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<strong>DABUR</strong> <strong>NEPAL</strong> <strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

Annual Report for the financial year ended 31st March, 2010

Contents<br />

Director’s Report 1<br />

Auditor’s Report 7<br />

Balance Sheet 9<br />

Profit & Loss Account 10<br />

Statement of Cash Flow 11<br />

Schedules 12<br />

Accounting Policies & Notes to Accounts 17

DIRECTOr’s RepoRT<br />

To,<br />

The Members,<br />

This report presented by your Directors in respect of Financial year ended on 31st March 2010 has been made out for the limited<br />

purpose in terms of section 212(2)(b) of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act,1956. Pursuant to section 212(2)(a) and section 212(2)(b) of <strong>India</strong>n<br />

Companies Act, the Balance Sheet of <strong>Dabur</strong> Nepal Private <strong>Limited</strong> as on 31st March 2010 and the Profit & loss Account for the year<br />

ended on that date dealt with by this report have also been made out in accordance with the requirement of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act<br />

1956,which have been certified by an <strong>India</strong>n firm of Chartered Accountants thereby making out the audit report thereof in accordance<br />

with the requirements of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act,1956.<br />


The Financial results of drawn in accordance with <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act are as follows:<br />

(Rs in lacs)<br />

Particulars 2009-10 2008-09<br />

Sales (inclusive Other Income) 27,778.00 27,333.00<br />

Profit before Tax 1,200.00 17.00<br />

Less: Provision for Tax 257.00 3.00<br />

Net profit after tax 944.00 14.00<br />

Balance brought forward 5,470.00 5,468.00<br />

Additional Provision Related to Earlier Years<br />

Income Tax Adjustment for Previous Years - 12.00<br />

Other Adjustment for Previous Years - -<br />

Profit available for appropriation 6,414.00 5,470.00<br />

Appropriation/allocation:<br />

Interim Dividend - -<br />

Transferred to general reserve - -<br />

Balance carried over to balance sheet 6,414.00 5,470.00<br />


During the year, the Domestic Sales of your Company has been increased to INR 130 crores with aggregate Sales of INR 276.52 crores<br />

during the year. This sales is achieved despite of the unstable political situation in Nepal.<br />

In retrospect to FY 2009-10, the global economy has survived from the recession that has crippled the world economy during the FY<br />

2008-09. Further, during the FY 2009-10, the USD has also been cooled down, and was in the range of 1 USD = INR 44 – 45. During<br />

the FY 2009-10, the financial market in Nepal was very volatile with interest rate surging to 12% per annum. However, your Company<br />

has managed to come out from this financial crisis in the Country by successfully taking Working Capital Loan from foreign Financial<br />

Market at comparatively low rate of interest.<br />

So, in nutshell, your Company has effectively managed the adverse business situations, and was able to deliver a Profit After Tax of<br />

INR 944.00 Lacs during the FY 2009-10.<br />


The Global economy has recovered from impact of recession during the FY 2009-10. Further, your Company has aggressive sales and<br />

marketing plan for FY 2010-11. Hence, your Company is assured that the FY 2010-11 will be another benchmark year with robust sales<br />

growth, good profit, and better customer trust.<br />


During the year, your Company has installed Gasifire Plant. This will help to have better operational efficiency with reduced cost of<br />

Boiler operation.<br />


After achieving self sufficiency in Akarkara, Chiraita, and Satavari, your Company has successfully explored the export market for<br />

Akarkara, and has exported the same to <strong>India</strong>.<br />

As a measure of Public Private Partnership (PPP), Trial cum Demonstration plots have been started during the year to ensure commercial<br />

cultivation of Medicinal Plants at Kankali CFUG (Chitwan) and Balkumari Mahila CFUG (Kavre).<br />



During the year, there was no change in the Directors of your Company.<br />


The Company has a proper and adequate internal control system to ensure safeguard and protection of all assets and that the<br />

transactions are authorized, recorded and reported correctly. The Company’s internal control system comprises audit and compliance<br />

by internal audit checks from Price Waterhouse Coopers Private <strong>Limited</strong>, <strong>India</strong>, the Internal Auditors. The Internal Auditors independently<br />

evaluate the adequacy of internal controls and concurrently audit the majority of the transactions in value terms. Independence of the<br />

Audit and compliance is ensured by the Direct Reporting of Internal Auditors to the Management Committee of the Board.<br />

Further, in order to further strengthen the Internal Control system of the Company, your Company has successfully implemented the<br />

SAP system integrating the all areas of operation.<br />


In view of low profit for the year, your Directors do not propose any dividend for the year.<br />


No fixed deposit has been accepted during the year.<br />


Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, with respect to Directors’ Responsibility Statement,<br />

the Directors confirm:<br />

i) That in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and no material<br />

departures have been made from the same;<br />

ii)<br />

That they had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are<br />

reasonable and prudent so as to give true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and<br />

of the profit of the Company for that period;<br />

iii) That they had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the<br />

provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and<br />

other irregularities;<br />

iv) That they had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.<br />


The observations of Auditors in their report read with the relevant notes to accounts in schedule – 20 are self-explanatory and do not<br />

require further explanation.<br />


Particulars of Employees as required under Section 217(2A) of the <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956 read with Companies (Particular of<br />

Employees) Rules, 1975 as amended are given in Annexure 1 to the Directors Report.<br />


A. Conservation of Energy<br />

a. Energy Conservation Measures Taken<br />

Your Company has taken following energy conservation measures during the year –<br />

• RiceHusk Gasifire system installed for generation of Producer Gas to be used as fuel in 5 ton Thermax Boiler. The system is<br />

capable of replacing 2200 Liter of Furnace oil per day in this Steam Boiler.<br />

• Dedicated Feeder and dedicated transmission line obtained from NEA for smooth and un-interrupted Power Supply.<br />

