Portinscale - Excluded Site Assessments (PDF) - Lake District ...

Portinscale - Excluded Site Assessments (PDF) - Lake District ... Portinscale - Excluded Site Assessments (PDF) - Lake District ...

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Allocations of Land<br />

<strong>Excluded</strong> <strong>Site</strong><br />

<strong>Assessments</strong><br />


Please read this section in conjunction with the<br />

covering report<br />

<strong>Excluded</strong> sites<br />

Following the assessment of sites a number of sites have not been selected as<br />

preferred sites for allocation. This report gives details of those sites which have<br />

not been selected together with their assessment.<br />

<strong>Site</strong>s have generally not been selected because:<br />

The site is not available for allocation; or<br />

The site is not considered to be suitable for allocation; or<br />

Other sites considered to be more suitable for allocation in the settlement<br />

which will meet the needs of the settlement and locality.<br />

<strong>Site</strong>s that we have not selected for allocation may still be suitable for future<br />

development. Our Development Management Service is available to discuss the<br />

merits of individual development proposals. You can contact our duty officer or<br />

visit a planning surgery to ask for pre-application advice.<br />

Please use the site reference number at the top of the assessment to enter on<br />

the online map to identify the location of the excluded site. Alternatively please<br />

come along to one of our consultation events and we can discuss the sites you<br />

are interested in.<br />

The webpage for the online map is www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/allocations<br />

A number of sites were excluded from the allocation process prior to our ‘Issues<br />

and options’ consultation. Details of these sites are available to view on our<br />

website at www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/allocations under the ‘Issues and Options’ and<br />

‘Further Issues and Options’ sections. Further sites were excluded in a number of<br />

villages as we undertook a piece of work to identify which villages (as identified in<br />

the Core Strategy) had a proportionally high housing need and which did not.<br />

Villages assessed where sites will not be allocated are:<br />

Ennerdale Bridge<br />

Eskdale Green<br />

High/Low Lorton<br />

Ravenglass<br />

Threlkeld<br />

Troutbeck/Troutbeck Bridge (<strong>Site</strong>s will be allocated for affordable housing<br />

in Troutbeck Bridge but not Troutbeck)<br />

The technical report explaining why these villages will not have housing<br />

allocations is available from www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/allocations

<strong>Portinscale</strong><br />

<strong>Site</strong> reference<br />

number<br />

Suggested use at<br />

issues an<br />

options<br />

Status for<br />

preferred options<br />

X1018 H Not selected 0.34<br />

X1019 H Not selected 0.25<br />

X1061 H Not selected 3.04<br />

<strong>Site</strong> area (Ha)

<strong>Site</strong> reference X1018 <strong>Site</strong> area (Ha) 0.34<br />

<strong>Site</strong> name<br />

Land between Grisedale House and Lingy Side<br />

Suggested use at Issues and Housing<br />

Options<br />

Key issues identified at Stage 2 Can issue be potentially overcome/ mitigated?<br />

through Issues and Options<br />

consultation<br />

No (give reason)<br />

Further assessment<br />

required (see below)<br />

Issues raised regarding access to<br />

Yes<br />

the site<br />

Cumulative impact of<br />

Yes<br />

development could impact upon<br />

the junctions between the A66<br />

and the local road network within<br />

the settlement.<br />

Stage 3<br />

No Yes<br />

Is the site available? ? ?<br />

<strong>Site</strong> characteristics<br />

Located on the western edge of the village of <strong>Portinscale</strong>, the site is an agricultural field<br />

accessed via a small wooden gate off a private single track.<br />

The site slopes gently to the south with a group of mature trees to the southern edge of the field.<br />

A post and wire fence bounds the field with a section of mature hedgerow abutting the private<br />

track to the west.<br />

This infill site is flanked to the north by the property ‘Grisedale House’ and to the south ‘Lingy<br />

Side’, fields to the east and across the track to the west another residential property ‘Robin’s<br />

