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Download PDF Schedule - Los Angeles Harbor College Download PDF Schedule - Los Angeles Harbor College


ART 305 3.00 UNITS ACRYLIC PAINTING II (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 304 with a grade of “C” or better. Continuation of Art 304, with emphasis on personal exploration and experimentation. 0346 lec 9:35 - 10:40am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 & lab 10:40 - 11:45am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 Evening Class 3233 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 ART 306 3.00 UNITS ACRYLIC PAINTING III (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 305 with a grade of “C” or better. The creative exploration of acrylic paints in studying still life, landscape and the human figure. 0347 lec 9:35 - 10:40am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 & lab 10:40 - 11:45am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 Evening Class 3234 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 ART 310 2.00 UNITS BEGINNING OIL PAINTING (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 300 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. This course provides introductory experience with oil painting. Technical control, organizational and compositional skills are emphasized. 0348 lec 9:35 - 10:40am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 & lab 10:40 - 11:45am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 Evening Class 3235 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 ART 311 2.00 UNITS INTERMEDIATE OIL PAINTING (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 310 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. This course provides continued oil painting experience stressing technical achievement, creative improvisations, and complex compositions. 0349 lec 9:35 - 10:40am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 & lab 10:40 - 11:45am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 Evening Class 3236 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 ART 312 2.00 UNITS ADVANCED OIL PAINTING (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 311 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. This course provides advanced oil painting experience stressing technical achievement, creative improvisations, and complex compositions. 0350 lec 9:35 - 10:40am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 & lab 10:40 - 11:45am TTh C.K. ANTRIM FA 107 Evening Class 3237 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm T R.E. LINDEN FA 107 ART 501 3.00 UNITS BEGINNING TWO-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (UC:CSU) Recommended corequisite: Art 201. Introduction to basic concepts of composition and color. 0351 lec 9:35 - 11:55am F V.L. LOSCHUK FA 101 & lab 12:05 - 2:25pm F V.L. LOSCHUK FA 101 ART 521 3.00 UNITS ART GALLERY TECHNIQUES (CSU) Students work with the college art gallery director in developing practical techniques in curating, organizing and displaying art gallery exhibitions. 3239 lec 2:05 hrs/wk TBA - R.E. LINDEN FA 100 & lab 2:05 hrs/wk TBA - R.E. LINDEN FA 100 ART 633 3.00 UNITS INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS (CSU) Introductory course in computer graphics using primarily Adobe Illustrator. This is an ideal course for students interested in computer art. Material fee: $15.00. 0352 lec 1:20 - 2:25pm TTh J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 & lab 2:25 - 3:30pm TTh J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 ART 637 3.00 UNITS PRESENTATION GRAPHICS (CSU) Students learn to prepare and optimize images, design and create layouts and interactive environments specific to a variety of audiences using Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop and Illustrator. 0353 lec 11:10 - 12:10pm MW J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 & lab 12:10 - 1:10pm MW J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 ART 638 1.00 UNITS COMPUTER-AIDED ART LABORATORY (CSU) This course is designed to reinforce lecture topics presented in each computer-aided art course. It provides students with the opportunity to practice and apply concepts learned in lecture. 0354 lab 3:10 hrs/wk TBA - J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 ART 639 3.00 UNITS INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGING (CSU) Introduction to digital imaging using Adobe Photoshop. Students learn to capture and manipulate all types of images in Photoshop for both print and other types of media formats. Material fee: $15.00. 0355 lec 9:00 - 10:00am MW J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 & lab 10:00 - 11:00am MW J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 ART 640 3.00 UNITS PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT (CSU) This is a specialized class devoted to assisting students in preparing and electronic portfolio tailored to their specific career and/or academic goals. Students will produce an electronic portfolio as an outcome of this class. 3240 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 & lab 11:40 - 12:40pm TTh J.S. ABARBANEL T 114 ART 706 2.00 UNITS CLAY SCULPTURE I (UC:CSU) Prerequisites: Completion of Art 501 and 713 with grades of ‘C’ or better. This course provides the student an exploration of ceramic sculpture in three dimension and relief. Creative experimentation is pursued with form, line and space. Reference is made to the history of and contemporary issues involving clay sculpture. Individual creativity is stressed. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional and other materials in order to complete this class. 0356 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 Evening Classes 3241 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 3242 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 7:55 -11:05pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 20 LOS ANGELES HARBOR COLLEGE Fall 2013 Course Offerings

