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index<br />

10-D universe, 15<br />

Abbott, Edwin viii, 23-33, 44, 60, 167<br />

Abdu'1-Baha, xi,<br />

An Episode of Flatland, 97<br />

Ana, 99<br />

Appearance (of 4-D beings), xxiv, 50,<br />

69-71, 148, 157, 197<br />

Aquinas, Thomas, 18<br />

Aristotle, 9<br />

Art, 199<br />

Astrians, 98<br />

Atomic stability, 203<br />

Baha'i, vii, xi, 22, 38, 43<br />

Baha'u'llah, vii, 22, 38, 43<br />

Banchoff Klein bottle, 185-188, 225, 227<br />

Banchoff, Thomas, vii, 49, 100, 225, 227<br />

Beaty, William, 208<br />

Bennett, Alan, 138, 225-226<br />

Big Bang, 235<br />

Blood transfusion, 61<br />

Brains, 48-49, 65<br />

Cages, 205-206, 217<br />

Central projection, 100<br />

Challenges of life, 202<br />

Chemistry, 228<br />

Chess games, 75-78<br />

Circulatory system, 197<br />

Closed timelike curves, 223<br />

Communication, 204<br />

Computer programs, 185—197<br />

Cosmological constant, 235<br />

Conference of the Birds, 68<br />

Curved space, 13<br />

Dali, Salvador, 91-93<br />

Dead universes, 203<br />

Degrees of freedom, 2-21<br />

Delta, xvi, 99<br />

Diffusion, 228<br />

Digestion, 197<br />

Digestive systems, 39—41<br />

Distance, 107-108<br />

DNA, 210<br />

Dyson, Freeman, 9—10, 165<br />

Earth, end of, 165—166<br />

Einstein, Albert, 13<br />

Enantiomorphism, 130, 134, 139<br />

Eternitygram, 19<br />

Euclid, 9, 11<br />

Euclidean universe, 224<br />

Evolution, 196-199<br />

Exotic matter, 75<br />

Extrinsic geometry, 12<br />

Eyes, 57-59, 153, 196<br />

FLttlarut, viii, 23-33, 44-48, 60, 167<br />

women of, 47—48<br />

Fleas, 205-206<br />

Fractals, 10, 189<br />

Fromm, Eric, 143<br />

Games, 75—78<br />

Gardner, Martin, vii, 49<br />

Gauss, Carl, 13<br />

Ghosts, 130<br />

God, xi, xvi, 9, 18, 21-40, 51, 56, 127,<br />

130, 133, 167, 217<br />

Handedness, 134-135, 139<br />

Hawking, Stephen, 222, 235<br />

Heim, Karl, 10, 47, 130, 185, 192, 196<br />


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