goal can be reached by:<br />

- creating a museum in the degraded<br />

hydreuma of El-Fawakhir in which the<br />

history, the technology and the life related<br />

to the extraction activity in the area could<br />

be displayed,<br />

- organizing guided visits to quarry and mine<br />

sites.<br />

Indeed, existing local knowledge and<br />

written history provide the elements to<br />


Abdeen, M.M., & Greiling, R.O., 2005, A<br />

Quantitative Structural Study of Late Pan-African<br />

Compressional Deformation in the Central<br />

Eastern Desert (Egypt) During Gondwana<br />

Assembly. Gondwana Research, 8/4, pp 457-471.<br />

Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M., 1969,<br />

Lithostratigraphy of the Hammamat-Um Seleimat<br />

District, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Nature, 223, pp<br />

284-285.<br />

Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M, 1978, Principal<br />

lithostratigraphic units of the Arabian Desert<br />

orogenic belt between latitudes 25°35 ' and<br />

36°30'N. Proc. Egypt. Acad. Sci. 31, pp 293-309.<br />

Akaad, M.K., & Noweir, A.M., 1980, Geology and<br />

lithostratigraphy of the Arabian Desert orogenic<br />

belt of Egypt between latitudes 25°35' and<br />

26°30’N. In: Coaray, EG., Tahoun, S.A. (Eds.),<br />

Evolution and Mineralization of the Arabian-<br />

Nubian Shield. Inst. Appl. Geol. Jeddah Bull. 3,<br />

pp 127-135.<br />

Arnold D. (1991) Building in Egypt. Pharaonic<br />

Stone Masonry, Oxford Univ. Press, New York-<br />

Oxford.<br />

Aston B.G., Harrell J.A., Shaw I. (2000) Stone. In<br />

Nicholson P.T.-Shaw I. eds., Ancient Egyptian<br />

Materials and Technology, Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, Cambridge, 5-77.<br />

Aufrère S. (1991) L’univers minéral dans la pensée<br />

égyptienne, IFAO, Cairo.<br />

Bessac J.C. (1986) L’outillage traditionnel du<br />

tailleur de pierre de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Revue<br />

archéologique de Narbonnaise, suppl.14. CNRS,<br />

Paris.<br />

Bessac J.C. (1993) Traces d’outils sur la pierre:<br />

problématique, méthodes d’études et<br />

interprétation. In Francovich R. Ed. (1993), 143-<br />

176.<br />

Bessac J.C. (1998) Monuments et carrières: les<br />

interactions. In De Marchi M., Mailland F.,<br />

Zaviglia A. Eds., Lo spessore storico in<br />

architettura tra conservazione, restauro,<br />

distruzione. Atti del Seminario, Milano 20-21<br />

ottobre 1995, Quaderni dell’Ufficio<br />

Qualificazione Tutela e Promozione,<br />


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