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meaningfully presenting hyperdimensional models that occur whenever<br />

four or more variables exist simultaneously.)<br />

19. Lowen, R. (1983) Hyperspaces of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 9(3):<br />

287-311.<br />

20. Condurache, D. (1981) Symbolic representation of signals on hyperspaces.<br />

II. The response of linear systems to excitations representable symbolically.<br />

Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din lasi, Sectia III (Electrotehnica, Electronica,<br />

Automatizari). 27(3-4): 49-56. (Describes conditions in which multiplication,<br />

raising to a power, and inversion modify the partition class of the<br />

elements entering those operations. The results are useful in studying the<br />

response of linear systems to symbolically representable excitations.)<br />

21. Cerin, Z. T. and Sostak, A.-P. (1981) Fundamental and approximative uniformity<br />

on the hyperspace. Glasnik Matematicki, Serija III. 16(2): 339-59.<br />

[Introduces the fundamental uniformity 2(f,V) and the approximate uniformity<br />

2(a,V) on the hyperspace 2(x) of all nonempty compact subsets of<br />

a uniform space (X, V) that reflect space properties of elements of 2(x).]<br />

22. Condurache, D. (1981) Symbolic representation of signals on hyperspaces.<br />

I. Symbolic representation of modulated signals. Buletinul Institutului<br />

Politehnic din lasi, Sectia III (Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatizari).<br />

27(1-2): 33-42. (Discusses the notion of symbolic representation of a real,<br />

derivable function of a scalar argument by means of a finite dimension<br />

algebra element on the real number field.)<br />

23. Burton, R. P. and Smith, D. R. (1982) A hidden-line algorithm for hyperspace.<br />

SIAMJournal on Computing. 11(1): 71-80. (The authors design an<br />

object-space hidden-line algorithm for higher-dimensional scenes. Scenes<br />

consist of convex hulls of any dimension, each compared against the edges<br />

of all convex hulls not eliminated by a hyperdimensional clipper, a depth<br />

test after sorting, and a minimax test. Hidden and visible elements are<br />

determined in accordance with the dimensionality of the selected viewing<br />

hyperspace. The algorithm produces shadows of hyperdimensional models,<br />

including 4-D space-time models, hyperdimensional catastrophe models,<br />

and multivariable statistical models.)<br />

24. Goodykoontz, J. T, Jr. (1981) Hyperspaces of arc-smooth continua. Houston<br />

Journal of Mathematics. 7(1): 33-41. (Discusess the hyperspace of<br />

closed subsets.)<br />

25. Nadler, S. B., Jr., Quinn, J. E., and Stavrakas, N. M. (1977) Hyperspaces of<br />

compact convex sets, II. Bulletin de I'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie des<br />

Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques et Physiques. 25(4): 381-85. [The

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