1964 Quadrangle - LaGrange College

1964 Quadrangle - LaGrange College

1964 Quadrangle - LaGrange College


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President, dean term<br />

first week one of best<br />

Thp Stud«js C«,^v*Tnincni AssocnUoB's<br />

handlinn of the j9«3 fall<br />

ertcntation week «» dr«mcd a<br />

saefm by b«flh th» pm^etx and<br />

academic dean of LaGran^e<br />

CoUct*<br />

"I thmk it wa one of th^ txut<br />

havp had However. th« dcah'<br />

pointed out several iffan of the<br />

projcram that might be impiv^cd.<br />

Hf that ifiorv MHjwlinaiton<br />

rnixht be attatnwl among<br />

The g^udcRt; r*3ponsib4e for ihc<br />

proc*»inf and th« pregrams and<br />

siratatiQR veeks *« have had", Uiat those studenti mpontibSe<br />

said Coileg* Pres6ienl Walfhts G iTi'uht bccotec Beloved CbrisUana" by Die­,<br />

triat!»nafilp i»etw««n ra­<br />

, liBio" *"^ ai^ wi" tre th« pra­<br />

' gram topic ta tha Wadaaaday'a<br />

chape! Mr. Jatncc A­ MeCean, aa­<br />

' afatant ^rofaaaar of art at La'<br />

I Qr*n^ Colt^^a. win pwaaant aa<br />

^^Uwatratad (aetura relating art to<br />

' both MaMiHeat and contemporary<br />

I Mr.­IWelLMrr haa a bachelor af<br />

[«fvln^ dc«e«i fnam ««u1*iam<br />

|itath«d<br />

hathrr tea awn amhjtien.<br />

Sewetal Greek tragic yoets<br />

wrc^ tabout the trgewl of MmSm.<br />

JFeffers t» KoraetMrk yarteoberry. FbiUp K Keada^l^<br />

dls«7ver«<br />

site has «ia«d<br />

Durtf^ tbe pact tfiree week*, members of the Hilttop<br />

News ttaff have csnducted a aurvey conceraing attitude<br />

78 Percent Voters Turnout<br />

Sweeps In 5 Elected Heads<br />

cock dirftsated Httfb Co^em foe<br />

' mm'* vlce­prwldent, Jaoe Johnf<br />

M« wtin ov*r MiWrrd Cld»n lor<br />

wHnm'8 Tice­president. In the<br />

~ rwctr for Mfcretary. Judy Carlawi<br />

defeated Sane Alexaoder,<br />

'And I Got A Cow<br />

#or Christmos'<br />

' Aiywufh moat coUeg* stadeot*<br />

proves* a marked indtftereaee to<br />

Clvietmas, It is i>ev«rth^*» their<br />

ieeret deaire for Santa Claus to<br />

' bring UMTTt aomething raaUy big.<br />

&attr Cnwtor^ Oeida H*r<<br />

n»m. and Ctndy Bennett got<br />

*o v«thing reaUy big for Chriatmas.<br />

It waa a cow. It wasnt a<br />

ttuifed cow or a Bsy cow, but a<br />

real eow. There were ways they<br />

cculd tati. It was a real eow.<br />

"Santa" brouj^ the cow to<br />

tiwm on Oaeember 12th. The cow<br />

r had a big red bow umatd tti<br />

wtiti. n bad a roj* baiter with<br />

three labeled rope* hangtiac feoca<br />

it, and it tiad aa InstruettOB boiA<br />

diat told the flris how fo work<br />

their cow. Th* ivtracUcm book<br />

said that the cow was a Midnight<br />

Snack Mi^r that it wa*<br />

good tor ttfe (its).<br />

While ttte lucky #rts ­w«f« trjr^<br />

ffig to fUpire out wttat to do<br />

tbetr coir, it was eabdvly latlng<br />

the ahn^ o« the patto and gtlrtag<br />

(gfty HuOsf to the faculty. riiuAi^.<br />

fb* powers bebftal the {»iuik admatcd<br />

thatr gum. and the cowwas<br />

retimed to tti riglttful owmn*<br />

In Pine Mountain. Ga<br />

aiiaa Ayl«U gtrtckland, aaaiatfffit<br />

ffrafe*#' ot apmh ai^<br />

erawa. ahewA in hee r«ie n<br />

Made* l« til* ^abr^ary tth mt4<br />

tti praductiwi. aat for Dei»b*<br />

By CJNOV BENNerr There was ft tuu­off eteetVia<br />

and JOHN WHITE for the port ©{ treasurer which<br />

; A rccord TS*!?, ot the LaGranite wa« h^ Thm­sday. Buck Tfaoma*<br />

wtm this run­off oi.­er BiQ<br />

' OsJiege student body, last Wodaoiday.<br />

elected L»'

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