Field’.<br />

The character of the site is essentially rural but with several large detached properties set within<br />

their own grounds is in close proximity to the site.<br />

Further Can issues be overcome/ mitigated?<br />

issues/opp Are there opportunities for enhancement?<br />

ortunities to<br />

consider<br />

Issues and opportunities<br />

Green = no issue<br />

Amber = issues can be addressed<br />

through mitigation<br />

Red = Issue cannot be satisfactorily<br />

addressed<br />

= Opportunity for enhancement<br />

Accessibility The site is accessed off a narrow private road which runs virtually parallel<br />

with the main road that runs through the village. There are no footways<br />

along this stretch of road, however because it is for private use it is lightly<br />

used which is reflected in its designation as a public footpath. Development<br />

of the site is unlikely to have a significant detrimental effect on the public<br />

right of way.<br />

Archaeology<br />

Biodiversity/<br />

Geodiversity<br />

There are no archaeological features on this site or in close proximity.<br />

A preliminary desk top assessment of designations has been undertaken to<br />

identify any sites which are located within 250 metres of Special Areas of<br />

Conservation, <strong>Site</strong>s of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Areas,<br />

National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, RAMSAR sties, County<br />

Wildlife <strong>Site</strong>s, and Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological

<strong>Site</strong>s. This site is not located within 250 metres of any of these nature<br />

designations so there is unlikely to be any adverse impact but any<br />

proposals that may have a direct or indirect effect on these features will be<br />

expected to give full consideration of the potential impact.<br />

Contaminate<br />

d land<br />

Flood risk<br />

Health and<br />

Wellbeing<br />

Highways<br />

Historic<br />

environment<br />

Landscape<br />

Neighbour<br />

impact<br />

Planning<br />

history<br />

(including<br />

relevant<br />

It is also possible that this site hosts protected habitats and species which<br />

will require further consideration prior to the submission of any planning<br />

application for the development of the site. Mitigation measures may be<br />

required. Need to check out trees to assess bat interest/potential as part of<br />

any development proposal.<br />

This is a greenfield site currently used for agricultural purposes. It is<br />

unlikely that it is contaminated as there is no record of previous<br />

development on this site.<br />

The site is in a low risk area. It is located within Zone 1 Low Probability<br />

which is land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability<br />

of river flooding in any year.<br />

We are not aware of any reported localized flooding episodes.<br />

Any subsequent application for this site will need to address surface water<br />

run-off in order to comply with Policy CS11 and CS17.<br />

There are no rights of access on this site through a Public Right of Way and<br />

the site is not designated as Important Open Space for Recreation under<br />

Local Plan Policy S1. Development of this site would not result in the loss<br />

of recreational opportunities.<br />

<strong>Site</strong> is accessed via a private, single track lane which has restricted<br />

visibility at its junction with the highway. The track and junction will need<br />

improvement in order to accommodate the development. Alternatively<br />

access would need to be via X1061 (should it be allocated). Also, the<br />

cumulative impact of proposed development in <strong>Portinscale</strong> could impact<br />

upon the junctions between the A66 and the local road network within the<br />

settlement.<br />

There are no listed buildings on or in close proximity to this site. There is no<br />

Conservation Area delineated in <strong>Portinscale</strong>.<br />

A predominantly tranquil landscape surrounding the shores of Derwent<br />

Water away from the main roads. The high fells around the lake provide a<br />

dramatic sense of enclosure. Extensive areas of mainly deciduous<br />

woodland cover the lower fell sides. Open views across to the high fells are<br />

vulnerable to interruption.<br />

The site is remnant woodland now improved pasture and includes a<br />

number of very large mature trees and old grown out pollards. It is<br />

essentially a gap site which provides a visual link between the lane and the<br />

domed semi-improved pasture of site 1061. Due to higher ground to the<br />

east and development and garden trees to the north, south and west views<br />

into the site are limited.<br />

The group of mature trees to the south of the site creates a natural edge to<br />

development resulting in a clearly defined space between future<br />

development and the property Lingy Side. The site provides plenty of scope<br />

to avoid significant neighbour impacts.<br />

No planning history for this site.

