Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters
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80 SHINICHI MOCHIZUKI Section 4: Multiplicative Combinatorial Teichmüller Theory In the present §4, we begin to prepare for the construction of the various “enhancements” to the Θ-Hodge theaters of §3 that will be made in §5. More precisely, in the present §4, we discuss the combinatorial aspects of the “D” — i.e., in the terminology of the theory of Frobenioids, the “base category” — portion of the notions to be introduced in §5 below. In a word, these combinatorial aspects revolve around the “functorial dynamics” imposed upon the various number fields and local fields involved by the “labels” ∈ F l def = F × l /{±1} — where we note that the set F l is of cardinality l def = (l−1)/2 — of the l-torsion points at which we intend to conduct, in [IUTchII], the “Hodge-Arakelov-theoretic evaluation” of the étale theta function studied in [EtTh] [cf. Remarks 4.3.1; 4.3.2; 4.5.1, (v); 4.9.1, (i)]. In the following, we fix a collection of initial Θ-data (F/F, X F , l, C K , V, V bad mod, ɛ) as in Definition 3.1; also, we shall use the various notations introduced in Definition 3.1 for various objects associated to this initial Θ-data. Definition 4.1. (i) We define a holomorphic base-prime-strip, orD-prime-strip, [relative to the given initial Θ-data] to be a collection of data † D = { † D v } v∈V that satisfies the following conditions: (a) if v ∈ V non ,then † D v is a category which admits an equivalence of categories † ∼ D v →Dv [where D v is as in Examples 3.2, (i); 3.3, (i)]; (b) if v ∈ V arc ,then † D v is an Aut-holomorphic orbispace such that there exists an isomorphism of Aut-holomorphic orbispaces † ∼ D v →Dv [where D v is as in Example 3.4, (i)]. Observe that if v ∈ V non ,thenπ 1 ( † D v ) determines, in a functorial fashion, a profinite group corresponding to “C v ” [cf. Corollary 1.2 if v ∈ V good ; [EtTh], Proposition 2.4, if v ∈ V bad ], which contains π 1 ( † D v )asan open subgroup; thus, if we write † D v for B(−) 0 of this profinite group, then we obtain a natural morphism † D v → † D v [cf. §0]. In a similar vein, if v ∈ V arc , then since −→v X admits a K v -core, a routine translation into the “language of Autholomorphic orbispaces” of the argument given in the proof of Corollary 1.2 [cf. also [AbsTopIII], Corollary 2.4] reveals that † D v determines, in a functorial fashion, an Aut-holomorphic orbispace † D v corresponding to “C v ”, together with a natural morphism † D v → † D v of Aut-holomorphic orbispaces. Thus, in summary, one obtains a collection of data † D = { † D v } v∈V

completely determined by † D. INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMÜLLER THEORY I 81 (ii) Suppose that we are in the situation of (i). Then observe that by applying the group-theoretic algorithm of [AbsTopI], Lemma 4.5, to the topological group π 1 ( † D v )whenv ∈ V non , or by considering π 0 (−) of a cofinal collection of “neighborhoods of infinity” [i.e., complements of compact subsets] of the underlying topological space of † D v when v ∈ V arc , it makes sense to speak of the set of cusps of † D v ; a similar observation applies to † D v ,forv ∈ V. If v ∈ V, then we define a label class of cusps of † D v to be the set of cusps of † D v that lie over a single “nonzero cusp” [i.e., a cusp that arises from a nonzero element of the quotient “Q” that appears in the definition of a “hyperbolic orbicurve of type (1,l-tors) ± ”given in [EtTh], Definition 2.1] of † D v ;write LabCusp( † D v ) for the set of label classes of cusps of † D v . Thus, for each v ∈ V, LabCusp( † D v ) admits a natural F l -torsor structure [cf. [EtTh], Definition 2.1]. Moreover, [for any v ∈ V!] one may construct, solely from † D v ,acanonical element † η v ∈ LabCusp( † D v ) determined by “ɛ v ” [cf. the notation of Definition 3.1, (f)]. [Indeed, this follows from [EtTh], Corollary 2.9, for v ∈ V bad , from Corollary 1.2 for v ∈ V good ⋂ V non , and from the evident translation into the “language of Aut-holomorphic orbispaces” of Corollary 1.2 for v ∈ V arc .] (iii) We define a mono-analytic base-prime-strip, orD ⊢ -prime-strip, [relative to the given initial Θ-data] to be a collection of data † D ⊢ = { † D ⊢ v } v∈V that satisfies the following conditions: (a) if v ∈ V non ,then † Dv ⊢ is a category which admits an equivalence of categories † Dv ⊢ ∼ →Dv ⊢ [where Dv ⊢ is as in Examples 3.2, (i); 3.3, (i)]; (b) if v ∈ V arc ,then † Dv ⊢ is an object of the category TM ⊢ [so, if Dv ⊢ is as in Example 3.4, (ii), then there exists an isomorphism † Dv ⊢ ∼ →Dv ⊢ in TM ⊢ ]. (iv) A morphism of D- (respectively, D ⊢ -) prime-strips is defined to be a collection of morphisms, indexed by V, between the various constituent objects of the prime-strips. Following the conventions of §0, one thus has a notion of capsules of D- (respectively, D ⊢ -) and morphisms of capsules of D- (respectively, D ⊢ -) primestrips. Note that to any D-prime-strip † D, one may associate, in a natural way, a D ⊢ -prime-strip † D ⊢ — which we shall refer to as the mono-analyticization of † D — by considering appropriate subcategories at the nonarchimedean primes [cf. Examples 3.2, (i), (vi); 3.3, (i), (iii)], or by applying the construction of Example 3.4, (ii), at the archimedean primes. (v) Write D ⊚ def = B(C K ) 0


