Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters
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84 SHINICHI MOCHIZUKI the l-torsion points of E F [i.e., on Δ ab X ⊗ F l], we obtain a natural homomorphism Out(Π CK ) → Aut(Δ ab X ⊗ F l)/{±1}. Thus, relative to a suitable inclusion Aut(Δ ab X ⊗ F l)/{±1} ↩→ GL 2 (F l )/{±1}, the images of the groups Aut ɛ (C K ), Aut(C K ) may be identified with subgroups of the form {( )} {( )} ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⊆ ⊆ GL 2 (F l )/{±1} 0 ±1 0 ∗ — i.e., “semi-unipotent, up to ±1” and Borel subgroups — of GL 2 (F l )/{±1}. Write V ±un def =Aut ɛ (C K ) · V ⊆ V Bor def =Aut(C K ) · V ⊆ V(K) for the resulting subsets of V(K). Thus, one verifies immediately that the subgroup Aut ɛ (C K ) ⊆ Aut(C K )isnormal, and that we have a natural isomorphism Aut(C K )/Aut ɛ (C K ) ∼ → F l —sowemaythinkofV Bor as the F l -orbit of V±un . Also, we observe that [in light of the above discussion] it follows immediately that there exists a group-theoretic algorithm for reconstructing, from π 1 (D ⊚ ) [i.e., an isomorph of Π CK ] the subgroup determined by Aut ɛ (C K ). Aut ɛ (D ⊚ ) ⊆ Aut(D ⊚ ) (ii) Let v ∈ V non . Then the natural restriction functor on finite étale coverings arising from the natural composite morphism X −→v → C v → C K if v ∈ V good (respectively, X v → C v → C K if v ∈ V bad ) determines [cf. Examples 3.2, (i); 3.3, (i)] a natural morphism φ•,v NF : D v →D ⊚ [cf. §0 for the definition of the term “morphism”]. Write : D v →D ⊚ φ NF v for the poly-morphism given by the collection of morphisms D v →D ⊚ of the form β ◦ φ NF •,v ◦ α —whereα ∈ Aut(D v ) ∼ = Aut(X −→v ) (respectively, α ∈ Aut(D v ) ∼ = Aut(X v )); β ∈ Aut ɛ (D ⊚ ) ∼ = Aut ɛ (C K ) [cf., e.g., [AbsTopIII], Theorem 1.9]. (iii) Let v ∈ V arc . Thus, [cf. Example 3.4, (i)] we have a tautological morphism ∼ D v = −→v X → C v → C(D ⊚ ,v), hence a morphism φ NF •,v : D v →D ⊚ [cf. Definition 4.1, (v)]. Write : D v →D ⊚ φ NF v for the poly-morphism given by the collection of morphisms D v →D ⊚ of the form β ◦ φ NF •,v ◦ α

INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMÜLLER THEORY I 85 —whereα ∈ Aut(D v ) ∼ = Aut( −→v X ) [cf. Aut ɛ (D ⊚ ) ∼ = Aut ɛ (C K ). [AbsTopIII], Corollary 2.3, (i)]; β ∈ (iv) For each j ∈ F l ,let D j = {D vj } v∈V — where we use the notation v j to denote the pair (j, v) —beacopy of the “tautological D-prime-strip” {D v } v∈V . Let us denote by φ NF 1 : D 1 →D ⊚ [where, by abuse of notation, we write “1” for the element of F l determined by 1] the poly-morphism determined by the collection {φ NF v 1 : D v1 →D ⊚ } v∈V of copies of the poly-morphisms φ NF v constructed in (ii), (iii). Note that φ NF 1 is stabilized by the action of Aut ɛ (C K ) on D ⊚ . Thus, it makes sense to consider, for arbitrary j ∈ F l , the poly-morphism φ NF j : D j →D ⊚ obtained [via any isomorphism D 1 ∼ = Dj ]bypost-composing with the “poly-action” [i.e., action via poly-automorphisms — cf. (i)] of j ∈ F l on D ⊚ .Letuswrite D def = {D j } j∈F l for the capsule of D-prime-strips indexed by j ∈ F l denote by : D →D ⊚ φ NF [cf. Definition 4.1, (iv)] and the poly-morphism given by the collection of poly-morphisms {φ NF j } j∈F . Thus, l φ NF is equivariant with respect to the natural poly-action of F l on D ⊚ and the natural permutation poly-action of F l , via capsule-full [cf. §0] poly-automorphisms, on the constituents of the capsule D . In particular, we obtain a natural poly-action of F l on the collection of data (D , D ⊚ ,φ NF ). Remark 4.3.1. (i) Suppose, for simplicity, in the following discussion that F = F mod . Note that the morphism of schemes Spec(K) → Spec(F ) [or, equivalently, the homomorphism of rings F ↩→ K] does not admit a section. This nonexistence of a section is closely related to the nonexistence of a “global multiplicative subspace” of the sort discussed in [HASurII], Remark 3.7. In the context of loc. cit., this nonexistence of a “global multiplicative subspace” may be thought of as a concrete way of representing the principal obstruction to applying the scheme-theoretic Hodge- Arakelov theory of [HASurI], [HASurII] to diophantine geometry. From this point of view, if one thinks of the ring structure of F , K as a sort of “arithmetic holomorphic structure” [cf. [AbsTopIII], Remark 5.10.2, (ii)], then one may think of the [D-]prime-strips that appear in the discussion of Example 4.3 as defining, via the arrows φ NF j of Example 4.3, (iv),


