07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council 07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

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orough. How is the policing of this young population going to be organised? The combination of lots of new bars and students seems like a problem in the making which hasn't been addressed. The Park has already been subject to some anti social behaviour coming out of the night clubs and it is natural chill out zone. What plans are there to address this problem? Where is the local community planning in all of this? At every stage, everyone else apart from the local community is being planned for. Lack of affordable housing Although CLS have done some good things, they seem, along with all the other developers, to be flouting all guidance. An example of this is the ratio of affordable housing. Admittedly things like their ratio of affordable housing are better than others (at 22%) but it's still pretty shocking that 18% below the desired Council policy is considered good. We know from the other planning applications which have gone through that there is already a deficit in what has been allowed so at what point is the 40% going to be achieved. The chosen location for the move of the homeless hostel within this development putting vulnerable people slapped against the railway line must be questioned on ethical grounds. The proposals now before planning are significantly detrimental to our park - a legacy of Octavia Hill, Henry Fawcett and the Kyrle Society. With a few alterations to the design (reducing the height of the main towers in line with planning guidance and in particular a redesign of Miles Street South), with a reconsideration of the play space and a more meaningful contribution from the developer to the long term impacts on Vauxhall Park we would probably have accepted the proposals. 5.53 Fentiman Road, Richborne Terrace and Dorset Road R/A: No representations received. 5.54 Harleyford Court Tenants Association: No representations received. 5.55 Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association: No representations received. 5.56 Hanover Gardens Association: No representations received. 5.57 Hanover Gardens Residents Association: No representations received. 5.58 Heart of Kennington Residents Association: No representations received. 5.59 Harleyford Road Action Group: No representations received. 5.60 I.M.P.A.C.T.: No representations received. 5.61 Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association: No representations received. 5.62 Kilner House Residents Association: No representations received. 5.63 Mursell Estate Group: No representations received.

5.64 Central Stockwell Street Residents and Tenants Association: No representations received. 5.65 Crimsworth Thorparch Residents Association: No representations received. 5.66 Hemans Estate Tenants and Residents Association: No representations received. 5.67 Mursell Estate Tenants and Residents Association: No representations received. 5.68 Stockwell Partnership: No representations received. 5.69 Stockwell Park Residents Association: No representations received. 5.70 Studley Estate Tenants and Residents Association: No representations received. No. of Letters No. of Objections No. in support Comments sent 2604 32 5 0 Objections: Council’s Response: Loss of daylight and sunlight to the terrace properties along Wandsworth Road Given the scale of the development, the proposed development would impact on the vibrations, both during the building works and on the long-term structure. The applicant has submitted a daylight and sunlight report by GIA, which has been independently assessed by Right to Light Consulting. They have concluded in their report that there would be significant impact to the terrace situated at 101 to 111 Wandsworth Road, however, these properties are dual aspect and the windows to the living rooms face away from the development and therefore will not be affected. Other existing and proposed neighbouring properties would also experience a noticeable impact, although to much lesser degree. The BRE guide states that in an area with modern high rise buildings, a higher degree of obstruction may be unavoidable if new developments are to match the height and proportions of existing buildings. Right to Light are of the opinion in this regard the Vauxhall Square scheme would not conflict with the principles set out in the BRE guide. The applicant has stated within section 8 of the Environment Statement that the impact of the development during both demolition and construction stage would be negligible subject to appropriate measures being taken during this part of the development. Officers have also imposed conditions

orough. How is the policing of this young population going to be organised?<br />

The combination of lots of new bars and students seems like a problem in the<br />

making which hasn't been addressed. The Park has already been subject to<br />

some anti social behaviour coming out of the night clubs and it is natural chill<br />

out zone. What plans are there to address this problem? Where is the local<br />

community planning in all of this? At every stage, everyone else apart from the<br />

local community is being planned for.<br />

Lack of affordable housing<br />

Although CLS have done some good things, they seem, along with all the other<br />

developers, to be flouting all guidance. An example of this is the ratio of<br />

affordable housing. Admittedly things like their ratio of affordable housing are<br />

better than others (at 22%) but it's still pretty shocking that 18% below the<br />

desired <strong>Council</strong> policy is considered good. We know from the other planning<br />

applications which have gone through that there is already a deficit in what has<br />

been allowed so at what point is the 40% going to be achieved.<br />

The chosen location for the move of the homeless hostel within this<br />

development putting vulnerable people slapped against the railway line must be<br />

questioned on ethical grounds. The proposals now before planning are<br />

significantly detrimental to our park - a legacy of Octavia Hill, Henry Fawcett and<br />

the Kyrle Society. With a few alterations to the design (reducing the height of the<br />

main towers in line with planning guidance and in particular a redesign of Miles<br />

Street South), with a reconsideration of the play space and a more meaningful<br />

contribution from the developer to the long term impacts on <strong>Vauxhall</strong> Park we<br />

would probably have accepted the proposals.<br />

5.53 Fentiman Road, Richborne Terrace and Dorset Road R/A: No representations<br />

received.<br />

5.54 Harleyford Court Tenants Association: No representations received.<br />

5.55 Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association: No representations received.<br />

5.56 Hanover Gardens Association: No representations received.<br />

5.57 Hanover Gardens Residents Association: No representations received.<br />

5.58 Heart of Kennington Residents Association: No representations received.<br />

5.59 Harleyford Road Action Group: No representations received.<br />

5.60 I.M.P.A.C.T.: No representations received.<br />

5.61 Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association: No representations received.<br />

5.62 Kilner House Residents Association: No representations received.<br />

5.63 Mursell Estate Group: No representations received.

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