ore is a big environmental problem to some mining companies. In conventional mining, the transportation is discontinuous, that is, done by trucks. This transportation method has advantages such as high mobility. However, the damage to the environment is meaningful, such as the generation of oily waste, tires and scrap, besides the generation of carbon dioxide due to the burning of fossil fuels and the need of vegetation removal for road building. Figure 1 shows the conventional extraction method cycle. pit crushing and conveying. Articles and theses were selected, based on the theme. 3 DISCUSSIONS In the beginning of the 1940s studies of alternatives to ore transportation by trucks were initiated because it was responsible for more than half the costs of mining. According to Trueman, 52% of the activities cost in a mine that operates by the conventional method belong to ore transportation by trucks (Trueman, 2001). This cost distribution is shown on Figure 2. Figure 1: Conventional extraction method cycle. Besides all these issues regarding the environment, discontinuous transportation is expensive, because the trucks operate empty for 50% of the time. So, alternatively, the continuous conveyors emerged. And these proved to be far less injurious to the environment. In this article, the objective is discussing an alternative transportation system to the trucks. This transportation system consists of belt conveyors and mobile crushers, which together form a system called IPCC, also known as continuous transportation. 2 METHODOLOGY The following databases were consulted: Portal de Periódicos Capes, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), theses from the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. The following key words were used: mining, conveyor belt, mobile crusher, in – Figure 2: Cost of mining conventional method The alternative found to ore transportation by trucks was the use of conveyors. The ore is subjected to dismantling, loaded by loaders and released on a conveyor belt that carries the ore to the plant for crushing and further processing. For better choosing the type of conveyor belt, the distance that the belt has to beat, the type of material and the level difference between loading and unloading are taken into account. In the mineral production bulk commodities transportation is the object of great attention because of its influence on the operating and maintenance costs and the concerns about safety and the environment. The conveyor belts are presented as a means of transportation suitable for a wide variety of applications, for its security, reliability and low implementation and operation cost (Calijome, 2011). 166

23 rd According to Lopes, the biggest costs of mining with conveyor belts are divided between dismantling and loading. The costs of loading are meaningful because they encompass two operating activities: loading and transportation of the material from the mine to the belts both performed by the loaders. The transport by conveyor belts represents only 9% of the costs in this mining method (Lopes, 2010). Since the decade of 1960, some Brazilian mining companies are employing this means of transportation, which offers several advantages, such as: the ability to beat up to 30% slopes, lower operating cost than the conventional mining method with transportation by trucks, low maintenance cost, significant reduction of occupational accidents and mainly reduction of carbon dioxide, dust and noise emission. Figure 3 shows a conveyor belt from Germano Mine. It belongs to a company called Samarco Mineração. decrease of operating costs. With the increasing demand for higher productivity and lower operating costs, a growing number of companies recognize the benefits of mobile crushing. A mobile crusher is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Mobile crusher fed by a loader. The junction of a mobile crusher with a conveyor belt form a system called In-Pit Crushing and Conveying. Currently, the most advanced transportation method is the self-propelled crushing system. It consists of self-propelled equipment which moves through belts. The ore is removed by excavators, fragmented in a mobile crusher and propelled to the conveyor belt without the need of the loaders loading the ore at the conveyor. This system is shown in Figure 5. Figure 3: Conveyor belt from Germano Mine. Around the decade of 1950, the mobile crushing system emerged. This system is characterized by the crushing taking place inside a pit. According to Schröder, in 1953 the Thyssenkrupp built the first mobile crusher, which was used in lime extraction on a mine in Germany (Schröder, 2003). With the creation of these mobile crushers, after the dismantling, the ore began being comminuted still in the pit, loaded by loaders up to the conveyor belt to be sent, either to the processing plant, either to direct dispatch to clients. This brought a further Figure 5: Self-propelled crushing system. Lopes conducted a study in a mine called Alegria to Samarco Mineração in the region 167

23 rd <br />

According to Lopes, the biggest costs of<br />

mining with conveyor belts are divided<br />

between dismantling and loading. The costs<br />

of loading are meaningful because they<br />

encompass two operating activities: loading<br />

and transportation of the material from the<br />

mine to the belts both performed by the<br />

loaders. The transport by conveyor belts<br />

represents only 9% of the costs in this<br />

mining method (Lopes, 2010).<br />

Since the decade of 1960, some Brazilian<br />

mining companies are employing this means<br />

of transportation, which offers several<br />

advantages, such as: the ability to beat up to<br />

30% slopes, lower operating cost than the<br />

conventional mining method with<br />

transportation by trucks, low maintenance<br />

cost, significant reduction of occupational<br />

accidents and mainly reduction of carbon<br />

dioxide, dust and noise emission. Figure 3<br />

shows a conveyor belt from Germano Mine.<br />

It belongs to a company called Samarco<br />

Mineração.<br />

decrease of operating costs. With the<br />

increasing demand for higher productivity<br />

and lower operating costs, a growing number<br />

of companies recognize the benefits of<br />

mobile crushing. A mobile crusher is shown<br />

in Figure 4.<br />

Figure 4: Mobile crusher fed by a loader.<br />

The junction of a mobile crusher with a<br />

conveyor belt form a system called In-Pit<br />

Crushing and Conveying. Currently, the<br />

most advanced transportation method is the<br />

self-propelled crushing system. It consists of<br />

self-propelled equipment which moves<br />

through belts. The ore is removed by<br />

excavators, fragmented in a mobile crusher<br />

and propelled to the conveyor belt without<br />

the need of the loaders loading the ore at the<br />

conveyor. This system is shown in Figure 5.<br />

Figure 3: Conveyor belt from Germano<br />

Mine.<br />

Around the decade of 1950, the mobile<br />

crushing system emerged. This system is<br />

characterized by the crushing taking place<br />

inside a pit. According to Schröder, in 1953<br />

the Thyssenkrupp built the first mobile<br />

crusher, which was used in lime extraction<br />

on a mine in Germany (Schröder, 2003).<br />

With the creation of these mobile<br />

crushers, after the dismantling, the ore began<br />

being comminuted still in the pit, loaded by<br />

loaders up to the conveyor belt to be sent,<br />

either to the processing plant, either to direct<br />

dispatch to clients. This brought a further<br />

Figure 5: Self-propelled crushing system.<br />

Lopes conducted a study in a mine called<br />

Alegria to Samarco Mineração in the region<br />


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