N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...

N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...

N ovember 2 0 0 0 • V olume 2 • N umber 6 - American Water ...


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Richard A. Halpern<br />

<strong>Water</strong> resources professionals – especially in the academic<br />

and regulatory communities – are eager to deploy<br />

watershed management tools newly developed in the past<br />

two decades – tools like predictive modeling, rainfall simulation,<br />

and rotational basin-monitoring. Empowered by<br />

a recent federal rulemaking that officially entrusts the<br />

nation's water quality to their “professional judgment,”<br />

they are packing their toolkits, heading into the field (or<br />

at least to the office cubicle), and pushing ahead with<br />

sweeping measures to improve the nation’s water quality.<br />

It started with the Chesapeake Bay 15 years ago, but<br />

now the targets are growing ever larger. The Gulf of Mexico<br />

and its Mississippi River watershed, and indeedthrough<br />

the new TMDL rule published this year (see<br />

Bonner Cohen’s article, this issue), every watershed in<br />

the country can theoretically be managed by these new<br />

tools – affecting millions of <strong>American</strong> families and, perhaps,<br />

changing how they live. Because such management<br />

decisions will have far-reaching effects on real people,<br />

every water resource professional has an ethical obligation,<br />

I believe, to assess fairly what these tools can and<br />

cannot legitimately do. We should consider seriously<br />

whether the tools in this “toolkit” are the<br />

real thing – fashioned from the steel of reliable<br />

data and sound science – or whether<br />

they are, perhaps, something less – less<br />

worthy of the trust and authority we seem<br />

eager to give them?<br />

These concerns are not merely academic.<br />

The July 2000 issue of IMPACT, ("Long<br />

Term <strong>Water</strong> Data") emphasized convincingly<br />

that high-quality long-term monitoring is<br />

not only desirable but necessary to making<br />

sound judgments on water, air, and climate<br />

issues. The same issue focused on the dangers of extrapolation<br />

and generalization from limited or localized data,<br />

and lamented not only the lack of long-term data but the<br />

continuing loss of long-term monitoring stations (Slaughter,<br />

2000; Slaughter and Richardson, 2000; Redmond,<br />

2000; Norris, 2000). The quality of our data has a direct<br />

and inescapable bearing on the quality of our policy and<br />

management decisions. The “Garbage In/Garbage Out”<br />

rule is as unimpeachable now as ever. Yet is becoming an<br />

inescapable conclusion that the definition of what constitutes<br />

“garbage” is rapidly changing, and that, in some<br />

cases, researchers are deciding that garbage doesn’t<br />

stink after all.<br />


Congressional hearings this spring on EPA's TMDL<br />

rule made incontestably clear that the nation’s water<br />

. . . the temptation<br />

to pass off a fallible<br />

model as a reliable<br />

representation of<br />

reality is great and<br />

not always resisted<br />

quality databases are desperately inadequate – something<br />

that most water resource professionals have long<br />

known. A Virginia POTW official testifying on behalf of the<br />

Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA)<br />

reported that many states’ water quality standards and<br />

criteria “were established in the1960s and early 1970s<br />

without much scientific analysis.” In essence, he said,<br />

they were “wish lists” that “don’t make any sense” in the<br />

current regulatory environment (LeBlanc, 2000).<br />

An exhaustive state-by-state study by the General<br />

Accounting Office (GAO) also presented to Congress this<br />

spring during the Clean <strong>Water</strong> Act hearings found that,<br />

at most, ten percent of the nation’s rivers have ever been<br />

sampled, even once. A much smaller percentage has, in<br />

fact, been monitored on a long-term basis for multiple parameters.<br />

Only one state in the nation claimed to have<br />

significantly more than half the data needed to make a<br />

sound assessment of its waters. Many states reported<br />

that their 305 (b) water quality reports are based on outdated<br />

assessments, anecdotal evidence, and random observations.<br />

In fact, some reported that the EPA even encourages<br />

them to pad their impaired waters lists. The<br />

GAO also noted that “considerable subjectivity” is unavoidable<br />

in assessments based on “best<br />

professional judgment.” While such an assessment<br />

may be a “reasonable guess,” one<br />

state official told GAO, it nonetheless represents<br />

“a subjective process,” by which incomplete<br />

or nonexistent data can lead to scientifically<br />

indefensible management decisions.<br />

Most disturbingly, state water officials<br />

told GAO investigators that, overall,<br />

less resources are being devoted to monitoring<br />

and assessment at the state level than<br />

ever before (Guerrero, 2000).<br />


The States, however, are not the only ones failing to<br />

monitor water quality accurately and adequately. The<br />

Federal government’s record is disastrous. Debra Knopman,<br />

formerly chief of the USGS systems analysis branch<br />

for water resources, likens the Federal monitoring system<br />

to “controlling the heat and air conditioning in a 50-room<br />

mansion with one cheap thermostat” (Knopman, 1997).<br />

The entire Federal monitoring record at Point of Rocks,<br />

Maryland – the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac<br />

Rivers – covers the period 1974 through 1989, yet<br />

contains only a single value for total nitrogen concentration<br />

(.73 parts per million) dated August 31, 1976. Yet<br />

USGS’s official published data erroneously indicate a median<br />

concentration of total nitrogen of 2.3 parts per million<br />

based on record of 90 samples taken between 1969<br />

V<strong>olume</strong> 2 • N<strong>umber</strong> 6 <strong>Water</strong> Resources IMPACT • 23

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