07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council 07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

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Policy 3.1 Policy 3.2 Policy 3.8 Policy 3.16 Policy 4.1 Policy 4.2 Policy 4.3 Policy 4.7 Policy 4.8 Policy 4.12 Policy 5.1 Policy 5.2 Policy 5.3 Policy 5.5 Policy 5.6 Policy 5.7 Policy 5.8 Policy 5.9 Policy 5.10 Policy 5.11 Policy 5.12 Policy 5.13 Policy 5.14 Policy 5.15 Policy 5.16 Policy 5.21 Policy 6.1 Policy 6.2 Policy 6.3 Policy 6.4 Policy 6.5 Policy 6.7 Policy 6.9 Policy 6.10 Policy 6.11 Policy 6.12 Policy 6.13 Policy 7.1 Policy 7.2 Policy 7.3 Policy 7.4 Policy 7.5 Policy 7.6 Policy 7.7 Policy 7.8 Policy 7.10 Policy 7.11 Policy 7.12 Policy 7.14 Ensuring equal life chances for all Improving health and addressing health inequalities Housing choice Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure Developing London’s economy Offices Mixed use development and offices Retail and town centre development Supporting a successful and diverse retail sector Improving opportunities for all Climate change mitigation Minimising carbon dioxide emissions Sustainable design and construction Decentralised energy networks Decentralised energy in development proposals Renewable energy Innovative energy technologies Overheating and cooling Urban greening Green roofs and development site environs Flood risk management Sustainable drainage Water quality and wastewater infrastructure Water use and supplies Waste self-sufficiency Contaminated land Strategic approach Providing public transport capacity and safeguarding land for transport Assessing effects of development on transport capacity Enhancing London’s transport connectivity Funding Crossrail and other strategically important transport infrastructure Better streets and surface transport Cycling Walking Smoothing traffic flow and tackling congestion Road network capacity Parking Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities An inclusive environment Designing out crime Local character Public realm Architecture Location and design of tall and large buildings Heritage assets and archaeology World Heritage Sites London View Management Framework Implementing the London View Management Framework Improving air quality

Policy 7.15 Policy 7.18 Policy 7.19 Policy 7.29 Policy 8.2 Policy 8.3 Reducing noise and enhancing soundscapes Protecting local open space and addressing local deficiency Biodiversity and access to nature The River Thames Planning obligations Community Infrastructure Levy 6.7 Lambeth’s Local Development Framework Core Strategy. The Core Strategy was adopted by the council on 19 January 2011. The following policies are considered to be of relevance to the assessment of this application: Policy S1 – Delivering the Vision and Objectives Policy S2 – Housing Policy S3 – Economic Development Policy S4 – Transport Policy S5 – Open Space Policy S6 – Flood Risk Policy S7 – Sustainable Design and Construction Policy S8 – Sustainable Waste Management Policy S9 – Quality of the Built Environment Policy S10 – Planning Obligations Policy PN2 – Vauxhall 6.8 London Borough of Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (2007): ‘Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011’ Policy 7 Policy 9 Policy 14 Policy 19 Policy 21 Policy 23 Policy 26 Policy 29 Policy 30 Policy 31 Policy 32 Policy 33 Policy 35 Policy 37 Policy 38 Policy 39 Policy 40 Policy 41 Policy 43 Policy 45 Policy 47 Protection of Residential Amenity; Transport Impact; Parking and Traffic Restraint; Active Frontage Uses; Location and Loss of Offices Protection and Location of Other Employment Uses; Community Facilities; The Evening and Late Night Economy, Food and Drink and Amusement Centre Uses; Arts and Culture; Streets, Character and Layout; Community Safety/Designing Out Crime; Building Scale and Design; Sustainable Design and Construction; Shopfronts and Advertisements; Design in Existing Residential/Mixed Use Areas; Streetscape, Landscape and Public Realm Design; Tall Buildings; Views; The River Thames Policy Area – Urban Design; Listed Buildings; Conservation Areas;

Policy 3.1<br />

Policy 3.2<br />

Policy 3.8<br />

Policy 3.16<br />

Policy 4.1<br />

Policy 4.2<br />

Policy 4.3<br />

Policy 4.7<br />

Policy 4.8<br />

Policy 4.12<br />

Policy 5.1<br />

Policy 5.2<br />

Policy 5.3<br />

Policy 5.5<br />

Policy 5.6<br />

Policy 5.7<br />

Policy 5.8<br />

Policy 5.9<br />

Policy 5.10<br />

Policy 5.11<br />

Policy 5.12<br />

Policy 5.13<br />

Policy 5.14<br />

Policy 5.15<br />

Policy 5.16<br />

Policy 5.21<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>1<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>2<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>3<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>4<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>5<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>7<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>9<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>10<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>11<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>12<br />

Policy <strong>6.</strong>13<br />

Policy 7.1<br />

Policy 7.2<br />

Policy 7.3<br />

Policy 7.4<br />

Policy 7.5<br />

Policy 7.6<br />

Policy 7.7<br />

Policy 7.8<br />

Policy 7.10<br />

Policy 7.11<br />

Policy 7.12<br />

Policy 7.14<br />

Ensuring equal life chances for all<br />

Improving health and addressing health inequalities<br />

Housing choice<br />

Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure<br />

Developing London’s economy<br />

Offices<br />

Mixed use development and offices<br />

Retail and town centre development<br />

Supporting a successful and diverse retail sector<br />

Improving opportunities for all<br />

Climate change mitigation<br />

Minimising carbon dioxide emissions<br />

Sustainable design and construction<br />

Decentralised energy networks<br />

Decentralised energy in development proposals<br />

Renewable energy<br />

Innovative energy technologies<br />

Overheating and cooling<br />

Urban greening<br />

Green roofs and development site environs<br />

Flood risk management<br />

Sustainable drainage<br />

Water quality and wastewater infrastructure<br />

Water use and supplies<br />

Waste self-sufficiency<br />

Contaminated land<br />

Strategic approach<br />

Providing public transport capacity and safeguarding land for<br />

transport<br />

Assessing effects of development on transport capacity<br />

Enhancing London’s transport connectivity<br />

Funding Crossrail and other strategically important transport<br />

infrastructure<br />

Better streets and surface transport<br />

Cycling<br />

Walking<br />

Smoothing traffic flow and tackling congestion<br />

Road network capacity<br />

Parking<br />

Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities<br />

An inclusive environment<br />

Designing out crime<br />

Local character<br />

Public realm<br />

Architecture<br />

Location and design of tall and large buildings<br />

Heritage assets and archaeology<br />

World Heritage Sites<br />

London View Management Framework<br />

Implementing the London View Management Framework<br />

Improving air quality

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