• Two number of., 2-strokes Diesel Generator Engine have been replaced by 2 number of., 4-strokes DG Engine to achieve better<br />

fuel efficiency and reduced pollution.<br />

• Tubular Heat Exchanger (Shell & Tube type) water cooling system of Diesel Generators Set was converted into energy efficient<br />

PHE type.<br />

• Synchronization system was updated for obtaining higher efficiency of DG Set and load balancing.<br />

b. Additional Investments and Proposals, if any, being Implemented for Reduction of Consumption of Energy<br />

• Second phase of Rice Husk Gasifire system is planned to be installed. The system is designed for replacing of another 2200 Liter<br />

of Furnace oil per day.<br />

• Old Coil type Water Heating system of Honey Plant planned to be replaced with PHE type water heating system for reducing<br />

steam consumption in Honey plant.<br />

• Installation of another 4-strokes DG Engine in place of one existing 2-strokes DG Engine.<br />

c. Impact of the Measures taken at (a) & (b) above for Reduction of Energy Consumption and Consequent Impact on the Cost of<br />


Production of Goods<br />

• Annual Saving of approximately INR 110.00 lacs on Overheads from measures taken in (a).<br />

• Annual Saving of approximately INR 70.00 lacs on Overheads from measures taken in (b).<br />

d. Total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit as per Form A attached herewith as Annexure 2.<br />

B. Technology Absorption<br />

Efforts made in technology absorption as per form B is attached herewith as Annexure 3.<br />

C. Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo<br />

Total Foreign Exchange Used during 2009-10: INR 1,43,823.67 lacs (Previous Year INR 1,21,68.32 lacs)<br />

Total Foreign Exchange Earned during 2009-10: INR 41.13 lacs (Previous Year INR 194.18 lacs)<br />


Your Directors wish to place on record their appreciation for the continued support and co-operation extended by <strong>Dabur</strong> <strong>India</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>,<br />

Shareholders, Dealers, Customers and all the employees of the Company.<br />

They also wish to place on record their sincere appreciation for the co-operation, assistance and guidance received from various<br />

officers of the Government of Nepal and Government of <strong>India</strong>.<br />

On behalf of the Board of Directors<br />

Pradip Burman<br />

(Chairman)<br />

Date : 9th April, 2010<br />


Annexure ‘1’<br />

Statement of particulars of employees pursuant to the provisions of Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956<br />

read with Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975and forming part of the<br />

Director’s Report for the Year Ended 31st March 2010<br />

Name<br />

Designation/Nature<br />

of Duties<br />

Qualification<br />

1. Mr. Udayan Ganguly Chief Executive Director<br />

B. A (Economics),<br />

PGDBM (Marketing)<br />

Experience<br />

(in Years)<br />

Remuneration<br />

Date of<br />

Appointment<br />

Age<br />

(in Years)<br />

Particulars of Last Employment<br />

21 57,00,998 1-Aug-06 44 General Manager -<br />

Sales, (North <strong>India</strong> &<br />

Nepal) Glaxo Smith-<br />

Kline Consumer Healthcare<br />

Ltd.<br />

2. Mr. Indranil Gupta Head of Operations B.E. Mechanical 19 45,65,393 1-Aug-07 40 Since 2005 till July<br />

2007 with DIL Technical<br />

Head-Ice Cream Business,<br />

Unilever, <strong>India</strong><br />

3. Mr. Atul Nagar DGM Purchase B.Sc. & Diploma<br />

in Import & Export<br />

Management and<br />

Material Management<br />

4. Mr. Bibek Agarwala Financial Controller<br />

and Company Secretary<br />

32 27,92,430 1-Sep-06 54 Since 1981 till Aug 2006<br />

with DIL as Sr. Manager<br />

Purchase<br />

CA, CS, B. Com. 10 25,88,536 17-Sep-<br />

2007<br />

34 Senior Manager Finance-Seagram<br />

<strong>India</strong><br />

Pvt.Ltd<br />

Notes:-<br />

1 Gross Remuneration shown above is subject to Tax and comprises salary including arrears, allowances, rent, medical<br />

reimbursement, leave travel benefits, provident fund, Superannuation fund & gratuity in terms of actual expenditure incurred by<br />

the Company.<br />

2. All the employees have adequate experience to discharge the responsibilities assigned to them.<br />

3. None of the employees mentioned above is a relative of any director.<br />

4. Nature of employment is on contractual basis except in the case of directors whose terms have been approved by<br />

shareholders.<br />


FORM - A<br />

(See Rule 2)<br />

Form of Disclosure of particulars with respect to Conservation of Energy<br />

Annexure ‘2’<br />

A. Power and Fuel consumption 2009-10 2008-09<br />

1. Electricity<br />

a) Purchased<br />

Units 77,97,536 76,45,711<br />

Total Amount (INR) 2,83,02,108 2,78,89,836<br />

Rate per Unit (INR) 3.6 3.6<br />

b) Own Generation<br />

i) Through Diesel Generator<br />

Units 2265844 20,66,675<br />

Units Per Liter of Diesel 3.59 3.10<br />

Cost Per Unit (INR) 8.55 10.25<br />

II) Through Steam Turbine/Generator<br />

Units Nil Nil<br />

Units Per Liter of Fuel Oil Nil Nil<br />

Cost Per Unit (INR) Nil Nil<br />

2. Rice Husk (Specify Quality and Where Used) Boiler<br />

Quantity (MT) 1100.70 Nil<br />

Total Cost (INR) 749,168 Nil<br />

Average Rate Per Ton (INR) 681.2 Nil<br />

3. Furnace Oil<br />

Highlighted figures are different from last years figures<br />

Quantity (MT) 1158.0 982.50<br />

Total Cost (INR) 2,48,61,601 2,68,70,948<br />

Average Rate Per Ton (INR) 21469.4 27,349.36<br />

4. Others – Internal Generation<br />

a) HSD<br />

Quantity (KL) 592.27 819.09<br />

Total Cost (INR) 2,0501132 2,43,16,734<br />

Average Rate per KL (INR) 34614.4 2,9687.5<br />

b) LDO<br />

Quantity (KL) Nil Nil<br />

Total Cost (INR) Nil Nil<br />

Average Rate per KL (INR) Nil Nil<br />

B. Consumption per Unit of Production<br />

The Company is engaged in production of variety of products; hence the figures of consumption per unit of<br />

production are not ascertainable.<br />


Annexure 3<br />

Form B<br />

(See Rule 2)<br />

Form of Disclosure of particulars with respect to Technology Absorption, Research and Development (R&D)<br />

