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design space pruning heuristics and global optimization method for ...

design space pruning heuristics and global optimization method for ...


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I am thankful <strong>for</strong> all of my friends that have supported me throughout the<br />

dissertation process, particularly my labmates <strong>and</strong> friends at Georgia Tech. They made<br />

sure that no day was dull or boring, even the many late nights <strong>and</strong> weekends spent in lab.<br />

They were always there to laugh with, cry with, <strong>and</strong> share my achievements with. Thank<br />

you <strong>for</strong> your indispensable help in classes <strong>and</strong> on my research, <strong>and</strong> simply <strong>for</strong> being my<br />

friends. I would like to especially thank Ian Clark <strong>and</strong> Chris Tanner, who devoted many<br />

hours to helping me set up my work on the computer cluster, <strong>and</strong> Richard Otero, without<br />

whose Fortran help I would not have been able to complete my dissertation. To Bailey<br />

<strong>and</strong> Griffey, thank you <strong>for</strong> being my constant companions while working on my<br />

dissertation from home in Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> never failing to put a smile on my face.<br />

Last, <strong>and</strong> certainly not least, I do not have the words to properly thank my fiancé,<br />

Devin Kipp, who has been my unwavering source of support <strong>and</strong> encouragement, even<br />

through the most trying times. You have been endlessly patient, <strong>and</strong> it is your faith in me<br />

that has enabled me to complete the PhD program, beginning with qualifying exams <strong>and</strong><br />

ending with my PhD dissertation <strong>and</strong> defense. Having you in my life to share this<br />

accomplishment with makes it all the more special.<br />

And to everyone else who has inspired me along the way, thank you. I would not<br />

be the person I am today without the influence of my friends, family, teachers, <strong>and</strong><br />

mentors.<br />


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