Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom

Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom

Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom


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<strong>Edmondson</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>South</strong> DCP <strong>2012</strong> November <strong>2012</strong><br />

6.5 Articulation Zone and Building Design<br />

Objectives<br />

1) To create an attractive and cohesive streetscape through the provision of simple and articulated<br />

building and roof forms.<br />

2) To ensure that buildings are designed to enhance the existing and future desired built form<br />

character of the neighbourhood.<br />

3) To help define the public and private domain, aid in passive solar control and provide opportunities<br />

for enjoying the street outlook.<br />

<strong>Control</strong>s<br />

1) An articulation zone may extend a maximum of 1.5m beyond the front building line (2m in Small<br />

Lot Housing Areas). The articulation zone:<br />

a) may extend over 2 storeys,<br />

b) should include at least 1 primary element or 2 secondary elements from the list below,<br />

c) where a primary element is included, it should have a minimum depth of 1.5m . The minimum<br />

depth for a secondary element is 500mm.<br />

d) should not include any building floor area.<br />

Primary Elements<br />

Secondary Elements<br />

Verandah / porch<br />

Entry feature or porticos<br />

Balcony (incl upper level balcony over garage door) Awnings or other features over windows<br />

Pergola<br />

Eaves and sun shading<br />

Window box treatment<br />

Recessed or projecting architectural elements<br />

Bay windows<br />

2) For corner lots in Standard Lot and Small Lot Areas, articulation elements are also required to the<br />

secondary street (for a minimum of 7m from the front boundary). These articulation elements<br />

must be setback 1m from the side and front splay boundaries (eg Figures 27 - 30).<br />

3) Articulation zones of dwellings on Standard Lots must be more than 25 per cent of the area of the<br />

articulation zone, measured through the horizontal plane of the elements.<br />

4) For lots located on the southern side of a street, the articulation zone may be designed to<br />

incorporate private open space, including principal private open space.<br />

5) Front loaded dwelling frontages are to contain a window to a habitable room and a front door/entry<br />

portico visible from the street, in addition to the garage. Balconies built above garages are<br />

encouraged.<br />

6) For two storey buildings, the side walls shall be articulated if the wall has a continuous length of<br />

over 12m, except on corner lots, where the maximum continuous length shall not exceed 10m.<br />

7) Eaves are to provide sun shading, to protect windows and doors and provide aesthetic interest.<br />

Eaves should have a minimum of 450mm overhang (measured to the fascia board). Council will<br />

consider alternative solutions to eaves so long as they provide appropriate sun shading to windows<br />

and display a high level of architectural merit.<br />

8) Dwelling on corner sites must address both street frontages through the use of verandahs,<br />

balconies, windows or similar modulating elements.<br />

9) All dwellings shall have habitable rooms located to the front of the dwelling for security and<br />

surveillance to the street.<br />

10) Design of dwellings to incorporate a variety in materials, colours and finishes to external elevations.<br />


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