Sep/Oct 2005 - Korean War Veterans Association

Sep/Oct 2005 - Korean War Veterans Association

Sep/Oct 2005 - Korean War Veterans Association


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66<br />

had been, that we had been given the pass,<br />

and told to go to an American hospital, and<br />

we would like to have something to eat and<br />

spend the day with them. We were well<br />

received and taken to a very fine house on<br />

the side of a hill, under a very large tree.<br />

There were a number of Chinese soldiers<br />

around the house, preparing to eat. We were<br />

given food (rice) and ate with them. After<br />

eating we were taken to a room in the house<br />

and told this was our room. The room was<br />

about 10 feet by 12 feet, and had a hard<br />

wood floor, which was heated. There were<br />

regular windows in the room with frames<br />

that would open. We lay down and went to<br />

sleep. We were awakened about noon by a<br />

tapping on the window at the back of the<br />

house. I went to the window and saw a<br />

Chinese soldier outside who had a small<br />

package, wrapped in newspaper, in his<br />

hands. He was smiling and making motions<br />

for me to open the window, which I did.<br />

He handed me the package, placed his<br />

forefinger, vertically, over his lips in the<br />

universal motion that says, “Be quiet.” He<br />

then departed around the comer of the<br />

house and I quietly closed the window.<br />

When I took the package from the<br />

Chinese soldier, it was very warm. This<br />

was a very strange occurrence, and Captain<br />

Harrod and I commented on the situation.<br />

We had no idea what was in the package,<br />

but decided we should open it and find out.<br />

If it blew up, so be it.<br />

I unwrapped the package and found a<br />

large piece of hot meat, possibly 2 pounds.<br />

We took it to be beef, but will never know<br />

for sure what species of animal it came<br />

from. This was the first real meat we had<br />

seen in about a month. I tasted it and pronounced<br />

it to be delicious. We disposed of<br />

it in short order. Later in the day I saw the<br />

Chinese soldier who had given us the meat.<br />

He was looking directly at me and smiling.<br />

I looked directly at him, surreptitiously patted<br />

my stomach, and smiled back. He got<br />

the message and we were very grateful for<br />

the meat.<br />

During the course of the afternoon, in<br />

talking with the Chinese soldiers, we<br />

learned they were a Psychological <strong>War</strong>fare<br />

unit. They started telling us of their dislike<br />

for President Truman, General Marshal,<br />

and other members of President Truman’s<br />

staff. They emphasized their friendship for<br />

the American people, but not the political<br />

leaders of the United States.<br />

During the course of the afternoon they<br />

produced U.S. Army backpacks that were<br />

filled with leaflets of all types. They asked<br />

if we would take some of the leaflets and<br />

distribute them to the American soldiers as<br />

we passed through the front line. We told<br />

them we would be delighted to do that.<br />

What we didn’t tell them was the American<br />

soldiers would be in intelligence and very<br />

interested in that type of literature. We<br />

“loaded up” on several copies of each type<br />

of literature they had, until our pockets<br />

were full.<br />

The evening meal turned out to be our<br />

last meal with the Chinese army and it also<br />

is very memorable. Instead of rice, they<br />

took the cooked rice, pounded it flat into a<br />

dough and fried it like a pancake. It was<br />

very different, had a good .taste and, of<br />

course, much appreciated.<br />

Shortly before dark we said goodbye to<br />

the group of Chinese and departed. As we<br />

were leaving, they gave us three or four of<br />

the “ricejacks” to carry with us. The house<br />

was a short distance from the road, with a<br />

trail leading along a small stream. As we<br />

were walking down the trail, the Chinese<br />

soldiers were calling their “good~byes” to<br />

us. We would turn and answer them, wave,<br />

and continue walking. This continued until<br />

we could no longer see each other.<br />

The night of March 11 turned out to be<br />

the most nerve-wracking night of the whole<br />

trip. The first 5 or 6 hours were a repeat of<br />

the preceding three nights-~walk 50 minutes,<br />

rest 10 minutes, visit with Chinese<br />

soldiers who were also taking a break,<br />

being stopped, showing our pass and<br />

answering, then allowed to proceed.<br />

Shortly before reaching Hongchon, the last<br />

of the Chinese forces, who were moving<br />

north, passed us. We found ourselves alone<br />

on the road. We took this to be an indication<br />

we were very close to the front lines. Our<br />

concern then was, how do we keep from<br />

being shot by our own troops when we<br />

reach the front lines?<br />

When we reached Hongchon we found<br />

it “graveyard quiet.” We passed through<br />

Hongchon, but took the wrong road. We<br />

intended to take the road from Hongchon to<br />

Hoengsong, but mistakenly took the road<br />

leading to the southwest towards Seoul.<br />

Shortly after passing the edge of town, at<br />

approximately 1 a.m., we heard a voice,<br />

speaking English, saying, “Halt, you are<br />

surrounded. Put up your hands”. We<br />

stopped and very shortly we were indeed<br />

surrounded. We were again ordered to put<br />

up our hands, which we did. When the<br />

English speaking Chinese made himself<br />

known, we told him of our Safe Conduct<br />

Pass, where we had been, and the instructions<br />

we had to go to an American hospital.<br />

I asked him to let me show him the pass,<br />

which he allowed. He read it through, gave<br />

it back to me, and said we would go with<br />

them. We objected, but found ourselves<br />

facing rifles and we then started back north,<br />

two very dismayed individuals. We were<br />

taken into Hongchon, where there was a<br />

large, open area with a large building on<br />

one side. We were told to sit against the<br />

building, which we did. We were separated<br />

from the Chinese by 40 or 50 feet and could<br />

talk in whispers. We decided this was the<br />

rear guard of the units we had seen moving<br />

north the previous three nights. We were<br />

much concerned as to what would happen<br />

to us.<br />


See that veteran sitting next to you<br />

He is a hero and so are you<br />

See the Airforce streaking<br />

Across the sky those are heroes<br />

Some will fall and some will die<br />

See the Navy in waters deep and blue<br />

They have heroes for a crew<br />

See the Infantry charging up that hill<br />

Many heroes lie their still<br />

See that medic fighting to save a GI<br />

Both are heroes both will die<br />

See the Marines invading that beach<br />

Heroism is within their reach<br />

See those white crosses standing at<br />

Attention all in a row<br />

Those are heroes lying below<br />

And when God calls on you<br />

for a white cross to bear<br />

you will be a hero resting there<br />

Where have all the heroes gone<br />

By Herb Verrill<br />

<strong>Sep</strong>tember - <strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>2005</strong><br />

The Graybeards

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