limestone and some other industrial minerals, this formula cannot be applied to evaluate the economic value of blocks. The reasons is that, the aim of mining the latter group of minerals (i.e. iron ore, coal, limestone), is to achieve a predetermined quality, and the price obtained for blended ore is constant and it does not depend on the quality of each individual block. In fact, there are various blocks with different qualities and ore-types which must be blended to produce a marketable product with regard to consumer’s targets. Ore-types are assigned on the basis of ore grade and contaminants. The solution to the problem of how to generate an optimal pit which contains an optimal mix of ores blocks is a combined operation of pit and blend optimizing. The aim of combined pit and blend optimizing is to produce a pit which yields different oretypes in such quantities that the sum of the profits of mining and blending operation is maximized. Mol and Gillies (1984) take the advantages of grade-tonnage curve to determine a cut-off grade in iron ore deposits, in accordance with the blend requirements. The main drawback of the approach is that it does not optimize the pit design. This technique may also lead to abandoning of some low grade blocks with low impurities, which might be included in the blended product. Srinivasan and Whittle (1996) developed a heuristic method to combine pit and blend optimization. Their method iteratively changes the price of each ore type until the quality of ore types mined is equal to the blending requirements. Osanloo and Rahmanpour (2012) developed an approach based on a combination of Binary integer programming (BIP) and network flow. In this method, those blocks that meet the blending requirements are selected using BIP. Then applying maximum flow technique, the final pit limit of the mine considering blending options is determined. This approach iteratively uses BIP to select the ore blocks that meet the blending requirements, which is quite time consuming. Therefore, there is a need for some fast algorithms in order to optimize the blending and pit design. This will enable the planner to compare any blending options to select the most suitable and profitable case. Section 2, briefly reviews the available methods for open pit design. Section 3, provides a general mathematical model for blend optimization. In section 4, the combined approach introduced by Osanloo and Rahmanpour (2012) will be described. Then a self-adapting differential evolutionary algorithm is developed for blend optimization. The proposed algorithm is applied to determine the final pit limit for Gol-E-Gohar iron ore mine which is discussed in section 5. Section 6 gives the final remarks of the paper. 2 PIT OPTIMIZATION The aim of pit optimizing is to designs a pit in which (1) pit slope constraints are obeyed, and (2) total value (profit) of the pit is maximized. Pit value is the summation of those block-values that are included in the final pit. BEVs are normally calculated via equation 1. After the calculation of BEVs and developing an economic block model, the ultimate pit limit of the mine can be determined. Various techniques are available to determine the ultimate pit limit. When the ultimate pit limit is determined it means that the value of ore blocks (income) can pay the costs of removing the overlaying waste block (costs). Inside the pit limit, mining operations is economic with the highest profit, and outside the pit limit, open pit mining is not likely to be profitable. Optimum pit design methods are divided into Heuristic and Rigorous methods (Kim, 1979). Heuristics are short cuts to solve the ultimate pit limits problem and heuristics such as moving cone technique are not likely to determine the optimum solution of the ultimate pit limit problem. On the other hand, these methods are easy to implement but it should be noted that they lack the rigorous mathematical proof. Pana (1965) introduced the moving (floating) cone technique. This technique creates a cone for 120

23 rd every ore block and searches for any cone with positive value. Korobov (1974) attempted to improve the Pana’s moving cone method (Kim, 1979). Lerchs and Grossman (1965) used the concept of dynamic programming and they introduced their well-known twodimensional algorithm in order to find an optimum pit limit (Lerchs and Grossman, 1965). Later, Johnson and Sharp (1971) used this idea in order to design a 3Dimensional pit. Koenigsberg (1982) used dynamic programming to find a 3Dimensional optimum pit limit. It was also Lerchs and Grossman (1965) who introduced the use of graph theory in optimum pit design (LG algorithm). They converted the block model of the mine into a graph and determine the ultimate pit limits by solving for the maximum closure of the graph. Zhao and Kim (1992) used this idea with some modifications and they claim that their method is simpler and faster than the LG algorithm. Tolwinski and Underwood (1998) used the concept of graph theory and mathematical programming and solve the dual form of the ultimate pit limit problem. The concept of linear programming in pit limit design problem was first used by Meyer (1969). He made so many hypotheses in his work which results in a non-optimal solution. Huttagosol and Cameron (1992) dealt with pit design as a transportation problem. Pit parameterization is another method introduced by Matheron (1976). In this method instead of directly searching for the pit limit, a parameterization function is determined combine the pit limit determination and production planning using genetic algorithm. Network flow and maximum flow algorithms are other methods for solving the ultimate pit limits. Johnson (1969), Picard (1976), Giannini (1991), Yegulalp et al (1992) and Hochbaum and Chen (2000) used the algorithms of maximum flow to determine the pit limit. Hochbaum and Chen (2002) have extended the recent improvements in network flow algorithms into the LG algorithm (Muir, 2004). Newman et al. (2010) provided a thorough review of pit design algorithms. The traditional open pit optimization algorithms are affected by the uncertainty in key input parameters, leading to suboptimal solutions and deviations from production plans. Whittle and Bozorgebrahimi (2004) developed the concept of hybrid pits to determine the ultimate pit limit in the presence of grade uncertainty. In this approach, conditional simulation and LG algorithm are combined, and using set theory, it leads to the creation of pit outlines with quantifiable degree of risk. The hybrid pits can be used as design guides to avoid the higher uncertainty in early stages of a mine development. Meagher et al. (2009) combined conditional simulation and maximum flow theory to determine the ultimate pit limit and push back design in the presence of grade and price uncertainty. Osanloo et al. (2009) take the advantage of real option to determine the ultimate pit design, in the presence of price uncertainty. The algorithms, developed in the presence of uncertainty are beyond the scope of this paper. In all the algorithms developed to determine the ultimate pit limit, it is assumed that, BEVs are calculated correctly. It should be noted that, the BEVs of the blocks blended to be marketable are the same. However, pit optimization techniques do not deal with the blending issues. 3 BLEND OPTIMIZATION Different objective functions can be defined and used for blend optimization, such as, (1) the total tonnage of blended ore is maximized, while satisfying grade constraints, and (2) the cost of producing a unit of blended product is minimized by determining the ratios in which ore-types should be used, given a unit cost for each ore-type, and satisfying grade constraints of final product. The mathematical model to maximize the total tonnage of single blended product is presented in equations 2-5. In this model it is assumed that there is just one final blended 121

