Spring 1995 - Lock Haven University

Spring 1995 - Lock Haven University

Spring 1995 - Lock Haven University


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Often when LHU students venture to travel abroad they<br />

undergo a metamorphosis in the way that they view life<br />

Senior English major Tim Burdick not only changed his outlook,<br />

but resurrected in him self a new spirit of understanding and a<br />

quest for satisfying his inner soul after two international<br />

experiences Tim has now brought that new openness to his<br />

writing<br />

Sharing Tim's love of the written word is another senior, so<br />

unlike Tim that they truly demonstrate the beauty of diversity in<br />

written expre ss ion Kevin Kovac, a journalism major, has<br />

written about dirt track modified stock car racing for<br />

several years Unlike his counterpart who finds tranquillity<br />

in poetry and fiction writing, Kevin 's ski lls<br />

have led him to an ever-changing, hectic life<br />

iting their <br />

own chapters <br />

Kevin attended races since 12 years of age and in<br />

his yo uth landed a writing position with the Area<br />

Auto Racing News. Today his features span<br />

several other racing publications and newspaper<br />

sports sections He is so enthused about the sport, that<br />

he timed his graduation date around ra cing season and potential<br />

job availability in the field Although he never actually<br />

stepped into a stock car for a serious race, his interest takes<br />

him throughout northeastern United States and Canada .<br />

He is the repeated winner of the Flemington (New<br />

Jersey) Courier Times "Reporter of the Year," and the<br />

Eastern Motor Sport Press Association Convention<br />

Writing Award .<br />

In an environment as competitive as racing, Kevin holds<br />

intentions of co ntinuing his writing after he leaves LHU III<br />

December <strong>1995</strong>. With a portfolio crammed with clips<br />

and an already-broad level of experience of reallife<br />

racing coverage, he is more prepared than<br />

many students to tackle this very difficult task<br />

of "making it" in the sport. His established<br />

contacts and reputation promise to open<br />

doors that a man of his age would not<br />

typically find available.<br />

While he does not find his so lace on<br />

the race track, Kevin's counterpart Tim<br />

grew as a writer from exchanges in<br />

Scotland and England He came to<br />

LHU on a generous scholarship earned<br />

through his 70-page autobiography. At<br />

first, his enrollment in the Honors<br />

Program<br />

demanded<br />

much of his<br />

energy, and<br />

his writing<br />

was not as<br />

strong. But<br />

in his sophomore<br />

year he<br />

traveled to<br />

Scotland.<br />

When he<br />

returned, he<br />

"exploded" as<br />

he moved from a<br />

"cl iche" style to a<br />

more polished presentation.<br />

He kept journals of his experiences<br />

and used long stints on tra ins as time to<br />

write short stories and poetry.<br />

At times Tim feels like som ething of an outcast and believes his<br />

friends would describe him as "eccentric ." His style is certainly<br />

unique and has earned him attention at LHU. As an editor of<br />

the <strong>University</strong> literary magazine, The Crucible, he has attracted<br />

an audience of students, faculty and staff who are intrigued<br />

by his use of words and self expression. Last year he earned<br />

the "Outstanding English Major" award, and has had a play<br />

produced on campus His experiences abroad showed him that<br />

life offers so much. "The sun never sets on my friends ," he<br />

explains as he talks about the diversity of his friendships<br />

gained over the years.<br />

After May graduation, Tim will continue his path of<br />

growth as he continues his work in graduate school<br />

"I have a true love of words and the power of<br />

images," he says "I had a fresh start here (LHU), and<br />

find that this has been a good environment for meno<br />

inhibiting factors"<br />

While worlds apart in interests and style<br />

of writing, both Tim and Kevin express<br />

themselve s and their interests and values<br />

in their art. Both have a mature<br />

outlook on the future and have<br />

definitive plans to make their individual<br />

styles work for them.<br />

Neither sees this expression as a<br />

hobby or as a passing IIlterest<br />

Both feel that their writing is an<br />

integral part of their lives and an<br />

aspect in which the y will continue<br />

to grow

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