07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council 07 Vauxhall Square, item 6. PDF 626 KB - Lambeth Council

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Executive Summary This application relates to the creation of a mixed use development which would comprise of 520 residential flats, offices, retail uses, hotel, student accommodation, homeless hostel, multi-screen cinema and community building. The development would also be subject to public realm works, which would be associated with the scheme and the wider Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) area. The vision for the Vauxhall Square development is to establish the site as a truly mixed-use development which forms an integrated part of the wider regeneration of the area. The scheme is proposed alongside the wider regenerative objectives for the Vauxhall area as laid out within the councils SPD, currently out for consultation. The development has been developed in accordance with the wider GLA Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area Framework (VENBOAPF). The designation of the development should be intensified and mixed use developments promoted. The development is situated within the Central Activities Zone as designated within the London Plan, and as such is required to bring forward a mixed use development that seeks to enable a high quality design development, provide capacity for an increase in housing, employment floorspace and other associated uses highlighted within the first paragraph. The report sets out the planning issues in turn, alongside the representations received and justification of the planning merits of the proposals which when considered in the round enable officers to recommend the application for approval subject to conditions and completion of a Section 106 Agreement. One of the principle issues, is the design of the two towers and the impact this may have on, heritage assets and impact on views, for which English heritage raises concern. A key consideration therefore for the Council is whether the development gives rise to material harm when judged against those matters, which is the view of English Heritage. If that said were to arise, could other planning considerations, particularly public benefits of the scheme outweigh that consideration. It is the view of officers that the proposal does not give rise to the harm set out by English Heritage, and in this instance no objection is raised by officers. CABE has commented on the towers and have stated that the towers would be simple and elegant within the London skyline. Due to the designation of the opportunity area high residential and non-residential densities should be promoted. The development provides a significant uplift in housing units totalling 520 residential units, of which 110 units would be affordable. The application has been subject to a viability report which has been independently assessed by the BNP Paribas on behalf of the authority to arrive at a point where a minimum level of affordable housing would be provided. Whilst originally submitted to provide only 15% affordable housing, the scheme now proposes to deliver a minimum of 21.2% affordable housing, which would be in the form of affordable rent and shared ownership. In addition, a review mechanism of the gross development value generated by the entire development at the one third of the way through private residential sales. If achieved and projected sales values exceed the level required to render the scheme economically viable, 50% of the surplus will be used to provide a commuted sum

payment in lieu of additional affordable housing. This commuted sum payment will be capped at £12,740,000, which has been calculated to equate to the shortfall in affordable housing provision against the policy requirement of 40% of units. The proposed Linear Park, which runs through the VNEB area, will establish new connections and routes between Vauxhall and Battersea, in which Vauxhall Square plays an essential part. The new urban square would provide a series of spaces and to provide a focus for retail uses and other amenities forming an integral part of the regenerating Vauxhall town centre. A series of new and improved connections and play space tie through Miles Street establishing and improving connections with the wider existing community and Vauxhall Park to the east. The scheme is delivering a range of regeneration outcomes which are fully in accord with policy expectations. The scheme has been largely supported subject to matters of detail by the GLA in its stage 1 response and is delivering a range of public realm benefits which accord with the long term strategy to deliver improvements to the wider Vauxhall area. Certain impacts will arise from the development, but will be fully addressed in the imposition of conditions and a substantive list of terms to a S106 agreement securing the delivery of the wider benefits proposed. Overall, officers recommend the proposal for approval.

Executive Summary<br />

This application relates to the creation of a mixed use development which would<br />

comprise of 520 residential flats, offices, retail uses, hotel, student accommodation,<br />

homeless hostel, multi-screen cinema and community building. The development would<br />

also be subject to public realm works, which would be associated with the scheme and<br />

the wider <strong>Vauxhall</strong> Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) area. The vision for the <strong>Vauxhall</strong><br />

<strong>Square</strong> development is to establish the site as a truly mixed-use development which<br />

forms an integrated part of the wider regeneration of the area.<br />

The scheme is proposed alongside the wider regenerative objectives for the <strong>Vauxhall</strong><br />

area as laid out within the councils SPD, currently out for consultation. The<br />

development has been developed in accordance with the wider GLA <strong>Vauxhall</strong> Nine<br />

Elms Battersea Opportunity Area Framework (VENBOAPF). The designation of the<br />

development should be intensified and mixed use developments promoted. The<br />

development is situated within the Central Activities Zone as designated within the<br />

London Plan, and as such is required to bring forward a mixed use development that<br />

seeks to enable a high quality design development, provide capacity for an increase in<br />

housing, employment floorspace and other associated uses highlighted within the first<br />

paragraph.<br />

The report sets out the planning issues in turn, alongside the representations received<br />

and justification of the planning merits of the proposals which when considered in the<br />

round enable officers to recommend the application for approval subject to conditions<br />

and completion of a Section 106 Agreement.<br />

One of the principle issues, is the design of the two towers and the impact this may<br />

have on, heritage assets and impact on views, for which English heritage raises<br />

concern. A key consideration therefore for the <strong>Council</strong> is whether the development<br />

gives rise to material harm when judged against those matters, which is the view of<br />

English Heritage. If that said were to arise, could other planning considerations,<br />

particularly public benefits of the scheme outweigh that consideration. It is the view of<br />

officers that the proposal does not give rise to the harm set out by English Heritage, and<br />

in this instance no objection is raised by officers. CABE has commented on the towers<br />

and have stated that the towers would be simple and elegant within the London skyline.<br />

Due to the designation of the opportunity area high residential and non-residential<br />

densities should be promoted. The development provides a significant uplift in housing<br />

units totalling 520 residential units, of which 110 units would be affordable. The<br />

application has been subject to a viability report which has been independently<br />

assessed by the BNP Paribas on behalf of the authority to arrive at a point where a<br />

minimum level of affordable housing would be provided. Whilst originally submitted to<br />

provide only 15% affordable housing, the scheme now proposes to deliver a minimum<br />

of 21.2% affordable housing, which would be in the form of affordable rent and shared<br />

ownership. In addition, a review mechanism of the gross development value generated<br />

by the entire development at the one third of the way through private residential sales.<br />

If achieved and projected sales values exceed the level required to render the scheme<br />

economically viable, 50% of the surplus will be used to provide a commuted sum

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