Research and Development<br />

1. Specific Areas in Which R&D Carried by the Company ------NIL-------<br />

2. Benefits Derived as a Result of the Above R&D -------NA-------<br />

3. Future Plan of Action -------NIL-------<br />

4. Expenditure on R&D<br />

Capital<br />

-------NIL-------<br />

b. Recurring -------NIL-------<br />

c. Total -------NIL-------<br />

d. Total R&D expenditure as a percentage of Total Turnover -------NIL-------<br />

Technology Absorption, Adoption and Innovation<br />

S .<br />

No.<br />

Particulars<br />

1. Efforts in brief, made towards<br />

technology absorption,<br />

adaptation and innovation<br />

2. Benefits derived as a result of<br />

the above efforts e.g. product<br />

improvement, cost reduction,<br />

product development, import<br />

substitution, etc.<br />

3. In case of imported<br />

technology (imported during<br />

the last 5 years reckoned from<br />

the beginning of the financial<br />

year) following information<br />

may be furnished<br />

(a) Technology imported<br />

(b) Year of import<br />

(c) Has technology been<br />

fully absorbed<br />

If not fully absorbed, areas<br />

where this has not taken<br />

place, reasons therefore and<br />

future plans of action.<br />

Remarks<br />

• Change-over to 1 liter wrap-around tray from card board box.<br />

• Installation of automatic wrap around tray packing machine (TCBP-70) in TBA-8 Line.<br />

• Installation of foam cleaning machine (Tornado) for ambient air sterilization in manufacturing<br />

and packing of fruit juice.<br />

• Installation of 2 Nos. of Domino Coding Machines for date and numbering in packets from<br />

TBA-8 and TBA-19 Line.<br />

• Commencement of production of Hajmola Kaccha Aam, Gulabari Cream & Lotion, Total<br />

Health Protect Shampoo and 3 variants of Vatika Anti Dandruff Shampoo.<br />

• Cost Reduction (Wrap around tray)<br />

• Process Improvement (Foam Cleaning machine, Online Domino Coding, Automatic wrapping<br />

machine)<br />

• Product Development (Kachha Aam, Gulabari Cream & Lotion, Total Health protect Shampoo)<br />

• Quality Improvement (enhancement of QL)<br />

• NA<br />


Auditors’ Report<br />

We have verified the attached Balance Sheet of <strong>Dabur</strong> Nepal Private <strong>Limited</strong>, (incorporated at Nepal) as at 31st March, 2010 and<br />

its Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date, all being made out in accordance with the<br />

requirement of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956, from the audited accounts of the body corporate under the statute of the country of<br />

its incorporation and additional certified returns which have been relied upon by us (refer note no. B(1), Schedule “N” of Notes to<br />

Accounts). These financial statements are the responsibility of the body corporate’s management. Our responsibility is to express<br />

an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in <strong>India</strong>. These standards require that we plan<br />

and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.<br />

An audit includes, examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement. An<br />

audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as, evaluating<br />

the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.<br />

i. As required by the Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order 2003 issued by the Central Government in terms of section 227 (4A) of<br />

the <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956, we enclose herewith in the annexure a statement of the matter specified therein.<br />

ii. We hereby report that<br />

a) Proper returns necessary for making out the accounts in accordance with the requirement of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956, were<br />

received by us.<br />

b) We have obtained the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose<br />

of audit.<br />

c) Proper books of accounts have been kept by the body corporate.<br />

d) The Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account dealt with by this report have been made out from the figures which are in agreement<br />

with the books of accounts.<br />

e) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account have been prepared in due compliances of accounting standards referred to in subsection<br />

(3C) of section 211 of Companies Act 1956.<br />

f) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the accounts as made out herein read with other<br />

notes appearing in Schedule “N” give the information required by the Companies Act 1956, in the manner so required to the<br />

extent possible and practicable and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in<br />

<strong>India</strong> ;<br />

(i) In the case of Balance Sheet, of the State of Affairs of the body corporate as at 31st March 2010 and<br />

(ii) In case of Profit & Loss Account of the profit of the body corporate for the year ended on that date; and<br />

(iii) In the case of Cash Flow statement, of the cash flows of the body corporate for the year ended on that date.<br />

For G Basu & Co<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

R. No. 301174E<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

Partner<br />

(M. No. 013783)<br />




1 a. The body corporate has maintained proper records showing full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed<br />

assets.<br />

b. The physical verification of fixed assets is yet to be completed which is under progress. The discrepancies between book<br />

records and physical inventories, if any, cannot be commented upon.<br />

c. Fixed assets disposed of during the year were not material enough to affect the going concern identity of the body corporate.<br />

2 a . The inventories have been physically verified at reasonable intervals by the management.<br />

b. The procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to<br />

the size of the body corporate and the nature of its business.<br />

c. On the basis of our examination of the records of inventory, we are of the opinion that the body corporate is maintaining<br />

proper records of inventory. The discrepancies noticed on verification between the physical stocks and book records were<br />

not material and have been properly dealt with in the books of accounts.<br />

3 a. The body corporate has not granted any loan or advance of the nature of loan (secured or unsecured) to any director, body<br />

corporate, company, firm or parties in which directors are interested.<br />

4. The body corporate has not taken any fresh unsecured loan during the year. Previous year outstanding was repaid during the<br />

year.<br />

5. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us there is an adequate internal control system<br />

commensurate with the size of the body corporate and the nature of its business for purchase of inventory and fixed assets<br />

and on the sale of goods. During the course of our audit no major weakness has been noticed in the internal controls. We<br />

have not observed any failure on the part of the body corporate to correct major weakness in internal control system.<br />

