Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters

Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters
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46 SHINICHI MOCHIZUKI Remark 2.4.1. Thus, when ̂Σ =Primes, the proof given above of Proposition 2.4, (iii), yields a new proof of [André], Corollary 6.2.2 [cf. also [SemiAnbd], Lemma 6.1, (ii), (iii)] which is independent of [André], Lemma 3.2.1, hence also of [Stb1], Theorem 1 [cf. the discussion of Remark 2.2.2]. Corollary 2.5. (Profinite Conjugates of Tempered Decomposition and Inertia Groups) In the notation of the above discussion, suppose further that ̂Σ =Primes. Then every decomposition group in ̂Π X (respectively, inertia group in ̂Π X ) associated to a closed point or cusp of X (respectively, to a cusp of X) is contained in Π tp X if and only if it is a decomposition group in Πtp X (respectively, inertia group in Π tp X ) associated to a closed point or cusp of X (respectively, to a cusp of X). Moreover, a ̂Π X -conjugate of Π tp X contains a decomposition group in Π tp X (respectively, inertia group in Πtp X ) associated to a closed point or cusp of X (respectively, to a cusp of X) if and only if it is equal to Π tp X . Proof. Let D x ⊆ Π tp X be the decomposition group in Πtp X associated to a closed def ⋂ point or cusp x of X; I x = D x Δ tp X . Then the decomposition groups of ̂Π X associated to x are precisely the ̂Π X -conjugates of D x ; the decomposition groups of Π tp X associated to x are precisely the Πtp X -conjugates of D x.SinceD x is compact and surjects onto an open subgroup of G k , it thus follows from Proposition 2.4, (ii), that a ̂Π X -conjugate of D x is contained in Π tp X ifandonlyifitis,infact,a Π tp X -conjugate of D x, and that a ̂Π X -conjugate of Π tp X contains D x if and only if it is, in fact, equal to Π tp X . In a similar vein, when x is a cusp of X [so I ∼ x = Ẑ], it follows — i.e., by applying Proposition 2.4, (i), to the unique maximal pro-Σ subgroup of I x —thatâΠ X -conjugate of I x is contained in Π tp X ifandonlyifitis, in fact, a Π tp X -conjugate of I x, and that a ̂Π X -conjugate of Π tp X contains I x if and only if it is, in fact, equal to Π tp X . This completes the proof of Corollary 2.5. ○ Remark 2.5.1. The content of Corollary 2.5 may be regarded as a sort of [very weak!] version of the “Section Conjecture” of anabelian geometry — i.e., as the assertion that certain sections of the tempered fundamental group [namely, those that arise from geometric sections of the profinite fundamental group] are geometric as sections of the tempered fundamental group. This point of view is reminiscent of the point of view of [SemiAnbd], Remark 6.9.1. Perhaps one way of summarizing this circle of ideas is to state that one may think of (i) the classification of maximal compact subgroups of tempered fundamental groups given in [SemiAnbd], Theorem 3.7, (iv); [SemiAnbd], Theorem 5.4, (ii), or, for that matter, (ii) the more elementary fact that “any finite group acting on a tree [without inversion] fixes at least one vertex” [cf. [SemiAnbd], Lemma 1.8, (ii)] from which these results of [SemiAnbd] are derived as a sort of combinatorial version of the Section Conjecture.

INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMÜLLER THEORY I 47 Finally, we observe that Proposition 2.4, Corollary 2.5 admit the following discrete analogues, which may be regarded as generalizations of [André], Lemma 3.2.1 [cf. Theorem 2.6 below in the case where H = F = G is free]; [EtTh], Lemma 2.17. Theorem 2.6. (Profinite Conjugates of Discrete Subgroups) Let F be a group that contains a subgroup of finite index G ⊆ F such that G is either a free discrete group of finite rank or an orientable surface group [i.e., a fundamental group of a compact orientable topological surface of genus ≥ 2]; H ⊆ F an infinite subgroup. Since F is residually finite [cf., e.g., [Config], Proposition 7.1, (ii)], we shall write H, G ⊆ F ⊆ ̂F ,where ̂F denotes the profinite completion of F .Letγ ∈ ̂F be an element such that γ · H · γ −1 ⊆ F [or, equivalently, H ⊆ γ −1 · F · γ]. Write H G def = H ⋂ G. Then γ ∈ F · N̂F (H G ), i.e., γ · H G · γ −1 = δ · H G · δ −1 ,for some δ ∈ F . If, moreover, H G is nonabelian, thenγ ∈ F . Proof. Let us first consider the case where H G is abelian. In this case, it follows from Lemma 2.7, (iv), below, that H G is cyclic. Thus, by applying Lemma 2.7, (ii), it follows that by replacing G by an appropriate finite index subgroup of G, we may assume that the natural composite homomorphism H G ↩→ G ↠ G ab is a split injection. In particular, by Lemma 2.7, (v), we conclude that NĜ(H G )=ĤG, wherewewriteĤG for the closure of H G in the profinite completion Ĝ of G. Next, let us observe that by multiplying γ on the left by an appropriate element of F ,we may assume that γ ∈ Ĝ. Thus,wehaveγ · H G · γ −1 ⊆ F ⋂ Ĝ = G. Next,letus recall that G is conjugacy separable. Indeed, this is precisely the content of [Stb1], Theorem 1, when G is free; [Stb2], Theorem 3.3, when G is an orientable surface group. SinceG is conjugacy separable, it follows that γ · H G · γ −1 = ɛ · H G · ɛ −1 for some ɛ ∈ G, soγ ∈ G·NĜ(H G )=G·ĤG ⊆ F (H ·N̂F G ), as desired. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.6 when H G is abelian. Thus, let us assume for the remainder of the proof of Theorem 2.6 that H G is nonabelian. Then, by applying Lemma 2.7, (iii), it follows that, after replacing G by an appropriate finite index subgroup of G, we may assume that there exist elements x, y ∈ H G that generate a free abelian subgroup of rank two M ⊆ G ab such that the injection M↩→ G ab splits. Write H x ,H y ⊆ H G for the subgroups generated, respectively, by x and y; Ĥ x , Ĥy ⊆ Ĝ for the respective closures of H x, H y . Then by Lemma 2.7, (v), we conclude that NĜ(H x )=Ĥx, NĜ(H y )=Ĥy. Next, let us observe that by multiplying γ on the left by an appropriate element of F ,wemay assume that γ ∈ Ĝ. Thus, we have γ · H G · γ −1 ⊆ F ⋂ Ĝ = G. In particular, by applying the portion of Theorem 2.6 that has already been proven to the subgroups H x ,H y ⊆ G, we conclude that γ ∈ G · NĜ(H x )=G · Ĥx, γ ∈ G · NĜ(H y )=G · Ĥy. Thus, by projecting to Ĝab , and applying the fact that M is of rank two, we conclude that γ ∈ G, as desired. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.6. ○ Remark 2.6.1. Note that in the situation of Theorem 2.6, if H G is abelian, then — unlike the tempered case discussed in Proposition 2.4! — it is not necessarily thecasethatF = γ −1 · F · γ.


Finally, we observe that Proposition 2.4, Corollary 2.5 admit the following<br />

discrete analogues, which may be regarded as generalizations <strong>of</strong> [André], Lemma<br />

3.2.1 [cf. Theorem 2.6 below in the case where H = F = G is free]; [EtTh], Lemma<br />

2.17.<br />

Theorem 2.6. (Pr<strong>of</strong>inite Conjugates <strong>of</strong> Discrete Subgroups) Let F be<br />

a group that contains a subgroup <strong>of</strong> finite index G ⊆ F such that G is either a<br />

free discrete group <strong>of</strong> finite rank or an orientable surface group [i.e., a<br />

fundamental group <strong>of</strong> a compact orientable topological surface <strong>of</strong> genus ≥ 2]; H ⊆ F<br />

an infinite subgroup. Since F is residually finite [cf., e.g., [Config], Proposition 7.1,<br />