appeals)<br />

Settlement<br />

character<br />

Tree and<br />

Woodlands<br />

Utilities<br />

(electricity/<br />

gas)<br />

The village of <strong>Portinscale</strong> nestles between the busy A66 to the north west,<br />

the River Derwent to the north east and Derwent Water to the south east.<br />

Just off the busy A66, the sense of tranquility is disturbed by road noise,<br />

views of roads and urban development. In addition at night there is light<br />

pollution from Keswick.<br />

Residential development to the north and central core of the village are<br />

denser than the southern area consisting of two storey semi-detached<br />

estate style housing to the north and a more traditional vernacular style in<br />

the centre.<br />

The site is located to the western edge of the village which is more sparsely<br />

populated than the central area of the village. Whilst the site maintains a<br />

feeling of being in the village, it is on the edge and there is a strong sense<br />

of rural with open views across the fields.<br />

Although residential properties here are less dense, development could<br />

take place on this site without having an unacceptable adverse impact upon<br />

the character of the village. However, issues of design and scale are<br />

important considerations.<br />

There are mature trees on the site which are important features of this site<br />

adding value to the amenity of the area. Many of these trees are valuable<br />

landscape features but likely to be of a size, age, and in some cases<br />

condition, that is incompatible with development of the site. This might not<br />

preclude development but will necessitate hard choices regarding the<br />

removal of trees and a sensitive planting scheme.<br />

Or alternatively ensuring that all mature trees are kept in areas of public<br />

open space within the scheme and that there are no changes of level within<br />

the RPA (root protection areas) so that the mature trees can be retained.<br />

Gas - No capacity issues have been identified. It should be possible to<br />

supply sites on an individual basis from the existing low pressure<br />

system. However, to provide a firm response detailed information is<br />

required.<br />

Electricity- ENWL have a commitment to provide an electricity supply to<br />

new build development. ENWL determine the cost of connection and the<br />

developer would be expected to contribute part or all of this cost. <strong>Site</strong>s<br />

closer to sub-stations and existing developments are likely to result in lower<br />

connection costs. Further information is required to provide a detailed<br />

response.<br />

Utilities<br />

(Sewerage/<br />

drainage)<br />

Utilities<br />

(water)<br />

There are no problems with the foul water network.<br />

Environment agency will require connection to the main sewer if available.<br />

They will want to avoid seepage of chemicals from sewer systems which<br />

could ultimately affect the water quality in Bassenthwaite<strong>Lake</strong> and Derwent<br />

Water.<br />

There are no problems with the fresh water network.<br />

Summary of consultation comments<br />

Housing: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Employment: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Waste Management: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0

Open Space: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

<strong>Site</strong> is accessed via a private, single track lane which has restricted visibility at its junction with<br />

the highway. The track and junction will need improvement in order to accommodate the<br />

development. Alternatively access would need to be via X1061 (should it be allocated).<br />

Cumulative impact of housing and employment sites within <strong>Portinscale</strong> could impact upon the<br />

junctions between the A66 and the local road network within the settlement.<br />

Summary of assessment with regards to HRA/SA<br />

Housing Development:<br />

Significant positive effect on SA objective (++):<br />

SA3: To provide everyone with a decent home<br />

SA15: To improve access to jobs<br />

Significant negative effect on SA objective (--):<br />

None identified<br />

Uncertain but potentially significant effect on SA objective (--? or ++?):<br />

SA7: To protect and enhance biodiversity (--?)<br />

Minor positive effect on SA objective (+):<br />

None identified<br />

Minor negative effect on objective (-):<br />

None identified<br />

Uncertain, potentially minor effect on SA objective (-? or +?):<br />

SA17: To protect historic assets and their settings (-?)<br />

Negligible effect on objective (0)<br />

SA2: To improve access to services, facilities, the countryside and open space<br />

SA5: To improve the health and wellbeing of people<br />

SA10: To improve local air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions<br />

Uncertain effect on objective (?)<br />

SA8: To preserve, enhance and manage landscape quality and character for future generations<br />

Employment Development:<br />

LDNPA does not consider that this site is a reasonable alternative for employment development<br />

Summary of Habitats Regulations Assessment Evidence:<br />

The potential scale of development at this site is small (

introduce a degree of intensification which is currently unacceptable. The access road itself may<br />

not be considered of an acceptable standard to accommodate further development.<br />