6. According to information and explanation given to us, the transactions of purchases and sales with the directors or companies,<br />

firms or parties were the directors are interested, have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to prevailing<br />

market prices at the relevant time.<br />

7. The body corporate has not accepted deposit from any sources within the meaning of “Acceptance of Deposit Rule” under<br />

<strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956.<br />

8. The body corporate has reasonably an adequate internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of business.<br />

9. section 209 (i) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956, is not applicable to the body corporate.<br />

10. a) According to information and explanations given to us, the body corporate is depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed<br />

statutory dues to the extent applicable to it.<br />

b) We have been informed that there is no undisputed statutory dues as at the year end which is outstanding for a period of six<br />

months from the date the same became payable.<br />

c) According to information and explanations given to us, there has been no undisputed statutory dues which has not been deposited.<br />

11. Based on the audit procedures and on the information and explanations available to us, the body corporate has not availed<br />

any facility from any financial institution or debenture holder. As such the question of default does not arise. Regarding loans<br />

from the banks, the same is default free.<br />

12. The body corporate has not granted any loan or advance secured by pledge of share, debenture or other security.<br />

13. Based on our examination of the records and evaluations of the related internal controls and information given to us we are<br />

of the opinion that the body corporate is not dealing in securities, debentures and other investments. It has one long term<br />

investment which is strategically held in its own name.<br />

14. The body corporate has not given guarantees for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.<br />

15. No term loan has been availed by the body corporate from any quarter.<br />

16. According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of analysis of financial statement of the body<br />

corporate, we are of the opinion that no fund has been raised on short term basis which has been used by the body corporate<br />

for long term application.<br />

17. The Body corporate has not issued any secured debenture during the year.<br />

18. The Body corporate has not raised any fund through public issue or preferential allotment during the year.<br />

19. Based upon the audit procedures performed and information and explanations given to us, we report that no fraud on or by<br />

the body corporate has been noticed or reported during the course of our audit.<br />

20. other clauses of the order are not applicable to the Body corporate.<br />

8<br />

For G Basu & Co<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

R. No. 301174E<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

Partner<br />

(M. No. 013783)

Balance Sheet As at 31st March 2010<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

As At<br />

As At<br />

Schedule 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />

Sources Of Funds :<br />

Shareholders’ Funds:<br />

Shareholders’ Funds:<br />

(A) Share Capital A 499 499<br />

(B) Reserves And Surplus B 7,830 6,831<br />

8,329 7,330<br />

Loan Funds:<br />

A) Secured Loans c 2,863 3,830<br />

(B) Unsecured Loans D 1,948 57<br />

4,811 3,887<br />

Deferred Tax Liability 147 130<br />

Total 13,287 11,347<br />

Application Of Funds :<br />

Fixed Assets :<br />

(A) Gross Block f 14,866 14,434<br />

(B) Less : Depreciation 7,794 6,880<br />

(C) Net Block 7,072 7,554<br />

Current Assets, Loans And Advances:<br />

G<br />

(A) Inventories 6,830 5,517<br />

(B) Sundry Debtors 1,316 4,116<br />

(C) Cash & Bank Balances 313 247<br />

(D) Loans & Advances 2,480 1,149<br />

10,939 11,029<br />

Less: Current Liabilities And Provisions<br />

E<br />

(A) Liabilities 3,915 6,816<br />

(B) Provisions 809 420<br />

4,724 7,236<br />

Net Current Assets 6,215 3,793<br />

Notes To Accounts<br />

N<br />

Total 13,287 11,347<br />

As per our report of even date attached<br />

for <strong>DABUR</strong> <strong>NEPAL</strong> <strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

for G. BASU & CO<br />

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Pradip Burman chairman<br />

R. No. 301174E R. S. Rana Managing Director<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

PARTNER Date :9th April, 2010<br />

(M. No. 013783)<br />

Place Kathmandu<br />



(Rs. in lacs)<br />

for the Year Ended For the Year Ended<br />

schedule 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />

Income :<br />

H<br />

Sales Less Returns 27,652 27,199<br />

Other Income 126 134<br />

Total Income 27,778 27,333<br />

Expenditure :<br />

Cost Of Materials I 19,843 20,172<br />

Excise Duty 172 117<br />

Manufacturing Expenses J 1,570 1,456<br />

Payments To And Provisions For Employees K 1,819 1,636<br />

Selling And Administrative Expenses L 1,910 2,557<br />

Financial Expenses M 319 404<br />

Depreciation 945 974<br />

Total Expenditure 26,578 27,316<br />

Balance Being Net Operating Profit Before Tax 1,200 17<br />

Provision For Taxation Current 239 3<br />

Provision For Taxation Deferred 17<br />

Net Profit After Taxation 944 14<br />

Balance Brought Forward 5,470 5,468<br />

Provision For Taxation For Earlier Year 0 12<br />

Profit Available For Appropriation 6,414 5,470<br />

Balance Carried Over To Balance Sheet 6,414 5,470<br />

As per our report of even date attached<br />

for <strong>DABUR</strong> <strong>NEPAL</strong> <strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

for G. BASU & CO<br />

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Pradip Burman chairman<br />