ART 707 2.00 UNITS CLAY SCULPTURE II (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 706 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. The student continues study begun in Art 706 using clay as a medium in three dimensions and relief. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional and other materials in order to complete this class. 0357 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 Evening Classes 3243 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:55 -10:05pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 3244 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 7:55 -11:05pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 ART 712 2.00 UNITS CERAMICS WORKSHOP (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 714 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. Independent study in ceramics. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional and other materials in order to complete this class. 0358 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 Evening Classes 3245 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 3246 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 ART 713 2.00 UNITS BEGINNING CERAMICS I (UC:CSU) Recommended prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Art 501. Making things in clay: hand building, wheel throwing and glazing. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional materials in order to complete this class. 0696 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 Evening Classes 3247 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 3248 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 ART 714 2.00 UNITS BEGINNING CERAMICS II (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Art 713 with a grade of ‘C’ or better. Recommended prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Art 501. Ceramic materials design and production emphasizing glazes and kiln firing. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional and other materials in order to complete this class. 0360 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 Evening Classes 3249 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 3250 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 & lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108 ASTRONOMY Division Chair: Farzaneh Saddigh, 310-233-4500, ASTRONOMY 001 3.00 UNITS ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY (UC:CSU) Recommended co-requisite: Astro 5. A study of early astronomy, the moon, sun planets, stellar origin and evolution, nebulae, galaxies, and cosmology. 0460 lec 9:35 - 11:00am TTh A. GHAHREMANPOUR NEA 103 Evening Class 3370 lec 7:00 -10:05pm T A. GHAHREMANPOUR NEA 103 ASTRONOMY 005 1.00 UNITS FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRONOMY LABORATORY (UC:CSU) Prerequisite: Completion of Astronomy 1 with a grade of “C” or better or concurrent enrollment. Use of physical instruments and planetarium to gain further insight into astronomical knowledge. 3372 lab 3:50 - 6:55pm T R.F. WHITING PH 105 BASIC SKILLS DivisionChair:BradYoung,310-233-4065, BASIC SKILLS 023CE 0.00 UNITS COLLEGE AND SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT PREPARATION (NDA) (RPT 9) 5703 lab 8:00 - 8:55am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A or lab 9:15 - 10:10am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A or lab 10:30 - 11:25am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A 5704 lab 12:45 - 12:40pm MW T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A or lab 1:00 - 1:55pm MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A or lab 2:15 - 3:10pm TTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A BIOLOGY DivisionChair:JoyceParker,310-233-4556, BIOLOGY 003 4.00 UNITS INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY (UC:CSU) Not open to students who have credit in Botany 1 or Zoology 1. Concurrent enrollment in lecture and laboratory section is required. Laboratory study of major concepts of biology, cellular structure, function, and organization of living systems. A materials fee of $20.00 is required. 0656 lab 8:00 - 11:10am T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 & lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 0657 lab 8:00 - 11:10am Th T.W. GUINN SCC 154 & lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 0658 lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 & lab 1:05 - 4:15pm T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 Evening Classes 3475 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152 & lab 8:00 - 11:10am Th T.W. GUINN SCC 218 3476 lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh T.W. GUINN SCC 218 & lab 6:45 - 9:55pm Th A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154 3477 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152 & lab 1:05 - 4:15pm T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 218 3478 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152 & lab 6:45 - 9:55pm Th T.W. GUINN SCC 218 3479 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh STAFF SCC 152 & lab 8:00 - 11:10am T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 218 Biology 3 continues on next page Course Offerings 21

ART 707<br />

2.00 UNITS<br />


Prerequisite: Completion of Art 706 with a grade of ‘C’ or better.<br />

The student continues study begun in Art 706 using clay as a<br />

medium in three dimensions and relief. Students are required to<br />

provide $15.00 worth of instructional and other materials in order<br />

to complete this class.<br />

0357 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

Evening Classes<br />

3243 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:55 -10:05pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

