07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council


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provide further regenerative benefits on the site and the wider VNEB area and<br />

on this basis the proposed development would be acceptable.<br />

14.6 Regard has been given to residential amenity of adjoining neighbours to the<br />

development. It has been assessed that there would be potential impact to the<br />

terrace properties, however, given that the development ins an area where highrise<br />

development is acceptable in principle and considering the regenerative<br />

benefits the development would bring, the proposal would be acceptable.<br />

14.7 The applicant has designed a scheme which would be compatible with future<br />

changes of the gyratory. This has been considered and officers welcome this.<br />

Furthermore, the proposed scheme would have limited impact on the efficiency<br />

and safety of the current transport network system.<br />

14.8 The proposed development would provide a range of renewable technologies<br />

which would be used within the development to reduce associated of carbon<br />

emissions as part of the scheme. In this instance the technologies proposed<br />

would exceed the both local and London Plan policies and as result the building<br />

would be acceptable in this respect.<br />

14.9 The proposed development would provide extensive measures which would be<br />

installed as part of the development to enable effective recycling and refuse<br />

collection facilities for both the commercial and residential uses.<br />

14.10 The proposed Section 106 Contributions would ensure benefits for the wider<br />

community to social and physical infrastructure needs arising from the<br />

development particular for public transport, education and other community<br />

facilities and securing employment and training opportunities to address issues<br />

of worklessness in the borough.<br />

15 Recommendation<br />

15.1 Grant conditional planning permission subject to a Section106 Agreement and<br />

Stage 2 Referral to the GLA<br />

16 Summary of Reasons<br />

1<strong>6.</strong>1 In deciding to grant planning permission, the <strong>Council</strong> has had regard to the<br />

relevant policies of the Development Plan and all other relevant material<br />

considerations. Having weighed the merits of the proposal in the context of<br />

these issues, it is considered that planning permission should be granted<br />

subject to the conditions listed below. In reaching this decision the following<br />

policies were relevant:<br />

1<strong>6.</strong>2 Core Strategy Policies S1,S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7,S8, S9, S10 and PN2; Saved<br />

UDP Policies 7,9,14, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,<br />

43, 45, 47 and 50.<br />

17 Recommended Conditions<br />

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later

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