R. No. 301174E R. S. Rana Managing Director<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

PARTNER Date :9th April, 2010<br />

(M. No. 013783)<br />

Place Kathmandu<br />



For The Year Ended<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

For The Year Ended<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />

A. Cash flow from operating activities<br />

Net Profit Before Tax And Extraordinary Items 1,200 17<br />

Add:<br />

Depreciation 945 974<br />

Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets 6 11<br />

Loss On Sale Of Investment 0 3<br />

Miscellenous Exp. Written Off 6 0<br />

Interest 319 404<br />

1,276 1,392<br />

Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes 2,476 1,409<br />

Working Capital Changes<br />

Increase/(Decrease) In Inventories 1,313 (657)<br />

Increase/(Decrease) In Debtors (2,802) 762<br />

Decrease/(Increase) In Trade Payables 2,694 1,140<br />

IncreasE/(Decrease) In Working Capital 1,205 1,245<br />

Cash Generated From Operating Activities 1,271 164<br />

Interest Paid 330 404<br />

Tax Paid 240 3<br />

570 407<br />

Cash Used(-)/(+)Generated For Operating Activities (A) 701 (243)<br />

B. Cash Flow From Investing Activities<br />

Purchase Of Fixed Assets (470) (814)<br />

Sale Of Fixed Assets (0) 3<br />

Sale Of Investment Including Investment In Subsidiaries 0 3<br />

Cash Used(-)/(+)Generated For Investing Activities (B) (470) (808)<br />

C. Cash Flow From Financing Activities<br />

Repayment(-)/Proceeds (+) Of Long Term Secured Liabilities (230) (284)<br />

Repayment(-)/Proceeds(+) From Short Term Loans (737) (577)<br />

Repayment (-)/Proceeds(+) From Deposits 1,890 9<br />

Payment Of Other Advances (1,088) 1,803<br />

Cash Used(-)/+(Generated) In Financing Activities (C) (165) 951<br />

Net Increase(+)/Decrease (-) In Cash And Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 66 (100)<br />

Cash And Cash Equivalents Opening Balance 247 347<br />

Cash And Cash Equivalents Closing Balance 313 247<br />

As per our report of even date attached<br />

for <strong>DABUR</strong> <strong>NEPAL</strong> <strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

for G. BASU & CO<br />

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Pradip Burman chairman<br />

R. No. 301174E R. S. Rana Managing Director<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

PARTNER Date :9th April, 2010<br />

(M. No. 013783)<br />

Place Kathmandu<br />


SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2010<br />


Authorised :<br />

1400000 Equity Shares Of Nrs 100 Each 875 875<br />

(Previous Year 1400000 Equity Shares Of Nrs 100 )<br />

875 875<br />

Issued, Subscribed: And Paid Up<br />

798520 Equity Shares Of Nrs 100 Each Fully Paid Up In Cash) 499 499<br />

778520 Held By <strong>Dabur</strong> International Ltd, Holding<br />

Company Incorporated In Isle Of Man & Its Nominees<br />

(Previous Year- 798520 Equity Shares Of Nrs 100)<br />


Share Premium Account<br />

12<br />

499 499<br />

As Per Last Account 375 375<br />

Employees Housing Reserve Fund<br />

As Per Last Account 531 530<br />

Add : Transferred From Profit & Loss Account 55 1<br />

586 531<br />

General Reserve 455 455<br />

Profit And Loss Account 6,414 5,470<br />

Total 7,830 6,831<br />


A. Banks and Financial Instituitions<br />

I Term Loans:<br />

Deferred Payment 0 230<br />

(Secured By Hypothecation Over Machinies Imported Under The Said Facility)<br />

II Short Term Loans - From Banks : 2,863 3,600<br />

Secured By :<br />

Execution Of Registered Mortgage By Deposit Of Title Deeds Of Company’s Entire<br />

Land Situated At Rampur Tokani,Bara District And The Entire Immovable Properties,<br />

Present & Future, Built Thereon And Hypothecation & Assignment Of Entire Current<br />

Assets, Present And Future, Ranking Pari-Passu Amongst Nabil Bank Ltd, Std. Chartered<br />

Bank Nepal Ltd And Nepal Sbi Bank Ltd. Subject To The Priorities That Banks<br />

Extending Term Loans ( Except That Which Is Covered By Guarantees Of <strong>India</strong>n<br />

Banks) Shall Have First Charge On The Fixed Assets And Second Charge On Current<br />

Assets While The Particpating Banks Extending Working Capital, Overdraft And<br />

Cash Credit Shall Have Pari-Passu First Charge On The Current Assets And Second<br />

Charge On Fixed Assets; And Are Further Secured By A Corporate Guarantee By The<br />

Company’s Parent Company <strong>Dabur</strong> <strong>India</strong> Ltd; New Delhi And By Personal Guarantee<br />

By A Director Of The Company.<br />


2,863 3,830<br />

From Directors 0 48<br />

Security Deposit From Dealers And Others 10 9<br />

Short Term Loan - From Banks 1,938 0<br />

Total 1,948 57<br />

As At<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />

As At

SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2010<br />


Name of Asset As On<br />

01.04.2009<br />


Additions<br />

2009-10<br />

Adjustment<br />

2009-10<br />

As On<br />

31.03.2010<br />

As On<br />

01.04.2009<br />

For The Year<br />

2009-10<br />

Adjustment<br />

2009-10<br />

As On<br />

31.03.2010<br />

As On<br />

31.03.2010<br />

As On<br />

31.03.2009<br />

Freehold Land 326 0 0 326 0 0 0 0 326 326<br />

Building, Roads &<br />

Bridges<br />

2,645 0 0 2,645 1,243 92 0 1,335 1,310 1,402<br />

Plant & Machinery 9,887 442 30 10,299 4,581 744 25 5,300 4,999 5,306<br />

Furniture & Fixtures 934 16 2 948 640 50 1 689 259 294<br />

Vehicles 392 12 6 398 242 38 5 275 123 150<br />

Computer 229 0 0 229 174 21 0 195 34 55<br />

Cwip 21 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 21 21<br />

Total 14,434 470 38 14,866 6,880 945 31 7,794 7,072 7,554<br />

Previous Year 13,675 814 55 14,434 6,245 974 339 6,880 7,554<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />

As At<br />

As At<br />


A. Current Assets :<br />

Inventories<br />

- Raw Materials 4,103 3,017<br />

- Packing Materials, Stores And Spares 1,323 936<br />

- Stock In Process 267 203<br />

- Finished Goods 1,137 1,361<br />

6,830 5,517<br />

Sundry Debtors (Unsecured & Considered Good) 1,316 4,116<br />

Cash And Bank Balances :<br />

Cash In Hand 3 2<br />

- Balance With Banks<br />

In Current Accounts 309 245<br />

In Fixed Deposit Accounts 1 0<br />

313 247<br />

8,459 9,880<br />

B. Loans And Advances (Unsecured, Considered Good)<br />

Security Deposit With Various Authorities 1,019 697<br />

Advance Payment Of Tax 483 243<br />

Advances To Suppliers 646 135<br />

Advances To Employees 140 18<br />

Other Advances Recoverable In Cash Or In Kind Or For Value To 192 56<br />

Be Received<br />

2,480 1,149<br />

Total (A+B) 10,939 11,029<br />


SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2010<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

As At<br />

As At<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />


A. Current Liabilities :<br />

Acceptance 0 0<br />

Creditors For Goods 1,152 621<br />

Creditors For Expenses And Other Liabilities 2,734 6,157<br />

3,886 6,778<br />

Advances From Customers 6 3<br />

Interest Accrued But Not Due On Loans 23 35<br />

3,915 6,816<br />

B. Provisions :<br />

For Leave Salary 56 25<br />

For Gratuity 151 32<br />

For Taxation :<br />

Adjusted During Year 602 363<br />

809 420<br />

4,724 7,236<br />


SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2010<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

For The Year Ended For The Year Ended<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />


A. Sales :<br />

Domestic Sales Less Returns 13,000 12,324<br />

Export Sales 14,652 14,875<br />

27,652 27,199<br />

B. Other Income :<br />

Rent Realised 0 0<br />

Sale Of Scrap 125 134<br />

Miscellaneous Receipts 1 0<br />

126 134<br />


Raw Materials Consumed :<br />

I) Opening Stock 3,017 2,213<br />

II) Add : Purchases 13,555 13,536<br />

16,572 15,749<br />

III) Less : Closing Stock 4,216 3,017<br />

12,356 12,732<br />

Packing Materials Consumed :<br />

I) Opening Stock 936 1,570<br />

II) Add : Purchases 7,403 5,978<br />

8,339 7,548<br />

III) Less : Closing Stock 1,323 936<br />

7,016 6,612<br />

Purchase Of Finished Products 311 0<br />

Adjustment Of Stocks In Process And Finished Goods<br />

Opening Stock :<br />

Stock In Process 203 103<br />

Finished Products 1,361 2,289<br />

1,564 2,392<br />

Closing Stock :<br />

Stock-In-Process 267 203<br />

Finished Products 1,137 1,361<br />

1,404 1,564<br />

Increase(-)/Decrease In Stock In Process And Finished Goods 160 828<br />


19,843 20,172<br />

Power And Fuel 753 857<br />

Stores & Spares Consumed 168 277<br />

Repairs & Maintenance<br />

--- Building 94 73<br />

--- Plant & Machinery 168 125<br />

--- Others 209 41<br />

Processing Charges 178 83<br />

1,570 1,456<br />


SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2010<br />

(Rs. in lacs)<br />

For The Year Ended For The Year Ended<br />

Particulars 31st March 2010 31st March 2009<br />


Salaries, Wages And Bonus 1,327 1,293<br />

Contribution To Provident And Other Funds 135 130<br />

Workmen And Staff Welfare 341 150<br />

Directors’ Remuneration 16 63<br />

1,819 1,636<br />


Rent 51 37<br />

Rates And Taxes 1 1<br />

Insurance 153 129<br />

Sales Tax 0 1<br />

Freight And Forwarding Charges 52 85<br />

Commission, Discount And Rebate 220 209<br />

Advertising And Publicity 976 847<br />

Travel & Conveyance 270 230<br />

Legal & Professional 39 40<br />

Telephone , Fax Expenses 54 58<br />

Security Expenses 46 55<br />

General Expenses 30 832<br />

Auditors’ Remuneration: 3 4<br />

Donation 0 15<br />

Provsion For Doubtful Debts 9 0<br />

Loss On Sale Of Investments (Other Than Trade) 0 3<br />

Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets 6 11<br />

1,910 2,557<br />


Fixed Period Loan 3 0<br />

Others 242 315<br />

245 315<br />

Bank Charges 74 89<br />

319 404<br />


SCHEDULES - Annexed to and forming part of the Accounts for the Period Ended 31st March 2010<br />

Schedule N –Accounting Policies & Notes To Accounts<br />


significant Account Policies are summarized below<br />

a. Accounting Convention:<br />

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention.<br />

(All Figures in Rupees Lacs)<br />

b. Fixed Assets and Depreciation:<br />

• Fixed assets are stated at cost less impairment loss, if any.<br />

• Cost includes inward freight and expenses incidental to acquisition and installation.<br />

• Depreciation on Fixed Assets have been provided for on straight line method at rates specified in schedule XIV of the <strong>India</strong>n<br />

Companies Act 1956.<br />

c. Impairment of Assets:<br />

The body corporate identifies impairable assets at the year-end in term of cash generating unit (CGU) concept based on para-5 to<br />

13 of AS -28 issued by ICAI for the purpose of arriving at impairment loss on fixed assets and capital work-in-progress (as required<br />

under para –34, As-28) being the difference between the book value and recoverable value of relevant assets. Impairment loss<br />

if any when crystallizes is charged against revenue of the year. Entire plant constitute as single CGU.<br />

d. Inventories:<br />

Stocks are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Basis of determination of cost remain as follows:<br />

• Raw materials, Packing materials, Stores & Spares On FIFO Basis<br />

• Work-in-process At cost of input plus overhead<br />

upto the stage of completion.<br />

• Finished goods At cost of input plus appropriate Overhead.<br />

e. Retirement Benefits:<br />

Provision is made for gratuity and leave salary payable to the staff on the basis of actuarial valuation at the end of financial<br />

year.<br />

f. Recognition of Income and expenses:<br />

• Sales and purchases are accounted for on the basis of passing of title to the goods.<br />

