N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...

N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...

N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...


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Jefferson G. Edgens, Associate Editor<br />

(jedgens@ca.uky.edu)<br />

Science is at the heart of sound public policy and, thus, part<br />

of the watershed toolkit. Lack of sound science has created<br />

water quality problems rather than solving them allege some<br />

of the authors – MTBE and the application of sewage sludge<br />

are two cases in point. News stories and feature articles in<br />

this issue cite examples of why it is important to follow scientific<br />

principles before embarking on aggressive and costly<br />

water quality regulations.<br />

2 New Directions in the Development of the <strong>Water</strong>shed<br />

Toolkit: Better Science Makes Better Policy<br />

Jefferson G. Edgens (jedgens@ca.uky.edu)<br />

Public policy hinges on scientific rigor and critical analysis – all<br />

part of sound water policy for the future. This article ties the<br />

variety of pieces in this issue together.<br />

News Items<br />

3 MTBE: The <strong>Water</strong>-Polluting Genie EPA Knowingly Let<br />

Out of the Bottle<br />

Tom Randall (trandall@winningreen.com)<br />

Lack of scientific knowledge and eagerness to find an oxygenate<br />

has led to ground water contamination.<br />

5 Army Corps of Engineers<br />

Gretchen Randall (grandall@winningreen.com)<br />

Profiles the problems with Corps’ reform.<br />

7 EPA Program to Clean <strong>Water</strong> Moves Pathogens to Land:<br />

Agency Forced to Reevaluate Rule<br />

Tom Randall (trandall@winningreen.com)<br />

Biosolid field application is called into question as a human<br />

health hazard.<br />

9 TMDL: EPA Muddies the Nation’s <strong>Water</strong>s<br />

Bonner R. Cohen (cohen@lexingtoninstitute.org)<br />

Excellent recap of the TMDL rules.<br />

11 Blue Baby Syndrome & Nitrates: New Research Casts<br />

Doubt on an Old Regulation<br />

Alex Avery (aavery@rica.net)<br />

Nitrogen as a cause of blue baby syndrome is reexamined.<br />

Point/Counterpoint<br />

15 Point – <strong>Water</strong> Marketing: The Other Side of the Coin<br />

S. Ansley Samson (asamson@earthjustice.org)<br />

Sydney T. Bacchus (sbacchus@arches.uga.edu)<br />

Response to the Clay Landry article (May 2000) on water markets.<br />

17 Counterpoint – Agriculture and <strong>Water</strong> Markets in the<br />

New Millennium<br />

Clay J. Landry (Landry@perc.org)<br />

Response to Samson and Bacchus.<br />

Feature Articles<br />

19 MSU-WATER (<strong>Water</strong>shed Action Through Education and<br />

Research)<br />

Scott G. Witter (witter@msu.edu)<br />

Ruth Kline-Robach, Fred Poston, & Michael J. Lang<br />

Michigan State University’s watershed management plans<br />

showcased.<br />

23 The New <strong>Water</strong>shed Tools: Genuine Steel or Chrome-<br />

Plated Plastic?<br />

Richard A. Halpern (halpern@intelos.net)<br />

Halpern warns the profession about water quality modeling and<br />

its utility to drive public policy.<br />

V<strong>olume</strong> 2 • N<strong>umber</strong> 6 • N<strong>ovember</strong> 2000<br />

Editorial Staff<br />


N. EARL SPANGENBERG (espangen@uwsp.edu)<br />

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point,<br />

Stevens Point,WI<br />


PETER E. BLACK (peblack@syr.edu)<br />

SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY<br />

ERICH P. DITSCHMAN (ditschman@mcnamee.com)<br />

McNamee, Porter & Seeley, Inc., Lansing, MI<br />

JEFFERSON G. EDGENS (jedgens@ca.uky.edu)<br />

University of Kentucky, Jackson, KY<br />

JOHN H. HERRING (JHERRING@dos.state.ny.us)<br />

NYS Department of State, Albany, NY<br />

JONATHAN JONES (krwright@wrightwater.com)<br />

Wright <strong>Water</strong> Engineers, Denver, CO<br />

RICHARD H. MCCUEN (rhmccuen@eng.umd.edu)<br />

University of Maryland, College Park, MD<br />

CHARLES W. SLAUGHTER (cslaugh@ars.pn.usbr.gov)<br />

NW <strong>Water</strong>shed Research Center, Boise, ID<br />

ROBERT C. WARD (rcw@lamar.colostate.edu)<br />

Colorado <strong>Water</strong> Res. Research Institute<br />

Ft. Collins, CO<br />

▲ Employment<br />

Opportunities . .14,16,18,22,26,35<br />

▲ AWRA Business<br />

28 A Word From Our President<br />

29 Herbert Scholarship Winners, 2000<br />

29 JAWRA Papers / October 2000<br />

30 Review of Summer Specialty Conference<br />

31 Proceedings Order Form<br />

▲ <strong>Water</strong> Resources Puzzler . . . . . .32<br />

▲ <strong>Water</strong> Resources Continuing<br />

Education Opportunities<br />

33 Meetings and Workshops<br />

36 Calls for Abstracts<br />

▲ Future Issues of IMPACT . . . . . .36<br />

▲ AWRA Technical Committee<br />

Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36<br />

Managing <strong>Water</strong> Resources And Human Impacts In Our Dynamic World

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