Provincial Policy Statement - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Provincial Policy Statement - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Provincial Policy Statement - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing


PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 2.5.3 Rehabilitation Progressive and final rehabilitation shall be required to accommodate subsequent land uses, to promote land use compatibility, and to recognize the interim nature of extraction. Final rehabilitation shall take surrounding land use and approved land use designations into consideration. In parts of the Province not designated under the Aggregate Resources Act, rehabilitation standards that are compatible with those under the Act should be adopted for extraction operations on private lands. 2.5.4 Extraction in Prime Agricultural Areas In prime agricultural areas, on prime agricultural land, extraction of mineral aggregate resources is permitted as an interim use provided that rehabilitation of the site will be carried out so that substantially the same areas and same average soil quality for agriculture are restored. On these prime agricultural lands, complete agricultural rehabilitation is not required if: a) there is a substantial quantity of mineral aggregate resources below the water table warranting extraction, or the depth of planned extraction in a quarry makes restoration of pre-extraction agricultural capability unfeasible; b) other alternatives have been considered by the applicant and found unsuitable. The consideration of other alternatives shall include resources in areas of Canada Land Inventory Class 4 to 7 soils, resources on lands identified as designated growth areas, and resources on prime agricultural lands where rehabilitation is feasible. Where no other alternatives are found, prime agricultural lands shall be protected in this order of priority: specialty crop areas, Canada Land Inventory Classes 1, 2 and 3; and c) agricultural rehabilitation in remaining areas is maximized. 2.5.5 Wayside Pits and Quarries, Portable Asphalt Plants and Portable Concrete Plants Wayside pits and quarries, portable asphalt plants and portable concrete plants used on public authority contracts shall be permitted, without the need for an official plan amendment, rezoning, or development permit under the Planning Act in all areas, except those areas of existing development or particular environmental sensitivity which have been determined to be incompatible with extraction and associated activities. 20

PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 2.6 CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY 2.6.1 Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved. 2.6.2 Development and site alteration shall only be permitted on lands containing archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential if the significant archaeological resources have been conserved by removal and documentation, or by preservation on site. Where significant archaeological resources must be preserved on site, only development and site alteration which maintain the heritage integrity of the site may be permitted. 2.6.3 Development and site alteration may be permitted on adjacent lands to protected heritage property where the proposed development and site alteration has been evaluated and it has been demonstrated that the heritage attributes of the protected heritage property will be conserved. Mitigative measures and/or alternative development approaches may be required in order to conserve the heritage attributes of the protected heritage property affected by the adjacent development or site alteration. 21



2.6.1 Significant built heritage resources <strong>and</strong> significant cultural heritage l<strong>and</strong>scapes shall<br />

be conserved.<br />

2.6.2 Development <strong>and</strong> site alteration shall only be permitted on l<strong>and</strong>s containing<br />

archaeological resources or areas <strong>of</strong> archaeological potential if the significant<br />

archaeological resources have been conserved by removal <strong>and</strong> documentation, or by<br />

preservation on site. Where significant archaeological resources must be preserved on<br />

site, only development <strong>and</strong> site alteration which maintain the heritage integrity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

site may be permitted.<br />

2.6.3 Development <strong>and</strong> site alteration may be permitted on adjacent l<strong>and</strong>s to protected<br />

heritage property where the proposed development <strong>and</strong> site alteration has been<br />

evaluated <strong>and</strong> it has been demonstrated that the heritage attributes <strong>of</strong> the protected<br />

heritage property will be conserved.<br />

Mitigative measures <strong>and</strong>/or alternative development approaches may be required in<br />

order to conserve the heritage attributes <strong>of</strong> the protected heritage property affected by<br />

the adjacent development or site alteration.<br />


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