Taking into consideration alternative sites which are considered to be sequentially more<br />

favourable for allocation in <strong>Portinscale</strong> this site is not selected as a preferred site.<br />

No Yes<br />

Is this site selected as a preferred option?<br />

<br />

If so, for what use?<br />

Suggested requirements if allocated

<strong>Site</strong> reference X1019 <strong>Site</strong> area (Ha) 0.25<br />

<strong>Site</strong> name<br />

Woodland North of Longcroft<br />

Suggested use at Issues and Housing<br />

Options<br />

Key issues identified at Stage 2 Can issue be potentially overcome/ mitigated?<br />

through Issues and Options<br />

consultation<br />

No (give reason)<br />

Further assessment<br />

required (see below)<br />

Issues raised regarding access to<br />

Yes<br />

the site<br />

Cumulative impact of<br />

Yes<br />

development upon the junctions<br />

between the A66 and the local<br />

road network within the<br />

settlement.<br />

Stage 3<br />

No Yes<br />

Is the site available? ? ?<br />

<strong>Site</strong> characteristics<br />

Located on the western edge of the village of <strong>Portinscale</strong>, this greenfield site is accessed via a<br />

small wooden gate off a private single track.<br />

The site slopes upwards to the north west and is undulating. There are several small clusters of<br />

large mature trees throughout the site. A post and wire fence bounds the field with beech<br />

hedges abutting the private track to the west and the property ‘Longcroft’ to the south.<br />

This infill site is flanked on all sides by residential properties, of a variety of building styles. The<br />

properties to the north east of the site look down and across the site.<br />

Further Can issues be overcome/ mitigated?<br />

issues/opp Are there opportunities for enhancement?<br />

ortunities to<br />

consider<br />

Issues and opportunities<br />

Green = no issue<br />

Amber = issues can be addressed<br />

through mitigation<br />

Red = Issue cannot be satisfactorily<br />

addressed<br />

= Opportunity for enhancement<br />

Accessibility The site is accessed off a narrow private road which runs virtually parallel<br />

with the main road that runs through the village. There are no footways<br />

along this stretch of road, however because it is for private use it is lightly<br />

used which is reflected in its designation as a public footpath. Development<br />

of the site is unlikely to have a significant detrimental effect on the public<br />

right of way.<br />

Archaeology<br />

Biodiversity/<br />

Geodiversity<br />

There are no archaeological features on or in close proximity to this site.<br />

A preliminary desk top assessment of designations has been undertaken to<br />

identify any sites which are located within 250 metres of Special Areas of<br />

Conservation, <strong>Site</strong>s of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Areas,<br />

National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, RAMSAR sties, County<br />

Wildlife <strong>Site</strong>s, and Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological<br />

<strong>Site</strong>s. This site is not located within 250 metres of any of these nature<br />

designations so there is unlikely to be any adverse impact but any<br />

proposals that may have a direct or indirect effect on these features will be<br />

expected to give full consideration of the potential impact.

It is also possible that this site hosts protected habitats and species which<br />

will require further consideration prior to the submission of any planning<br />

application for the development of the site. Mitigation measures may be<br />

required. There is however a bat roost (ID 175) within 250m of the site. This<br />

may have a bearing on the ability of this site being considered appropriate<br />

for future development. Existing trees provide good bat habitat.<br />

Contaminate<br />

d land<br />

Flood risk<br />

Health and<br />

Wellbeing<br />

Highways<br />

Historic<br />

environment<br />

Landscape<br />

Neighbour<br />

impact<br />

Planning<br />

history<br />

(including<br />

relevant<br />

appeals)<br />

This is a greenfield site. It is unlikely that it is contaminated as there is no<br />

record of previous development on this site.<br />

The site is in a low risk area. It is located within Zone 1 Low Probability<br />

which is land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability<br />

of river flooding in any year.<br />

We are not aware of any reported localized flooding episodes.<br />

Any subsequent application for this site will need to address surface water<br />

run-off in order to comply with Policy CS11 and CS17.<br />

There are no rights of access directly to this site via a Public Right of Way<br />

although footpaths run along the northern and western edges. The site is<br />

not designated as Important Open Space for Recreation under Local Plan<br />

Policy S1. Development of this site would not result in the loss of<br />

recreational opportunities.<br />

<strong>Site</strong> is accessed via a private, single track lane which has restricted<br />

visibility at its junction with the highway. The track junction will need<br />

improvement in order to accommodate the development. Also the<br />

cumulative impact of proposed development in <strong>Portinscale</strong> could impact<br />

upon the junctions between the A66 and the local road network within the<br />

settlement.<br />

There are no listed buildings on or in close proximity to this site. There is no<br />

