PCI Express - PLX Technology

PCI Express - PLX Technology PCI Express - PLX Technology


It is PLX’s Mission… To Solve the World’s Connectivity Challenges with Software Enriched Silicon Silicon without Software is Just Sand April 2011 2

Explosive Traffic and Storage Needs Traffic (PB/month) Stored Data (PB) Consumer Business Mobile 10,159 14,742 CAGR 41% 30,180 21,366 42,165 55,560 8,532 11,491 CAGR 45% 16,708 24,812 38,678 54,480 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IP Multimedia, Mobile Internet, New Services and Apps April 2011 3

It is <strong>PLX</strong>’s Mission…<br />

To Solve the World’s Connectivity Challenges<br />

with Software Enriched Silicon<br />

Silicon without Software is Just Sand<br />

April 2011<br />


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