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CHAI'TtR TWO<br />


the orifices of certain spi ritual mediums while they are engaged in<br />

their communications with the dead. Ectoplasm has been photographed<br />

and observed as a thick, white mist in the immediate area of poltergeist<br />

activity. Such a mysterious substance, which seems to be neither fully<br />

physical nor fully astral but directly in between, is said to be present in<br />

the blood of some individuals in greater or lesser amounts. This has<br />

been a great argument for the use of blood sacrifice in ritual, as being<br />

the substantial base for the manifestation of entities and the culmination<br />

of specific powers. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Aleister Crowley<br />

had dedicated an entire chapter to the subject of blood sacrifice and the<br />

transcendental applications thereof, in which he puts:<br />

For evocations it would be more convenient to place<br />

the blood of the \'ictim in the Triangle --- the idea being<br />

that the spirit might obtain from the blood this subtle<br />

but physical substance which was the quintessence of<br />

its life in such a manner as to enable it to take on a<br />

visible and tangible shape. Those magicians who object<br />

to the use of blood have endeavored to replace it with<br />

incense. For such a purpose the incense of Abramelin<br />

may be burnt in large quantities. Dittany of Crete is<br />

also a \'aluable medium. Both these incenses are very<br />

catholic in their nature, and suitable for almost any<br />

materialization. But the bloody sacrifice, though more<br />

dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all<br />

purposes human sacrifice is the best.4<br />

Although many occultists, even Satanists of the LaVeyan brand,<br />

view this outlook on blood sacrifice as fanatical, there is no contest with<br />

the point that is made. Fresh blood acts as the carrier for "this subtle<br />

but physical substance which was the quintessence of its life." Whether<br />

this is the milky cloud that so many mediums have experienced, and<br />

e\'en more have fabricated, or something that is still unknown and<br />

unknowable is of little concern to the Black Magician who hungers for<br />

change and Ascent.<br />

Blood is present in some form in a good deal of religious ceremonies<br />

and spiritual rituals. What would Communion be like without the<br />

blood of Christ, to give only one example of a popular religion built on<br />


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