Conservation Area delineated in <strong>Portinscale</strong>.<br />

A predominantly tranquil landscape surrounding the shores of Derwent<br />

Water away from the main roads. The high fells around the lake provide a<br />

dramatic sense of enclosure. Extensive areas of mainly deciduous<br />

woodland cover the lower fell sides. Open views across to the high fells are<br />

vulnerable to interruption.<br />

The site is remnant woodland now improved pasture and includes a<br />

number of large mature trees. It is essentially a gap site within development<br />

of generally detached houses with large gardens. Due to higher ground to<br />

the east and development and garden trees to the north, south and west<br />

views into the site are limited.<br />

Several properties adjoin the site namely ‘Oakgarth’ ‘Little Paddock’<br />

‘Longcroft’, and ‘Larkfield’ across the single track. The site slopes westward<br />

limiting the immediate impacts on both ‘Oakgarth’ and ‘Little Paddock’.<br />

Longcroft is a large detached house which sits in its own grounds.<br />

Any future development on this site will have to ensure there is sufficient<br />

separation between the development and the neighbouring properties to<br />

ensure there are no detrimental effects on residential amenity.<br />

No planning history for this site.

Settlement<br />

character<br />

Tree and<br />

Woodlands<br />

Utilities<br />

(electricity/<br />

gas)<br />

Utilities<br />

(Sewerage/<br />

drainage)<br />

Utilities<br />

(water)<br />

The village of <strong>Portinscale</strong> nestles between the busy A66 to the north west,<br />

the River Derwent to the north east and Derwent Water to the south east.<br />

Just off the busy A66, the sense of tranquility is disturbed by road noise,<br />

views of roads and urban development. In addition at night there is light<br />

pollution from Keswick.<br />

Residential development to the north and central core of the village are<br />

denser than the southern area consisting of two storey semi-detached<br />

estate style housing to the north and a more traditional vernacular style in<br />

the centre.<br />

The site is located to the western edge of the village and sits comfortably<br />

within the village envelope.<br />

Although residential properties here are less dense, development could<br />

take place on this site without having an unacceptable adverse impact upon<br />

the character of the village. However, issues of design and scale and<br />

landscape amenity are important considerations.<br />

There are several mature trees scattered throughout this site, some of<br />

which may be of amenity value. Due to the mature trees and sloping nature<br />

of this site it is unlikely that this site will be suitable for an affordable<br />

housing development as this is likely to lead to the loss of mature trees<br />

however it may be appropriate for 1 house to be built with the trees as part<br />

of the garden.<br />

Gas - No capacity issues have been identified. It should be possible to<br />

supply sites on an individual basis from the existing low pressure<br />

system. However, to provide a firm response detailed information is<br />

required.<br />

Electricity- ENWL have a commitment to provide an electricity supply to<br />

new build development. ENWL determine the cost of connection and the<br />

developer would be expected to contribute part or all of this cost. <strong>Site</strong>s<br />

closer to sub-stations and existing developments are likely to result in lower<br />

connection costs. Further information is required to provide a detailed<br />

response.<br />

There are no problems with the foul water network.<br />

Environment agency will require connection to the main sewer if available.<br />

They will want to avoid seepage of chemicals from sewer systems which<br />

could ultimately affect the water quality in Bassenthwaite<strong>Lake</strong> and Derwent<br />

Water.<br />

There are no problems with the fresh water network.<br />

Summary of consultation comments<br />

Housing: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Employment: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Waste Management: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Open Space: Support: 0 Object: 0Don't mind: 0<br />

Responses received concern access to the site and possible impacts on the existing road<br />

network as detailed in the highway section above.<br />

Summary of assessment with regards to HRA/SA<br />

Housing Development:

