Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom

Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom

Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 - Landcom


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<strong>Edmondson</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>South</strong> DCP <strong>2012</strong> November <strong>2012</strong><br />

3.5 Safety and Security<br />

For <strong>Edmondson</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>South</strong> to be a desirable place to live, work and visit, it will need to be perceived as a safe<br />

place. A safe and secure environment encourages activity, and therefore vitality. A secure environment<br />

provides casual surveillance of public space and avoids physical threats to safety.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. To enhance perceptions of community safety.<br />

2. To provide pedestrians with safe, clear and direct routes of travel.<br />

3. Provide a high level of passive surveillance.<br />

<strong>Control</strong>s<br />

1. Landscape planting should consider pedestrian visibility.<br />

2. Appropriate evening and night-time lighting is to be provided in all streets, public spaces and parks,<br />

particularly along pedestrian and cyclist routes.<br />

3. In parks, provide pedestrian pathways that are direct with clear sightlines. This will be particularly<br />

important to join the residential areas across Maxwell’s Creek North Riparian <strong>Park</strong> to the Town Centre.<br />

4. Provide adequate signage describing pathways and facilities.<br />

5. The design of streets and location of street furniture is to allow adequate sight lines for motorists.<br />

6. The design and maintenance of paving and other ground plane treatments is to avoid trip hazards.<br />

7. Driveway entry-exits are to provide adequate sight lines to adjacent footpaths, streets and cycle ways.<br />

8. All public spaces including streets, parks, squares and plazas must be directly overlooked by adjacent<br />

development.<br />

9. Active uses must be orientated to streets in commercial or mixed-use areas. In residential areas, living<br />

rooms, verandahs and / or kitchens are encouraged to be orientated to the street.<br />


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