23 rd <br />

every ore block and searches for any cone<br />

with positive value. Korobov (1974)<br />

attempted to improve the Pana’s moving<br />

cone method (Kim, 1979).<br />

Lerchs and Grossman (1965) used the<br />

concept of dynamic programming and they<br />

introduced their well-known twodimensional<br />

algorithm in order to find an<br />

optimum pit limit (Lerchs and Grossman,<br />

1965). Later, Johnson and Sharp (1971) used<br />

this idea in order to design a 3Dimensional<br />

pit. Koenigsberg (1982) used dynamic<br />

programming to find a 3Dimensional<br />

optimum pit limit. It was also Lerchs and<br />

Grossman (1965) who introduced the use of<br />

graph theory in optimum pit design (LG<br />

algorithm). They converted the block model<br />

of the mine into a graph and determine the<br />

ultimate pit limits by solving for the<br />

maximum closure of the graph. Zhao and<br />

Kim (1992) used this idea with some<br />

modifications and they claim that their<br />

method is simpler and faster than the LG<br />

algorithm. Tolwinski and Underwood (1998)<br />

used the concept of graph theory and<br />

mathematical programming and solve the<br />

dual form of the ultimate pit limit problem.<br />

The concept of linear programming in pit<br />

limit design problem was first used by Meyer<br />

(1969). He made so many hypotheses in his<br />

work which results in a non-optimal solution.<br />

Huttagosol and Cameron (1992) dealt with<br />

pit design as a transportation problem.<br />

Pit parameterization is another method<br />

introduced by Matheron (1976). In this<br />

method instead of directly searching for the<br />

pit limit, a parameterization function is<br />

determined <br />

combine the pit limit determination and<br />

production planning using genetic algorithm.<br />

Network flow and maximum flow<br />

algorithms are other methods for solving the<br />

ultimate pit limits. Johnson (1969), Picard<br />

(1976), Giannini (1991), Yegulalp et al<br />

(1992) and Hochbaum and Chen (2000) used<br />

the algorithms of maximum flow to<br />

determine the pit limit. Hochbaum and Chen<br />

(2002) have extended the recent<br />

improvements in network flow algorithms<br />

into the LG algorithm (Muir, 2004).<br />

Newman et al. (2010) provided a thorough<br />

review of pit design algorithms.<br />

The traditional open pit optimization<br />

algorithms are affected by the uncertainty in<br />

key input parameters, leading to suboptimal<br />

solutions and deviations from production<br />

plans. Whittle and Bozorgebrahimi (2004)<br />

developed the concept of hybrid pits to<br />

determine the ultimate pit limit in the<br />

presence of grade uncertainty. In this<br />

approach, conditional simulation and LG<br />

algorithm are combined, and using set<br />

theory, it leads to the creation of pit outlines<br />

with quantifiable degree of risk. The hybrid<br />

pits can be used as design guides to avoid the<br />

higher uncertainty in early stages of a mine<br />

development. Meagher et al. (2009)<br />

combined conditional simulation and<br />

maximum flow theory to determine the<br />

ultimate pit limit and push back design in the<br />

presence of grade and price uncertainty.<br />

Osanloo et al. (2009) take the advantage of<br />

real option to determine the ultimate pit<br />

design, in the presence of price uncertainty.<br />

The algorithms, developed in the presence<br />

of uncertainty are beyond the scope of this<br />

paper. In all the algorithms developed to<br />

determine the ultimate pit limit, it is assumed<br />

that, BEVs are calculated correctly. It should<br />

be noted that, the BEVs of the blocks<br />

blended to be marketable are the same.<br />

However, pit optimization techniques do not<br />

deal with the blending issues.<br />


Different objective functions can be defined<br />

and used for blend optimization, such as, (1)<br />

the total tonnage of blended ore is<br />

maximized, while satisfying grade<br />

constraints, and (2) the cost of producing a<br />

unit of blended product is minimized by<br />

determining the ratios in which ore-types<br />

should be used, given a unit cost for each<br />

ore-type, and satisfying grade constraints of<br />

final product.<br />

The mathematical model to maximize the<br />

total tonnage of single blended product is<br />

presented in equations 2-5. In this model it is<br />

assumed that there is just one final blended<br />


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