Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters
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60 SHINICHI MOCHIZUKI the Frobenioid equipped with its pre-Frobenioid structure” [cf. [FrdI], Definition 1.1, (iv)]. Nevertheless, we chose to apply the theory of [FrdI], [FrdII], and [EtTh] partly because it simplifies the exposition [i.e., reduces the number of auxiliary structures that one must carry around], but more importantly because it renders explicit precisely which structures arising from scheme-theory are “categorically intrinsic” and which merely amount to “arbitrary, non-intrinsic choices” which, when formulated intrinsically, correspond to various “indeterminacies”. This explicitness is of particular importance with respect to phenomena related to the unitlinear Frobenius functor [cf. [FrdI], Proposition 2.5] and the Frobenioid-theoretic indeterminacies studied in [EtTh], §5. Remark 3.2.2. Although the submonoid Φ C ⊢ v is not “absolutely primitive” in the sense of [FrdII], Example 1.1, (ii), it is “very close to being absolutely primitive”, in the sense that [as is easily verified] there exists a positive integer N such that N · Φ C ⊢ v is absolutely primitive. This proximity to absolute primitiveness may also be seen in the existence of the characteristic splittings τv ⊢ . Remark 3.2.3. (i) Let α ∈ Aut Dv (Ÿ ). Then observe that α determines, in a natural way, an v automorphism α D of the functor Dv ⊢ →D v obtained by composing the equivalence of categories Dv ⊢ ∼ →Dv Θ [i.e., which maps Ob(Dv ⊢ ) ∋ A ↦→ A Θ ∈ Ob(Dv Θ )] discussed in Example 3.2, (v), with the natural functor Dv Θ ⊆ (D v )Ÿ →D v . Moreover, v α D induces, in a natural way, an isomorphism α O ⊲ of the monoid O ⊲ (−) on Cv Θ D Θ v associated to Θ v in Example 3.2, (v), onto the corresponding monoid on Dv Θ associated to the α-conjugate Θ α of Θ . Thus, it follows immediately from the v v discussion of Example 3.2, (v), that α O ⊲ Fv Θ — hence also α — induces an isomorphism of the split Frobenioid associated to Θ v onto the split Frobenioid Fv Θα associated to Θ α which v lies over the identity functor on Dv Θ . In particular, the expression “Fv Θ , regarded up to the l · Z indeterminacy in Θ v discussed in Example 3.2, (ii)” may be understood as referring to the various split Frobenioids “Fv Θα ”, as α ranges over the elements of Aut Dv (Ÿ ), relative to the v identifications given by these isomorphisms of split Frobenioids induced by the various elements of Aut Dv (Ÿ ). v (ii) Suppose that A ∈ Ob(D v ) lies in the image of the natural functor Dv Θ ⊆ (D v )Ÿ →D v ,andthatψ : B → T A is a linear morphism in the Frobenioid F v v . Then ψ induces an injective homomorphism O × (T ÷ A ) ↩→ O× (B ÷ )

INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMÜLLER THEORY I 61 [cf. [FrdI], Proposition 1.11, (iv)]. In particular, one may pull-back sections of the monoid O ⊲ (−) on D Θ Cv Θ v of Example 3.2, (v), to B. Such pull-backs are useful, for instance, when one considers the roots of Θ v , as in the theory of [EtTh], §5. Remark 3.2.4. Before proceeding, we pause to discuss certain minor oversights on the part of the author in the discussion of the theory of tempered Frobenioids in [EtTh], §3, §4. Let Z log ∞ be as in the discussion at the beginning of [EtTh], §3. Here, we recall that Z log ∞ is obtained as the “universal combinatorial covering” of the formal log scheme associated to a stable log curve with split special fiber over the ring of integers of a finite extension of an MLF of residue characteristic p [cf. loc. cit. for more details]; we write Z log for the generic fiber of the stable log curve under consideration. (i) First, let us consider the following conditions on a nonzero meromorphic function f on Z log ∞ : (a) For every N ∈ N ≥1 , it holds that f admits an N-th root over some tempered covering of Z log . (b) For every N ∈ N ≥1 which is prime to p, it holds that f admits an N-th root over some tempered covering of Z log . (c) The divisor of zeroes and poles of f is a log-divisor. It is immediate that (a) implies (b). Moreover, one verifies immediately, by considering the ramification divisors of the tempered coverings that arise from extracting roots of f, that (b) implies (c). When N is prime to p, iff satisfies (c), then it follows immediately from the theory of admissible coverings [cf., e.g., [PrfGC], §2, §8] that there exists a finite log étale covering Y log → Z log whose pull-back Y∞ log → Z∞ log to the generic fiber Z∞ log of Z log ∞ is sufficient (R1) to annihilate all ramification over the cusps or special fiber of Z log ∞ might arise from extracting an N-th root of f, aswellas that (R2) to split all extensions of the function fields of irreducible components of the special fiber of Z log ∞ that might arise from extracting an N-th root of f. That is to say, in this situation, it follows that f admits an N-th root over the tempered covering of Z log given by the “universal combinatorial covering” of Y log . In particular, it follows that (c) implies (b). Thus, in summary, we have: (a) =⇒ (b) ⇐⇒ (c). On the other hand, unfortunately, it is not clear to the author at the time of writing whether or not (c) [or (b)] implies (a). (ii) Observe that it follows from the theory of [EtTh], §1 [cf., especially, [EtTh], Proposition 1.3] that the theta function that forms the main topic of interest of [EtTh] satisfies condition (a) of (i).


