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Sally turns her head upward. "I feel—I feel a current running <strong>through</strong><br />

my body. But it doesn't hurt."<br />

More of her hair strands stand out from her body, as she spreads her<br />

legs and trembles slightly. She starts taking great gasps of air.<br />

Narcinko crouches and tries to track the dot with his Heckler and<br />

Koch 9-mm semiautomatic.<br />

"Don't shoot!" you yell at Narcinko.<br />

Sally's breath comes in short spurts now. She is shaking.<br />

Narcinko takes a step forward. Perhaps he is going to try to swat the<br />

dots of flesh away from Sally, but, as he approaches, the dots separate and<br />

stop dancing. They look delightful, but you worry. If the tiny dots are<br />

hot and penetrate Sally's body, she would burn. The dots seem to alter<br />

her perceptions, and that could also mean danger, a danger not to her<br />

body but to her mind.<br />

"Wait," you say as a flowery odor fills the air.<br />

The dots vibrate, making oboe-like sounds and moans. Could this be<br />

what 4-D speech sounds like as it intersects your world?<br />

"Don't stop," Sally whispers.<br />

The dots continue to vibrate. Sally breathes in short shallow breaths,<br />

oblivious of who would hear or who would care. Then she starts to rock<br />

back and forth as her pupils dilate.<br />

You can't stand it any longer. The sounds of the flesh dots are affecting<br />

you too, making you drunk with pleasure. You lean into Sally. Her hair<br />

has the sweet but musty smell of a garden in early autumn after a long,<br />

luscious rain.<br />

"Stop," Narcinko yells to the lights as he claps his hands together with<br />

a loud bang.<br />

Narcinko leaps toward Sally. "Enough of this," he says as he swings his<br />

huge hands at the dots. But they are too quick for him.<br />

The dots dart <strong>through</strong> the closed, bulletproof window and shoot<br />

toward Pennsylvania Avenue. Sally is the first out of the White House to<br />

follow them. You and Narcinko are close behind.<br />

You try to get your sense of direction because intermixed with the spinning<br />

dots of flesh are flares coming from other flesh blobs, flickering so<br />

swiftly that you cannot be sure where they are coming from. The shimmering<br />

blobs reveal momentarily eerie forms, things that look like eyes swimming<br />

and swiveling to stare at you with an incandescent glare, like the eyes<br />

of owls or deer when a beam from a car's headlight catches them by surprise.

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