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214 appendix!<br />

checkers-like pegboard game in 72-space. The goal of the game is to advance<br />

a peg as far as possible from an initial configuration of pegs. Using an argument<br />

based on the golden mean, the authors demonstrate bounds for how<br />

far a peg can travel as well as how many pegs are needed to achieve a particular<br />

goal. Finally, they view the game as automata moving about so as to<br />

achieve a collective goal.)<br />

13. Burton, R. P. (1989) Raster algorithms for Cartesian hyperspace graphics.<br />

Journal of Imaging Technology. 15(2): 89—95. (The authors design algorithms<br />

for Cartesian hyperspace graphics. The hidden volume algorithm<br />

clips and performs volume removal in four dimensions. The shadow algorithm<br />

constructs shadow hypervolumes that it intersects with illuminated<br />

hypersurfaces. The shading algorithm performs solid shading on hyperobjects.<br />

The raytracing algorithm introduces a viewing device model that projects<br />

from 4-D space to 2-D space.)<br />

14. Linde, A. and Zelnikov, M. (1988) Inflationary universe with fluctuating<br />

dimension. Physics. Letters B (Netherlands) 215: 59-63. (The authors argue<br />

that in an eternal chaotic inflationary universe, the number of uncompactified<br />

dimensions can change locally. As a result, the universe divides into an<br />

exponentially large number of independent inflationary domains [miniuniverses]<br />

of different dimension.)<br />

15. Bertaut, E. F. (1988) Euler's indicatrix and crystallographic transitive symmetry<br />

operations in the hyperspaces E(n). Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des<br />

Sciences, Serie II (Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de I'Univers, Sciences<br />

de la Terre). 307(10): 1141-46. (The author uses elementary number<br />

theory in this article on crystallographic symmetry operations.)<br />

16. Finkelstein, D. (1986) Hyperspin and hyperspace. Physical Review Letters.<br />

56(15): 1532-33. (A spinorial time-space G(N] that supports a Kaluza-Klein<br />

theory of gauge potentials can be made from TV-component spinors of<br />

SL(N, C) in the same way that the Minkowskian manifold G(2) is made from<br />

two-component spinors of SL(2,C). Also discusses photons and gravitons.)<br />

17. Deser, S., Jackiw, R., and 'tHofft, G. (1984) Three-dimensional Einstein<br />

gravity: dynamics of flat space. Annals of Physics. 152: 220-35. (In three<br />

spacetime dimensions, the Einstein equations imply that source-free<br />

regions are flat.)<br />

18. Mei-chi, N., Burton, R. P., and Campbell, D. M. (1984) A shadow algorithm<br />

for hyperspace: calculating shadows in hyperdimensional scenes.<br />

Computer Graphics World. 7(7): 51-59. (The authors develop a shadow<br />

algorithm for hyperspace while creating computer graphics techniques for

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