the Frobenioid equipped with its pre-Frobenioid structure” [cf. [FrdI], Definition<br />

1.1, (iv)]. Nevertheless, we chose to apply the theory <strong>of</strong> [FrdI], [FrdII], and [EtTh]<br />

partly because it simplifies the exposition [i.e., reduces the number <strong>of</strong> auxiliary<br />

structures that one must carry around], but more importantly because it renders<br />

explicit precisely which structures arising from scheme-theory are “categorically<br />

intrinsic” and which merely amount to “arbitrary, non-intrinsic choices” which,<br />

when formulated intrinsically, correspond to various “indeterminacies”. This explicitness<br />

is <strong>of</strong> particular importance with respect to phenomena related to the unitlinear<br />

Frobenius functor [cf. [FrdI], Proposition 2.5] and the Frobenioid-theoretic<br />

indeterminacies studied in [EtTh], §5.<br />

Remark 3.2.2. Although the submonoid Φ C ⊢<br />

v<br />

is not “absolutely primitive” in the<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> [FrdII], Example 1.1, (ii), it is “very close to being absolutely primitive”,<br />

in the sense that [as is easily verified] there exists a positive integer N such that<br />

N · Φ C<br />

⊢<br />

v<br />

is absolutely primitive. This proximity to absolute primitiveness may also<br />

be seen in the existence <strong>of</strong> the characteristic splittings τv ⊢ .<br />

Remark 3.2.3.<br />

(i) Let α ∈ Aut Dv (Ÿ ). Then observe that α determines, in a natural way, an<br />

v<br />

automorphism α D <strong>of</strong> the functor Dv ⊢ →D v obtained by composing the equivalence<br />

<strong>of</strong> categories Dv<br />

⊢ ∼<br />

→Dv<br />

Θ [i.e., which maps Ob(Dv ⊢ ) ∋ A ↦→ A Θ ∈ Ob(Dv Θ )] discussed<br />

in Example 3.2, (v), with the natural functor Dv Θ ⊆ (D v )Ÿ →D v . Moreover,<br />

v<br />

α D induces, in a natural way, an isomorphism α O ⊲ <strong>of</strong> the monoid O ⊲ (−) on<br />

Cv<br />

Θ<br />

D Θ v<br />

associated to Θ v<br />

in Example 3.2, (v), onto the corresponding monoid on Dv<br />

Θ<br />

associated to the α-conjugate Θ α <strong>of</strong> Θ . Thus, it follows immediately from the<br />

v v<br />

discussion <strong>of</strong> Example 3.2, (v), that<br />

α O ⊲<br />

Fv<br />

Θ<br />

— hence also α — induces an isomorphism <strong>of</strong> the split Frobenioid<br />

associated to Θ v<br />

onto the split Frobenioid Fv<br />

Θα associated to Θ α which v<br />

lies over the identity functor on Dv Θ .<br />

In particular, the expression “Fv Θ , regarded up to the l · Z indeterminacy in Θ v<br />

discussed in Example 3.2, (ii)” may be understood as referring to the various split<br />

Frobenioids “Fv<br />

Θα ”, as α ranges over the elements <strong>of</strong> Aut Dv (Ÿ ), relative to the<br />

v<br />

identifications given by these isomorphisms <strong>of</strong> split Frobenioids induced by the<br />

various elements <strong>of</strong> Aut Dv (Ÿ ). v<br />

(ii) Suppose that A ∈ Ob(D v ) lies in the image <strong>of</strong> the natural functor Dv<br />

Θ ⊆<br />

(D v )Ÿ →D v ,andthatψ : B → T A is a linear morphism in the Frobenioid F<br />

v<br />

v<br />

.<br />

Then ψ induces an injective homomorphism<br />

O × (T ÷ A ) ↩→ O× (B ÷ )

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