07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council 07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

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softening to the building forms, whilst providing more ‘robust’ brick corners adjacent to the Victorian railway viaduct. Officers support the overall design, appearance, massing and bulk of the building within this location. 8.36 This application proposes a terrace area, accessible by students. This area would be fully landscaped with soft and hard furnishings. No objection is raised by officers. 8.37 Wendle Court Wendle Court forms the southern building of the Vauxhall Square development. It is located adjacent to Wandsworth Road, to the south of the Cable and Wireless site and has a railway viaduct curving around the east/ south. This building would be part 10, part 21 storeys in height. This building would comprise of an affordable housing block and hostel accommodation. 8.38 Both uses would have their own separate access points, neither would be mixed. This would provide clear separation of the uses. The affordable housing block would be accessed from Wandsworth Road with the hostel accommodation accessed from the New Lane. Cycle storage and disabled parking would be provided. 8.39 The two cladding materials for Wendle Court are based on adopting the same language as other parts of the Vauxhall Square proposals. The elevation of the taller affordable housing block would be formed of reconstituted stone. Although the two uses are differentiated by the elevational treatment the whole building itself is integrated by the consistent window modules and the horizontal reconstituted stone elements. Winter gardens for each residential unit provide private amenity space and are predominately located on the corners. Roof terraces are provided at two upper levels to provide shared amenity space for residents. 8.40 Officers raise no objection to the proposed scale, bulk, massing and height of development being proposed in this instance no objection is raised. 8.41 Impact of the development on retained terraced buildings 8.42 A new 3 storey linear building has been introduced to the north gable of the listed terrace, creating an active frontage to its north elevation. A 12metre wide pedestrian ‘street’ is formed, creating the approach into Vauxhall Square from Wandsworth Road, framed on the north side by a similar 3 storey building that delineates the space. 8.43 These revisions are made in response to comments received from English Heritage. Their letter recommended modification of the southern elevation of the office block and deeper ‘step backs’ to improve its relationship with the Grade II listed terrace buildings. The new building adjacent to the terrace would form an additional step back and help assimilate the new development into the existing streetscape. 8.44 The massing of Vauxhall Square West is adjusted in response to these and

steps up from this northern building with a series of landscaped, south facing terraces. The affect is to fully integrate the retained terrace into the new enhanced streetscape, whilst producing a new animated pedestrian route linking Vauxhall Square to the new Nine Elms Park across Wandsworth Road. 8.45 The ‘steps’ at its southern end would relate positively to the materials of the new gateway buildings into the Square and the brick masonry walls and punched windows of the historic terrace and its scale, and would enhance its setting. 8.46 The towers are well spaced in this view and two elevations of each tower would be visible. The building would be well modelled by sunlight and shade, and the horizontal bands of reconstituted stone at each floor would project slightly from the face of each tower providing them with a distinctive slender silhouette. 8.47 Officers have assessed the setting of the adjoining listed buildings on Wandsworth Road and it is considered that the development would be significantly changed by this redevelopment. This is inevitable given that Vauxhall is identified as suitable for tall buildings. The new development would be in stark contrast to the listed buildings but officers do not consider the impact to be harmful. The introduction of the ‘book end’ building means that the listed terrace would read much more as part of the scheme as a whole. This is supported by English Heritage. 8.48 Cumulative Impact of the Development 8.49 In line with the objectives of the London Plan, the current proposals seek to maximise the development density of the site due to the ideal proximity of the transport interchange at Vauxhall while balancing the public realm opportunities and needs of the Linear park and Vauxhall, and taking into consideration the impact on local and wider townscape views.The massing, height and locations of the tall building elements on the site have been developed over a period of many months, co-ordinated in conjunction with the emerging proposals for many adjacent sites to provide a coordinated massing concept for the Vauxhall Cluster. 8.50 As the cluster has evolved, and the design of the scheme has evolved alongside this, officers consider that the proposed height of two towers at 168 metres provides an appropriate addition to the cluster. They remain lower than the St George Tower, but also lower than the One Nine Elms scheme. Although the One Nine Elms proposal is part short, part taller (two towers being proposed) than the St George Tower, the heights of the two towers as part of Vauxhall Square should sit lower than the shoulder of the St George Tower. The Vauxhall cluster form now illustrated in the cumulative views in the Townscape, Conservation and Visual Impact Assessment (TCVIA) document illustrates a mix of building forms with a range of heights creating an interesting and varied skyline from different perspective view points. The two Vauxhall Square Towers are straight forward square plan forms yet very slender in their vertical proportion. They add positively to the emerging cluster and provide a marker for the new major public square proposed for Vauxhall town centre. 8.51 A Vauxhall cluster workshop facilitated by CABE and attended by London

softening to the building forms, whilst providing more ‘robust’ brick corners<br />

adjacent to the Victorian railway viaduct. Officers support the overall design,<br />

appearance, massing and bulk of the building within this location.<br />

8.36 This application proposes a terrace area, accessible by students. This area<br />

would be fully landscaped with soft and hard furnishings. No objection is raised<br />

by officers.<br />

8.37 Wendle Court<br />

Wendle Court forms the southern building of the <strong>Vauxhall</strong> <strong>Square</strong> development.<br />

It is located adjacent to Wandsworth Road, to the south of the Cable and<br />

Wireless site and has a railway viaduct curving around the east/ south. This<br />

building would be part 10, part 21 storeys in height. This building would<br />

comprise of an affordable housing block and hostel accommodation.<br />

8.38 Both uses would have their own separate access points, neither would be<br />

mixed. This would provide clear separation of the uses. The affordable housing<br />

block would be accessed from Wandsworth Road with the hostel<br />

accommodation accessed from the New Lane. Cycle storage and disabled<br />

parking would be provided.<br />

8.39 The two cladding materials for Wendle Court are based on adopting the same<br />

language as other parts of the <strong>Vauxhall</strong> <strong>Square</strong> proposals. The elevation of the<br />

taller affordable housing block would be formed of reconstituted stone.<br />

Although the two uses are differentiated by the elevational treatment the whole<br />

building itself is integrated by the consistent window modules and the horizontal<br />

reconstituted stone elements. Winter gardens for each residential unit provide<br />

private amenity space and are predominately located on the corners. Roof<br />

terraces are provided at two upper levels to provide shared amenity space for<br />

residents.<br />

8.40 Officers raise no objection to the proposed scale, bulk, massing and height of<br />

development being proposed in this instance no objection is raised.<br />

8.41 Impact of the development on retained terraced buildings<br />

8.42 A new 3 storey linear building has been introduced to the north gable of the<br />

listed terrace, creating an active frontage to its north elevation. A 12metre wide<br />

pedestrian ‘street’ is formed, creating the approach into <strong>Vauxhall</strong> <strong>Square</strong> from<br />

Wandsworth Road, framed on the north side by a similar 3 storey building that<br />

delineates the space.<br />

8.43 These revisions are made in response to comments received from English<br />

Heritage. Their letter recommended modification of the southern elevation of the<br />

office block and deeper ‘step backs’ to improve its relationship with the Grade II<br />

listed terrace buildings. The new building adjacent to the terrace would form an<br />

additional step back and help assimilate the new development into the existing<br />

streetscape.<br />

8.44 The massing of <strong>Vauxhall</strong> <strong>Square</strong> West is adjusted in response to these and

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