(ii)], we shall write H, G ⊆ F ⊆ ̂F ,where ̂F denotes the pr<strong>of</strong>inite completion <strong>of</strong><br />

F .Letγ ∈ ̂F be an element such that<br />

γ · H · γ −1 ⊆ F [or, equivalently, H ⊆ γ −1 · F · γ].<br />

Write H G<br />

def<br />

= H ⋂ G. Then γ ∈ F · N̂F<br />

(H G ), i.e., γ · H G · γ −1 = δ · H G · δ −1 ,for<br />

some δ ∈ F . If, moreover, H G is nonabelian, thenγ ∈ F .<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let us first consider the case where H G is abelian. In this case, it follows<br />

from Lemma 2.7, (iv), below, that H G is cyclic. Thus, by applying Lemma 2.7,<br />

(ii), it follows that by replacing G by an appropriate finite index subgroup <strong>of</strong> G,<br />

we may assume that the natural composite homomorphism H G ↩→ G ↠ G ab is a<br />

split injection. In particular, by Lemma 2.7, (v), we conclude that NĜ(H G )=ĤG,<br />

wherewewriteĤG for the closure <strong>of</strong> H G in the pr<strong>of</strong>inite completion Ĝ <strong>of</strong> G. Next,<br />

let us observe that by multiplying γ on the left by an appropriate element <strong>of</strong> F ,we<br />

may assume that γ ∈ Ĝ. Thus,wehaveγ · H G · γ −1 ⊆ F ⋂ Ĝ = G. Next,letus<br />

recall that G is conjugacy separable. Indeed, this is precisely the content <strong>of</strong> [Stb1],<br />

Theorem 1, when G is free; [Stb2], Theorem 3.3, when G is an orientable surface<br />

group. SinceG is conjugacy separable, it follows that γ · H G · γ −1 = ɛ · H G · ɛ −1 for<br />

some ɛ ∈ G, soγ ∈ G·NĜ(H G )=G·ĤG ⊆ F (H ·N̂F G ), as desired. This completes<br />

the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.6 when H G is abelian.<br />

Thus, let us assume for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.6 that H G is<br />

nonabelian. Then, by applying Lemma 2.7, (iii), it follows that, after replacing G by<br />

an appropriate finite index subgroup <strong>of</strong> G, we may assume that there exist elements<br />

x, y ∈ H G that generate a free abelian subgroup <strong>of</strong> rank two M ⊆ G ab such that<br />

the injection M↩→ G ab splits. Write H x ,H y ⊆ H G for the subgroups generated,<br />

respectively, by x and y; Ĥ x , Ĥy ⊆ Ĝ for the respective closures <strong>of</strong> H x, H y . Then<br />

by Lemma 2.7, (v), we conclude that NĜ(H x )=Ĥx, NĜ(H y )=Ĥy. Next, let us<br />

observe that by multiplying γ on the left by an appropriate element <strong>of</strong> F ,wemay<br />

assume that γ ∈ Ĝ. Thus, we have γ · H G · γ −1 ⊆ F ⋂ Ĝ = G. In particular, by<br />

applying the portion <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.6 that has already been proven to the subgroups<br />

H x ,H y ⊆ G, we conclude that γ ∈ G · NĜ(H x )=G · Ĥx, γ ∈ G · NĜ(H y )=G · Ĥy.<br />

Thus, by projecting to Ĝab , and applying the fact that M is <strong>of</strong> rank two, we conclude<br />

that γ ∈ G, as desired. This completes the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.6. ○<br />

Remark 2.6.1. Note that in the situation <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.6, if H G is abelian, then<br />

— unlike the tempered case discussed in Proposition 2.4! — it is not necessarily<br />

thecasethatF = γ −1 · F · γ.

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