3244 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 7:55 -11:05pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

ART 712<br />

2.00 UNITS<br />


Prerequisite: Completion of Art 714 with a grade of ‘C’ or better.<br />

Independent study in ceramics. Students are required to provide $15.00<br />

worth of instructional and other materials in order to complete this class.<br />

0358 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

Evening Classes<br />

3245 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

3246 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

ART 713<br />

2.00 UNITS<br />


Recommended prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Art 501.<br />

Making things in clay: hand building, wheel throwing and glazing.<br />

Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional<br />

materials in order to complete this class.<br />

0696 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

Evening Classes<br />

3247 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

3248 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

ART 714<br />

2.00 UNITS<br />


Prerequisite: Completion of Art 713 with a grade of ‘C’ or better.<br />

Recommended prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Art 501.<br />

Ceramic materials design and production emphasizing glazes and kiln<br />

firing. Students are required to provide $15.00 worth of instructional<br />

and other materials in order to complete this class.<br />

0360 lec 11:10 - 11:40am TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 11:45 - 1:10pm TTh J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

Evening Classes<br />

3249 lec 5:45 - 6:50pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 -10:00pm M J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

3250 lab 5:45 - 6:50pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />

& lab 6:50 - 8:55pm W J.D. MCCAFFERTY FA 108<br />


Division Chair: Farzaneh Saddigh, 310-233-4500,<br />

ASTRONOMY 001<br />

3.00 UNITS<br />


Recommended co-requisite: Astro 5. A study of early astronomy, the<br />

moon, sun planets, stellar origin and evolution, nebulae, galaxies,<br />

and cosmology.<br />

0460 lec 9:35 - 11:00am TTh A. GHAHREMANPOUR NEA 103<br />

Evening Class<br />

3370 lec 7:00 -10:05pm T A. GHAHREMANPOUR NEA 103<br />

ASTRONOMY 005<br />

1.00 UNITS<br />


Prerequisite: Completion of Astronomy 1 with a grade of “C” or<br />

better or concurrent enrollment.<br />

Use of physical instruments and planetarium to gain further insight<br />

into astronomical knowledge.<br />

3372 lab 3:50 - 6:55pm T R.F. WHITING PH 105<br />


DivisionChair:BradYoung,310-233-4065,<br />


0.00 UNITS<br />


5703 lab 8:00 - 8:55am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />

or lab 9:15 - 10:10am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />

or lab 10:30 - 11:25am MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />

5704 lab 12:45 - 12:40pm MW T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />

or lab 1:00 - 1:55pm MTWTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />

or lab 2:15 - 3:10pm TTh T. ALIKHANYAN LAC 105A<br />


DivisionChair:JoyceParker,310-233-4556,<br />

BIOLOGY 003<br />

4.00 UNITS<br />


Not open to students who have credit in Botany 1 or Zoology 1. Concurrent<br />

enrollment in lecture and laboratory section is required. Laboratory<br />

study of major concepts of biology, cellular structure, function, and<br />

organization of living systems. A materials fee of $20.00 is required.<br />

0656 lab 8:00 - 11:10am T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

& lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

0657 lab 8:00 - 11:10am Th T.W. GUINN SCC 154<br />

& lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

0658 lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

& lab 1:05 - 4:15pm T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

Evening Classes<br />

3475 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152<br />

& lab 8:00 - 11:10am Th T.W. GUINN SCC 218<br />

3476 lec 11:10 - 12:35pm TTh T.W. GUINN SCC 218<br />

& lab 6:45 - 9:55pm Th A.T. ESCANDON SCC 154<br />

3477 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152<br />

& lab 1:05 - 4:15pm T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 218<br />

3478 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh S. YODER SCC 152<br />

& lab 6:45 - 9:55pm Th T.W. GUINN SCC 218<br />

3479 lec 5:00 - 6:25pm TTh STAFF SCC 152<br />

& lab 8:00 - 11:10am T A.T. ESCANDON SCC 218<br />

Biology 3 continues on next page<br /><br />

Course Offerings<br />


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