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1800s. However, the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724—1804) considered<br />

some of the spiritual aspects of a fourth dimension:<br />

A science of all these possible kinds of space would undoubtedly be<br />

the highest enterprise which a finite understanding could undertake<br />

in the field of geometry. ... If it is possible that there could be<br />

regions with other dimensions, it is very likely that a God had<br />

somewhere brought them into being. Such higher spaces would not<br />

belong to our world, but form separate worlds.<br />

Euclid (c. 300 B.C.), a prominent mathematician of Greco-Roman antiquity,<br />

understood that a point has no dimension at all. A line has one dimension:<br />

length. A plane had two dimensions. A solid had three dimensions. But<br />

there he stopped—believing nothing could have four dimensions. The Greek<br />

philosopher Aristotle (384—322 B.C.) echoed these beliefs in On Heaven:<br />

The line has magnitude in one way, the plane in two ways, and the<br />

solid in three ways, and beyond these there is no other magnitude<br />

because the three are all.<br />

Aristotle used the argument of perpendiculars to prove the impossibility of a<br />

fourth dimension. First he drew three mutually perpendicular lines, such as<br />

you might see in the corner of a cube. He then put forth the challenge to his<br />

colleagues to draw a fourth line perpendicular to the first three. Since there was<br />

no way to make four mutually perpendicular lines, he reasoned that the fourth<br />

dimension is impossible.<br />

It seems that the idea of a fourth dimension sometimes made philosophers<br />

and mathematicians a little nervous. John Wallis (1616—1703)—the most<br />

famous English mathematician before Isaac Newton and best known for his<br />

contributions to calculus's origin—called the fourth dimension a "monster in<br />

nature, less possible than a Chimera or Centaure." He wrote, "Length,<br />

Breadth, and Thickness, take up the whole of Space. Nor can fansie imagine<br />

how there should be a Fourth Local Dimension beyond these three."<br />

Similarly, <strong>through</strong>out history, mathematicians have called novel geometrical<br />

ideas "pathological" or "monstrous." Physicist Freeman Dyson recognized this<br />

for fractals, intricate structures that today have revolutionized mathematics<br />

and physics but in the past were treated with trepidation:

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