Significant positive effect on SA objective (++):<br />

SA3: To provide everyone with a decent home<br />

SA15: To improve access to jobs<br />

Significant negative effect on SA objective (--):<br />

None identified<br />

Uncertain but potentially significant effect on SA objective (--? or ++?):<br />

SA17: To protect historic assets and their settings (--?)<br />

Minor positive effect on SA objective (+):<br />

None identified<br />

Minor negative effect on objective (-):<br />

None identified<br />

Uncertain, potentially minor effect on SA objective (-? or +?):<br />

SA7: To protect and enhance biodiversity (-?)<br />

Negligible effect on objective (0)<br />

SA2: To improve access to services, facilities, the countryside and open space<br />

SA5: To improve the health and wellbeing of people<br />

SA10: To improve local air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions<br />

Uncertain effect on objective (?)<br />

SA8: To preserve, enhance and manage landscape quality and character for future generations<br />

Employment Development:<br />

LDNPA does not consider that this site is a reasonable alternative for employment development<br />

Summary of Habitats Regulations Assessment Evidence:<br />

The potential scale of development at this site is small (

<strong>Site</strong> reference X1019 <strong>Site</strong> area (Ha) 0.25<br />

<strong>Site</strong> name<br />

Woodland north of Longcroft, <strong>Portinscale</strong><br />

Suggested use at Issues and Open space amenity, housing<br />

Options<br />

Key issues identified at Stage 2 Possible to overcome or mitigate the issue?<br />

through issues and options<br />

consultation<br />

No (give reason)<br />

Further<br />

assessment<br />

required (see<br />

below)<br />

No issues identified.<br />

N/A<br />

Stage 3 – amenity open space<br />

Is there a local deficiency of this type of open space?<br />

Is there a local surplus of this type of open space?<br />

Is the site publicly accessible?<br />

Is the site used for recreation?<br />

Is the site within or well related to a settlement?<br />

Is the site or its use mentioned in the community plan?<br />

If applicable, does the community plan recognise it as<br />

worthy of retention for its current use?<br />

Does the site contribute to the character of the built<br />

environment, landscape, or settlement form?<br />

Has an alternative use or development been suggested?<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

N/A<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

Description of reasonable alternative use(s):<br />

Housing, open space. <strong>Site</strong> is currently woodland.<br />

If a new use is suggested what is the justification or considerations to justify<br />

an alternative use or development?<br />

Need for housing sites within the north distinctive area.<br />

<strong>Site</strong> characteristics<br />

<strong>Site</strong> has grass and tree cover. It is uneven and slopes up towards the north.<br />

Surrounding land uses are housing, to the north, east, west and south. Private<br />

access road from the A66 to the site.<br />

Summary of consultation comments<br />

No comments received. Highways issue – restricted visibility means that the access<br />

track junction with the main road will need improvement.<br />

Summary of assessment with regards to HRA/SA

Summary of assessment findings (i.e. above)<br />

The site is not publically accessible, and is not being recommended as a preferred<br />

housing site therefore there is not considered to be any development pressure which<br />

would result in the loss of the site.<br />

Should this site be designated as amenity open<br />

space?<br />

Yes<br />


<strong>Site</strong> reference X1061 <strong>Site</strong> area (Ha) 3.04<br />

<strong>Site</strong> name<br />

Large area of land between Cotehill and Grisedale<br />

Suggested use at Issues and Housing<br />

Options<br />

Key issues identified at Stage 2 Can issue be potentially overcome/ mitigated?<br />

through Issues and Options<br />

consultation<br />

No (give reason)<br />

Further assessment<br />

required (see below)<br />

Transport Assessment and Travel<br />

Yes<br />

Plan required<br />

Suitable access arrangements<br />

Yes<br />

should being provided.<br />

Cumulative impact of<br />

Yes<br />

development upon the junctions<br />

between the A66 and the local<br />

road network within the<br />

settlement.<br />

Stage 3<br />

No Yes<br />

Is the site available? ? ?<br />

<strong>Site</strong> characteristics<br />

This large site consists of three fields used for agricultural purposes and occupies an elevated<br />

position in the area.<br />

There are a number of mature trees scattered throughout the site. The site is enclosed by large<br />

detached residential properties. There are no clear points of access to the site.<br />