• All items of incomes and expenses have been accounted for on accrual basis.<br />

g. Contingent Liabilities:<br />

Disputed liabilities and claims including claims raised by fiscal authorities, pending in appeal/court, for which no reliable estimate<br />

can be made of the amount of obligation or which are remotely poised for crystallization are not provided in accounts but<br />

disclosed in notes on accounts. However, present obligation as a result of past event with possibility of outflow of resources,<br />

when reliably estimable, is recognized in accounts.<br />

h. Translation of accounts of the body corporate from the currency of country of it’s incorporation NRS to INR :<br />

Currency of Nepal not being fluctuable vis-à-vis reporting currency, the same has been translated at flat rate determined in the<br />

ratio of Nepalese and <strong>India</strong>n currency.<br />

i. Translation of Foreign Currency:<br />

• Receivables/payables (excluding for fixed assets) in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the year end<br />

and resultant gain or loss, is accounted for in the profit & Loss Account.<br />

• Capital as well as revenue implication of exchange fluctuation charged or credited to revenue, are disclosed in notes to accounts.<br />



1. Accounts of the body corporate (a wholly owned subsidiary of <strong>Dabur</strong> International Ltd., a company incorporated Isle of MAN), incorporated<br />

in Nepal, originally audited by overseas auditors pursuant to law of the country of its incorporation, have been made<br />

out as per requirement of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act in due adherences of sub section 2(a) and 2(b) of section 212 of Companies Act,<br />

1956. This entailed drawing up the balance sheet, profit & loss account (including auditor’s report thereon) of the subsidiary in<br />

a manner so as to make it appear conforming to requirements of <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act, 1956, for the purpose of annexing the<br />

particulars of the body corporate with its holding company under section 212 (1) of the Companies Act, 1956.<br />

Modification of accounts warranted under the exercise predominantly related to<br />

(a) Translation of treatment of various heads of accounts in terms of accounting standards referred to in section 211(3c) of the Companies<br />

Act, 1956.<br />

(b) Presentation of accounts in terms of schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956, including disclosure of necessary information as laid<br />

down under section 211(1) and 211(2) of Companies Act 1956.<br />

2. Test of impairment in terms of A (C), schedule N did not prima facie provide any exigency of impairment thereby ruling out the<br />

cause of providing for any impairment loss.<br />

3. Income and Expenditure in Foreign Currency<br />

This being a body corporate incorporated in Nepal., information relating to import, export, expenditure in foreign currency & CIF<br />

value of import are superfluous herein.<br />

4. Managerial Remuneration (paid or payable during the year, to the Directors) :<br />

Payments made to the Director Mr. Rukma Rana includes pay, allowances and perquisites amount to Rs. 16 (previous year Rs. 63)<br />

on account of remuneration.<br />

5. Segment Report.<br />

The primary segment identified for body corporate being lone FMCG segment, all the products fall in within its purview, no<br />

segment report has been provided herein.<br />

6. Contingent Liabilities:<br />

A. Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts:<br />

a. In respect of Income Tax under appeal Rs. 43 (previous year Rs. 43).<br />

b. In respect of bank guarantees executed Rs.1671 (previous year Rs.2232).<br />

c. In respect of Letter of Credits Rs.2060 (previous year Rs.1948)<br />

d. Additional demand on account of VAT Rs. 151 ( previous year Rs.151)<br />

e. Estimated amount of contract remaining to be executed on capital account Rs. 215<br />

(previous year Rs. 111)<br />

7. CIF value of Imports 2009-10 2008-09<br />

Raw Material 0088 12143<br />

Packing Material 5618 4170<br />

Stores & Spares 202 70<br />

Capital Goods 398 548<br />

----------- ----------<br />

16306 16931<br />

----------- ----------<br />

8. Value of Raw Materials, Stores & Spares consumed<br />

Raw Material<br />

Packing Material , Stores & Spares<br />

31.03.2009 31.03.2008 31.03.2009 31.03.2008<br />

Value % Value % Value % Value %<br />

Imported 9,970 80.69 11,218 88.10 5,985 83.30 4,846 70.35<br />

Indigenous 2,386 19.31 1,515 11.90 1,200 16.70 2,042 29.65<br />

Total 12,356 100.00 12,733 100.00 7,185 100.00 6,888 100.00<br />

9. Related Party Disclosures:<br />

The body corporate enters into transaction with the companies that fall within the definition of a related party as contained in<br />

AS 18 issued by ICAI. The management considers such transactions to be in normal course of business. Related parties comprise<br />

the Directors, The Parent Company, fellow subsidiaries, subsidiaries and associates.<br />