—whereα ∈ Aut(D v ) ∼ = Aut( −→v X ) [cf.<br />

Aut ɛ (D ⊚ ) ∼ = Aut ɛ (C K ).<br />

[AbsTopIII], Corollary 2.3, (i)]; β ∈<br />

(iv) For each j ∈ F l ,let<br />

D j = {D vj } v∈V<br />

— where we use the notation v j to denote the pair (j, v) —beacopy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

“tautological D-prime-strip” {D v } v∈V . Let us denote by<br />

φ NF<br />

1 : D 1 →D ⊚<br />

[where, by abuse <strong>of</strong> notation, we write “1” for the element <strong>of</strong> F l<br />

determined by 1]<br />

the poly-morphism determined by the collection {φ NF<br />

v 1<br />

: D v1 →D ⊚ } v∈V <strong>of</strong> copies <strong>of</strong><br />

the poly-morphisms φ NF<br />

v constructed in (ii), (iii). Note that φ NF<br />

1 is stabilized by the<br />

action <strong>of</strong> Aut ɛ (C K ) on D ⊚ . Thus, it makes sense to consider, for arbitrary j ∈ F l ,<br />

the poly-morphism<br />

φ NF<br />

j<br />

: D j →D ⊚<br />

obtained [via any isomorphism D 1<br />

∼ = Dj ]bypost-composing with the “poly-action”<br />

[i.e., action via poly-automorphisms — cf. (i)] <strong>of</strong> j ∈ F l<br />

on D ⊚ .Letuswrite<br />

D <br />

def<br />

= {D j } j∈F<br />

<br />

l<br />

for the capsule <strong>of</strong> D-prime-strips indexed by j ∈ F l<br />

denote by<br />

: D →D ⊚<br />

φ NF<br />

<br />

[cf. Definition 4.1, (iv)] and<br />

the poly-morphism given by the collection <strong>of</strong> poly-morphisms {φ NF<br />

j } j∈F<br />

. Thus,<br />

l<br />

φ NF<br />

is equivariant with respect to the natural poly-action <strong>of</strong> F l<br />

on D ⊚ and the<br />

natural permutation poly-action <strong>of</strong> F l<br />

, via capsule-full [cf. §0] poly-automorphisms,<br />

on the constituents <strong>of</strong> the capsule D . In particular, we obtain a natural poly-action<br />

<strong>of</strong> F l<br />

on the collection <strong>of</strong> data (D , D ⊚ ,φ NF<br />

).<br />

Remark 4.3.1.<br />

(i) Suppose, for simplicity, in the following discussion that F = F mod . Note<br />

that the morphism <strong>of</strong> schemes Spec(K) → Spec(F ) [or, equivalently, the homomorphism<br />

<strong>of</strong> rings F ↩→ K] does not admit a section. This nonexistence <strong>of</strong> a section<br />

is closely related to the nonexistence <strong>of</strong> a “global multiplicative subspace” <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sort discussed in [HASurII], Remark 3.7. In the context <strong>of</strong> loc. cit., this nonexistence<br />

<strong>of</strong> a “global multiplicative subspace” may be thought <strong>of</strong> as a concrete way<br />

<strong>of</strong> representing the principal obstruction to applying the scheme-theoretic <strong>Hodge</strong>-<br />

Arakelov theory <strong>of</strong> [HASurI], [HASurII] to diophantine geometry. From this point<br />

<strong>of</strong> view, if one thinks <strong>of</strong> the ring structure <strong>of</strong> F , K as a sort <strong>of</strong> “arithmetic holomorphic<br />

structure” [cf. [AbsTopIII], Remark 5.10.2, (ii)], then one may think <strong>of</strong><br />

the [D-]prime-strips that appear in the discussion <strong>of</strong> Example 4.3 as defining, via<br />

the arrows φ NF<br />

j <strong>of</strong> Example 4.3, (iv),

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