Further Can issues be overcome/ mitigated?<br />

issues/opp Are there opportunities for enhancement?<br />

ortunities to<br />

consider<br />

Issues and opportunities<br />

Green = no issue<br />

Amber = issues can be addressed<br />

through mitigation<br />

Red = Issue cannot be satisfactorily<br />

addressed<br />

= Opportunity for enhancement<br />

Accessibility There are no obvious points of access to the site. It could be accessed from<br />

the private single track to the west via an adjacent field. However, the field<br />

may be in separate ownership.<br />

Clarity is required to address access issues.<br />

Archaeology<br />

Biodiversity/<br />

Geodiversity<br />

There are no archaeological features on or in close proximity to the site.<br />

A preliminary desk top assessment of designations has been undertaken to<br />

identify any sites which are located within 250 metres of Special Areas of<br />

Conservation, <strong>Site</strong>s of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Areas,<br />

National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, RAMSAR sties, County<br />

Wildlife <strong>Site</strong>s, and Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological<br />

<strong>Site</strong>s. The site is within 250m of the River Derwent & Tributaries SSSI and<br />

River Derwent and Bassenthwaite <strong>Lake</strong> SAC.<br />

Issues around drainage and surface water handling would be key<br />

considerations as part of any development proposal. Any proposals that<br />

may have a direct or indirect effect on these features will be expected to<br />

give full consideration of the potential impact.

Contaminate<br />

d land<br />

Flood risk<br />

Health and<br />

Wellbeing<br />

Highways<br />

Historic<br />

environment<br />

Landscape<br />

Neighbour<br />

impact<br />

Planning<br />

history<br />

(including<br />

relevant<br />

appeals)<br />

Settlement<br />

character<br />

It is also possible that this site hosts protected habitats and species which<br />

will require further consideration prior to the submission of any planning<br />

application for the development of the site. Mitigation measures may be<br />

required.<br />

This is a greenfield site and we do not have any records of previous<br />

development, it is unlikely therefore that this site is contaminated.<br />

The site is in a low risk area. It is located within Zone 1 Low Probability<br />

which is land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability<br />

of river flooding in any year.<br />

We are not aware of any reported localized flooding episodes.<br />

Any subsequent application for this site will need to address surface water<br />

run-off in order to comply with Policy CS11 and CS17.<br />

The site is not accessible via a Public Right of Way and the site is not<br />

designated as Important Open Space for Recreation under Local Plan<br />

Policy S1. Development of this site would not result in the loss of<br />

recreational opportunities.<br />

Cumulative impact of development could impact upon the junctions<br />

between the A66 and the local road network within the settlement.<br />

There are no listed buildings on or in close proximity to this site. There is no<br />

Conservation Area delineated in <strong>Portinscale</strong>.<br />

A predominantly tranquil landscape surrounding the shores of Derwent<br />

Water away from the main roads. The high fells around the lake provide a<br />

dramatic sense of enclosure. Extensive areas of mainly deciduous<br />

woodland cover the lower fell sides. Open views across to the high fells are<br />

vulnerable to interruption.<br />

The site occupies an elevated position and will introduce development that<br />

will project into the existing skyline. This may have significant adverse<br />

effects on local landscape character and also on wider views into the site.<br />

Light pollution, particularly in winter may also have a detrimental effect on<br />

the landscape over a wide area and therefore requires careful<br />

consideration.<br />

There appear to be a national trust covenant on the land.<br />

A site of this size has the capacity to accommodate a large housing<br />

scheme. This will have an effect on the local amenity particularly in respect<br />

of access and scale. Density is a key consideration as the area is low<br />

density. The issue of access needs to be clarified to determine whether the<br />

scheme would be overbearing particularly given the elevated nature of<br />

much of the site. A small scheme at the northern edge of the site may be<br />

considered more appropriate. The access from the highway on the eastern<br />

side of the site is currently from a field gate behind which the land rises as<br />

