34-36 Bedford Road, London SW4 - Lambeth Council

34-36 Bedford Road, London SW4 - Lambeth Council 34-36 Bedford Road, London SW4 - Lambeth Council

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12.4 The development of the area currently used for car parking would result in additional residential occupiers in this area. However, given the use of the surrounding properties is generally residential, the levels of light and noise that would be generated are not considered to be significantly different to that which currently surrounds the site, and therefore this should not result in a significantly detrimental impact on surrounding occupiers. 13 Traffic and Parking 13.1 The site currently benefits from a vehicle access at its northern end providing access to the rear car park and the applicant is proposing that this would be retained but amended and relocated slightly to serve a newly constructed basement car park and servicing area. The details of the amended access appear to be acceptable but further details including visibility splays and swept paths would be secured by condition. 13.2 A total of 22 car parking spaces, including 3 disabled spaces, are proposed onsite within a basement car park. 20 of these spaces are solely for the commercial office space with the applicant submitting that the current tenants of the site Kone require this level of parking as an essential element of their operation and would not be able to remain on site following redevelopment without it. The London Plan does make allowance for operational parking in commercial developments even areas of good public transport accessibility and officers recognise that the specific nature of Kone’s business does require a level of parking to be provided. Having said this, the applicant is advised via informative that future applications at this site where the final user has not been identified would need to comply with the parking standards in place at the time. 13.3 Electric vehicle charging point (EVCP’s) should be provided in accordance with London Plan standards, which for B1 uses equates to 20% of spaces being fitted with EVCPs from the outset, with an additional 10% having passive provision so that they can be easily connected in the future, and this would be secured by condition. 13.4 A Car Free residential scheme in this location is supported with a S106 obligation restricting all future residents from obtaining parking permits. Two disabled car parking spaces are proposed and this is considered to be an appropriate level of provision. 13.5 There are five existing car club bays within walking distance of the site, which are thought to have some spare capacity. Therefore additional car club bays are not considered necessary. Instead the applicant should undertake to fund lifetime membership of a car club for the occupiers of the residential units. This would be secured via S106 agreement. 13.6 Off street servicing would be required at this site. This appears to have been achieved, with sufficient height clearance for vehicles to access the basement, although further detail is required to be secured by condition. A Service Management Plan should be submitted to ensure that no servicing occurs onstreet and this would be secured by a condition.

13.7 58 cycle parking spaces are being proposed, and while this overall figure is in accordance with London Plan standards and therefore supported, further consideration should be given to how the spaces are apportioned to the various uses, as the number of spaces dedicated to the residential uses falls short of the standards. Consideration should also be given to providing visitor parking in the publicly accessible parts of the site. Therefore it is recommended that details of additional cycle parking are secured by condition. 13.8 In addition it is recommended that travel plans for both the residential and commercial uses and a construction method statement are secured by condition. 14 Sustainability of the proposed development 14.1 The applicant has submitted a BREEAM assessment indicating that the scheme would achieve ‘Very Good’ and a code for sustainable homes assessment indicating that the scheme would achieve level 3. At present these reports propose indicative measures to achieve these targets, but do not provide firm commitments. Therefore it is considered necessary to impose a condition requiring that the scheme will satisfy these targets. 14.2 The sustainability statement proposes the use of photovoltaic panels and an air source heat pump to provide renewable energy for this site. This approach is encouraged, but again further evidence is required to ensure that the developments meet the policy targets, and this would be secured by condition. 15 Refuse and Recycling Considerations 15.1 According to the ‘Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements’ document this development should provide a total of 6840 litres of refuse and recycling storage for the residential units and 2600 litres for the office floorspace and the development exceeds these standards. Refuse would be stored at basement level and there is no objection to these servicing requirements from the council’s transport and highways officer. 15.2 If planning permission is granted it is recommended that a condition be imposed to provide a waste management plan to ensure that adequate provision is made for the management of waste litter and refuse of the premises, in the interests of the residential amenities of the area. 16 Crime Prevention Issues 16.1 The development should adhere to secure by design standards, in accordance with policy 32 of the UDP and should provide lighting and CCTV on site. These elements are all recommended to be secured by condition. Concern has been raised about the impact of the safety and security of Cadmus Close. However, there would be an increase in the number of windows facing this direction and therefore arguably security would be improved through increased surveillance of this street. In order to ensure that the mitigation of crime and security risks are considered, a Crime Management Plan is recommended to be secured by

13.7 58 cycle parking spaces are being proposed, and while this overall figure is in<br />

accordance with <strong>London</strong> Plan standards and therefore supported, further<br />

consideration should be given to how the spaces are apportioned to the various<br />

uses, as the number of spaces dedicated to the residential uses falls short of<br />

the standards. Consideration should also be given to providing visitor parking in<br />

the publicly accessible parts of the site. Therefore it is recommended that details<br />

of additional cycle parking are secured by condition.<br />

13.8 In addition it is recommended that travel plans for both the residential and<br />

commercial uses and a construction method statement are secured by<br />

condition.<br />

14 Sustainability of the proposed development<br />

14.1 The applicant has submitted a BREEAM assessment indicating that the scheme<br />

would achieve ‘Very Good’ and a code for sustainable homes assessment<br />

indicating that the scheme would achieve level 3. At present these reports<br />

propose indicative measures to achieve these targets, but do not provide firm<br />

commitments. Therefore it is considered necessary to impose a condition<br />

requiring that the scheme will satisfy these targets.<br />

14.2 The sustainability statement proposes the use of photovoltaic panels and an air<br />

source heat pump to provide renewable energy for this site. This approach is<br />

encouraged, but again further evidence is required to ensure that the<br />

developments meet the policy targets, and this would be secured by condition.<br />

15 Refuse and Recycling Considerations<br />

15.1 According to the ‘Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements’<br />

document this development should provide a total of 6840 litres of refuse and<br />

recycling storage for the residential units and 2600 litres for the office floorspace<br />

and the development exceeds these standards. Refuse would be stored at<br />

basement level and there is no objection to these servicing requirements from<br />

the council’s transport and highways officer.<br />

15.2 If planning permission is granted it is recommended that a condition be imposed<br />

to provide a waste management plan to ensure that adequate provision is made<br />

for the management of waste litter and refuse of the premises, in the interests of<br />

the residential amenities of the area.<br />

16 Crime Prevention Issues<br />

16.1 The development should adhere to secure by design standards, in accordance<br />

with policy 32 of the UDP and should provide lighting and CCTV on site. These<br />

elements are all recommended to be secured by condition. Concern has been<br />

raised about the impact of the safety and security of Cadmus Close. However,<br />

there would be an increase in the number of windows facing this direction and<br />

therefore arguably security would be improved through increased surveillance<br />

of this street. In order to ensure that the mitigation of crime and security risks<br />

are considered, a Crime Management Plan is recommended to be secured by

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