Section 4: Multiplicative Combinatorial Teichmüller <strong>Theory</strong><br />

In the present §4, we begin to prepare for the construction <strong>of</strong> the various<br />

“enhancements” to the Θ-<strong>Hodge</strong> theaters <strong>of</strong> §3 that will be made in §5. More<br />

precisely, in the present §4, we discuss the combinatorial aspects <strong>of</strong> the “D” — i.e.,<br />

in the terminology <strong>of</strong> the theory <strong>of</strong> Frobenioids, the “base category” — portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

notions to be introduced in §5 below. In a word, these combinatorial aspects revolve<br />

around the “functorial dynamics” imposed upon the various number fields and<br />

local fields involved by the “labels”<br />

∈<br />

F l<br />

def<br />

= F × l /{±1}<br />

— where we note that the set F l<br />

is <strong>of</strong> cardinality l def<br />

= (l−1)/2 — <strong>of</strong> the l-torsion<br />

points at which we intend to conduct, in [IUTchII], the “<strong>Hodge</strong>-Arakelov-theoretic<br />

evaluation” <strong>of</strong> the étale theta function studied in [EtTh] [cf. Remarks 4.3.1; 4.3.2;<br />

4.5.1, (v); 4.9.1, (i)].<br />

In the following, we fix a collection <strong>of</strong> initial Θ-data<br />

(F/F, X F , l, C K , V, V bad<br />

mod, ɛ)<br />

as in Definition 3.1; also, we shall use the various notations introduced in Definition<br />

3.1 for various objects associated to this initial Θ-data.<br />

Definition 4.1.<br />

(i) We define a holomorphic base-prime-strip, orD-prime-strip, [relative to the<br />

given initial Θ-data] to be a collection <strong>of</strong> data<br />

† D = { † D v } v∈V<br />

that satisfies the following conditions: (a) if v ∈ V non ,then † D v is a category which<br />

admits an equivalence <strong>of</strong> categories † ∼<br />

D v →Dv [where D v is as in Examples 3.2,<br />

(i); 3.3, (i)]; (b) if v ∈ V arc ,then † D v is an Aut-holomorphic orbispace such that<br />

there exists an isomorphism <strong>of</strong> Aut-holomorphic orbispaces † ∼<br />

D v →Dv [where D v<br />

is as in Example 3.4, (i)]. Observe that if v ∈ V non ,thenπ 1 ( † D v ) determines, in<br />

a functorial fashion, a pr<strong>of</strong>inite group corresponding to “C v ” [cf. Corollary 1.2 if<br />

v ∈ V good ; [EtTh], Proposition 2.4, if v ∈ V bad ], which contains π 1 ( † D v )asan<br />

open subgroup; thus, if we write † D v for B(−) 0 <strong>of</strong> this pr<strong>of</strong>inite group, then we<br />

obtain a natural morphism † D v → † D v [cf. §0]. In a similar vein, if v ∈ V arc ,<br />

then since −→v X admits a K v -core, a routine translation into the “language <strong>of</strong> Autholomorphic<br />

orbispaces” <strong>of</strong> the argument given in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Corollary 1.2 [cf. also<br />

[AbsTopIII], Corollary 2.4] reveals that † D v determines, in a functorial fashion, an<br />

Aut-holomorphic orbispace † D v corresponding to “C v ”, together with a natural<br />

morphism † D v → † D v <strong>of</strong> Aut-holomorphic orbispaces. Thus, in summary, one<br />

obtains a collection <strong>of</strong> data<br />

† D = { † D v } v∈V

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