9. Particluars in respect of Goods Manufactured<br />

Ultimate Parent<br />

Company<br />

(<strong>Dabur</strong> <strong>India</strong><br />

Ltd.)<br />

Sales 16797<br />

(17288)<br />

Purchases 144<br />

(799)<br />

Parent Company<br />

(<strong>Dabur</strong><br />

International<br />

Ltd.)<br />

0<br />

(150)<br />

668<br />

(303)<br />

Royalty paid 99<br />

(137)<br />

Fellow<br />

Subsidiaries<br />

(Asian Consumer<br />

Care, Bangladesh<br />

36<br />

(0)<br />

Key<br />

Management<br />

Personnel<br />

(Mr. R.S.Rana)<br />

Remuneration & Expenses 16<br />

(63)<br />

Interest paid 3<br />

(4)<br />

Total<br />

16833<br />

(17438)<br />

812<br />

(1102)<br />

99<br />

(137)<br />

16<br />

(63)<br />

3<br />

(4)<br />

Total<br />

Outstanding<br />

as on<br />

31.03.2010<br />

0<br />

(1448)<br />

20<br />

(40)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

10. Particulars of Goods Manufactured<br />

C lass of Materials Unit Licenced<br />

Capacity<br />

Lal Dant manjan MT 8,000<br />

(8,000)<br />

Real Fruit Juices KL 80,744<br />

(80,744)<br />

Installed<br />

Capacity<br />

7,200<br />

(7,200)<br />

87,597<br />

(87,597)<br />

Production Opening Stock Closing Stock Sale<br />

Qty Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value<br />

1,676<br />

(1,728)<br />

47,282<br />

(49,064)<br />

22<br />

(11)<br />

788<br />

(375)<br />

18<br />

(8)<br />

1,063<br />

(2,071)<br />

Others 279<br />

(210)<br />

Total 1,361<br />

(2,289)<br />

12<br />

(22)<br />

792<br />

(788)<br />

27<br />

(18)<br />

514<br />

(1,063)<br />

596<br />

(279)<br />

1,137<br />

(1,082)<br />

1,686<br />

(1,717)<br />

47,278<br />

(48,650)<br />

1,923<br />

(1,627)<br />

17,540<br />

(15,993)<br />

8,189<br />

(9,580)<br />

27,652<br />

(27,200)<br />

11. Pursuant to adoption of AS 15 as revised by ICAI, treatment of defined benefits obligations have been changed in terms of<br />

standards with the following adjustments incorporated in accounts.<br />


(i) Changes in Present Value of Obligation<br />

Particulars Gratuity Leave Encashment<br />

Opening defined benefit obligation 78<br />

(90)<br />

Current Service Cost 16<br />

(14)<br />

Interest Cost 6<br />

(6)<br />

Actuarial Gain/Loss due to change in assumption 24<br />

(-23)<br />

Amalgamation 0<br />

(0)<br />

Benefits paid (1)<br />

(-9)<br />

122<br />

(78)<br />

25<br />

(18)<br />

11<br />

(4)<br />

2<br />

(1)<br />

30<br />

(16)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

(10)<br />

(-14)<br />

57<br />

(25)<br />


(ii) Change in Fair value of Assets<br />

Particulars Gratuity Leave Encashment<br />

Opening Fair Value of Plan Assets 48<br />

(39)<br />

Expected return on Plan Assets 5<br />

(3)<br />

Employer contribution 40<br />

(18)<br />

Actuarial Gain/Loss on Plan Asset 3<br />

(-3)<br />

Benefits Paid (1)<br />

(-9)<br />

(iii) Amount Recognized in Balance Sheet<br />

Particulars Gratuity Leave Encashment<br />

94<br />

(48)<br />

Present value of funded obligations 122<br />

(78)<br />

Fair value of plan assets 94<br />

(48)<br />

Net liability 28<br />

(31)<br />

Amount in Balance sheet provision for Gratuity 28<br />

(31)<br />

Net Liabilty 28<br />

(31)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

57<br />

(25)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

57<br />

(25)<br />

57<br />

(25)<br />

57<br />

(25)<br />

(iv) Amount Recognized in the Statement of Profit & Loss Account<br />

Particulars Gratuity Leave Encashment<br />

Current Service Cost 16<br />

(14)<br />

Interest on defined benefits obligations 6<br />

(6)<br />

Expected return on plan assets 5<br />

(-3)<br />

Net actuarial gain / loss (21)<br />

(--20)<br />

Amount included in employee benefit 48<br />

(-3)<br />

(v) Asset information<br />

Particulars Gratuity Leave Encashment<br />

Insurer Managed Fund 100%<br />

(100%)<br />

Summary of Actuarial assumptions<br />

11<br />

(4)<br />

2<br />

(1)<br />

0<br />

(0)<br />

30<br />

(16)<br />

43<br />

(20)<br />

NA<br />

(NA)<br />

2009-10 2008-09<br />

Discount rate 7.5% pa 8.5% pa<br />

Expected rate of return on plan assets 8% pa 8% pa<br />

Salary escalation ratio<br />

20<br />

0.05 0.05

12. All the figures have been expressed in Rs. Lacs unless stated otherwise.<br />

13. The classification regarding small scale industries as defined under Micro, Small and Medium Development Board, 2006 is not<br />

applicable to this company and the company has not classified its creditors on the basis of the definition of Micro, Small &<br />

Medium Development Board ‘2006.<br />

14. Additional Information as required under Part IV of Schedule VI of the Companies Act.<br />

1. Registration details<br />

Registration No.<br />

Not Available<br />

Balance Sheet Date 31/03/2010.<br />

2. Capital Raised during the year (Rs. ‘000)<br />

Public issue<br />

Bonus issue<br />

Right issue<br />

Other Issue<br />

nil<br />

nil<br />

nil<br />

nil<br />

3. Position of Mobilisation & deployment of fund (Rs. ‘000)<br />

Total Liabilities 1328653<br />

Total Assets 1328653<br />

Sources of Funds :<br />

Paid up capital 49908<br />

Reserve & Surplus 782985<br />

Secured Loan 286271<br />

Unsecured Loan 194757<br />

Deferred Tax Liability 14732<br />

Application of funds<br />

Net Fixed Assets 707153<br />

Net Current Assets 621500<br />

4. Performance of the Company (Rs. ‘000)<br />

Turnover 2777813<br />

Profit before tax 119972<br />

Profit After tax 94360<br />

5. Generic Name of three principal products/ services of the company<br />

Item Code<br />

Product Description<br />

Juices<br />

Hair Oil<br />

Toothpowder<br />

(Item Codes not available)<br />

Signatures to the Schedules “A” to “N” Annexed to and forming part of the Accounts.<br />

As per our report of even date attached<br />

for <strong>DABUR</strong> <strong>NEPAL</strong> <strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

for G. BASU & CO<br />

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Pradip Burman chairman<br />

R. No. 301174E R. S. Rana Managing Director<br />

(Manoj Kumar Das)<br />

PARTNER Date :9th April, 2010<br />

(M. No. 013783)<br />

Place Kathmandu<br />


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