an embankment with mature trees. Putting an access in here to meet<br />

highway standards would be a significant local landscape impact.<br />

No planning history for this site.<br />

The village of <strong>Portinscale</strong> nestles between the busy A66 to the north west,<br />

the River Derwent to the north east and Derwent Water to the south east.<br />

Just off the busy A66, the sense of tranquility is disturbed by road noise,<br />

views of roads and urban development. In addition at night there is light

Tree and<br />

Woodlands<br />

Utilities<br />

(electricity/<br />

gas)<br />

Utilities<br />

(Sewerage/<br />

drainage)<br />

Utilities<br />

(water)<br />

pollution from Keswick.<br />

Residential development to the north and central core of the village are<br />

denser than the southern area consisting of two storey semi-detached<br />

estate style housing to the north and a more traditional vernacular style in<br />

the centre.<br />

The site is located in an area of low density residential properties. It<br />

contributes to the sense of tranquility and rural and is an important feature<br />

in the local amenity. The site in its entirety does not lend itself comfortably<br />

for large scale housing development.<br />

There are several mature trees within the site boundary. Trees are a very<br />

important feature in this area so issues of design and landscape need<br />

careful consideration. If propose for development it is likely to be<br />

appropriate to serve a TPO on these trees as they have high amenity<br />

value.<br />

Ensure that all mature trees are designed into the areas of public open<br />

space within the scheme and that there are no changes of level within the<br />

RPA (root protection areas) so that the mature trees can be retained.<br />

Electricity- ENWL have a commitment to provide an electricity supply to<br />

new build development. ENWL determine the cost of connection and the<br />

developer would be expected to contribute part or all of this cost. <strong>Site</strong>s<br />

closer to sub-stations and existing developments are likely to result in lower<br />

connection costs. Further information is required to provide a detailed<br />

response.<br />

Gas - No capacity issues have been identified. It should be possible to<br />

supply sites on an individual basis from the existing low pressure<br />

system. However, to provide a firm response detailed information is<br />

required.<br />

There are no problems with the foul water network.<br />

There are no problems with the fresh water network.<br />

Summary of consultation comments<br />

Housing: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Employment: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Waste Management: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Open Space: Support: 0 Object: 0 Don't mind: 0<br />

Responses received concern access to the site and possible impacts on the existing road<br />

network as detailed in the highway section above.<br />

Summary of assessment with regards to HRA/SA<br />

Housing Development:<br />

Significant positive effect on SA objective (++):<br />

SA3: To provide everyone with a decent home<br />

SA15: To improve access to jobs<br />

Significant negative effect on SA objective (--):<br />

None identified

Uncertain but potentially significant effect on SA objective (--? or ++?):<br />

SA7: To protect and enhance biodiversity (--?)<br />

Minor positive effect on SA objective (+):<br />

None identified<br />

Minor negative effect on objective (-):<br />

None identified<br />

Uncertain, potentially minor effect on SA objective (-? or +?):<br />

SA17: To protect historic assets and their settings (-?)<br />

Negligible effect on objective (0)<br />

SA2: To improve access to services, facilities, the countryside and open space<br />

SA5: To improve the health and wellbeing of people<br />

SA10: To improve local air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions<br />

Uncertain effect on objective (?)<br />

SA8: To preserve, enhance and manage landscape quality and character for future generations.<br />

Employment Development:<br />

LDNPA does not consider that this site is a reasonable alternative for employment development.<br />

Summary of Habitats Regulations Assessment Evidence:<br />

The potential scale of development at this site is medium (1.0-10.0ha).<br />

It is located within 250m of the River Derwent and Bassenthwaite <strong>Lake</strong> SAC.<br />

Summary of assessment findings (i.e. above)<br />

There are no environmental designations immediately affecting this site. However, the site is<br />

sensitive as it is an important feature adding value to the local amenity and it is not considered<br />

appropriate to develop the entire site. The northern most part of the site may have potential for<br />

the development of a small scheme subject to appropriate access arrangements. But taking into<br />

consideration alternative sites which are considered to be sequentially more favourable for<br />

allocation in Keswick this site is not selected as a preferred site.<br />

No Yes<br />

Is this site selected as a preferred option?<br />

<br />

If so, for what use?<br />

Suggested requirements if allocated

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