Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam


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Collected by Muhammad Sajad Ali - webmaster – www.deen<strong>islam</strong>.co.uk - 10 th December 2009<br />

YA WASI°U: O All-Embracing One! If this glorious Name is invoked by those who experience<br />

difficulty in making ends meet, <strong>the</strong> gates <strong>of</strong> providence will be opened un<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. Anyone desiring<br />

spiritual <strong>and</strong> material self-sufficiency <strong>and</strong> independence should repeat over <strong>and</strong> over. Any person<br />

who will read this name as much as he can God will bless him.<br />

The One whose expansive essence holds <strong>and</strong> embraces all <strong>of</strong> creation.<br />

The One who is vast without limit. The One <strong>of</strong> limitless capacity <strong>and</strong> abundance.<br />

The One who is ample-giving, all-embracing <strong>and</strong> all-pervading.<br />

The One whose power, knowledge, mercy <strong>and</strong> generosity are boundless.<br />

From <strong>the</strong> root w-s-' which has <strong>the</strong> following classical Arabic connotations:<br />

<strong>to</strong> be sufficient in capacity or size, wide, spacious<br />

<strong>to</strong> be ample, plentiful, bountiful, rich<br />

<strong>to</strong> comprehend, embrace, include, take in, pervade<br />

This name is used in <strong>the</strong> Qur'ân. For example, see 2:115<br />

(Also written as al-wasi, al-waasi, al-vasi, al-vaasi, <strong>the</strong> All-Embracing: ya wasi, ya waasi )<br />

46. Al-Hakim-The most Wise, <strong>the</strong> Judicious.<br />

The Wise. He whose every comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> action is pure wisdom.The One who is correct in His doings<br />

YA HAKIMU: O Wise One! For those who constantly invoke this glorious Name, all <strong>the</strong>ir endeavors<br />

turn out well. Anyone who repeats Ya-Hakim constantly, <strong>Allah</strong> will open for him <strong>the</strong> doors <strong>of</strong><br />

knowlwge <strong>and</strong> wisdom. Anyone whose particular task does not seem <strong>to</strong> be accomplished should<br />

repeat this Beautiful name <strong>of</strong> <strong>Allah</strong> frequently <strong>and</strong> constantly. Soon will his task be accomplish<br />

Insha-<strong>Allah</strong> Any person who reads this name as much as he can God will open <strong>the</strong> doors <strong>of</strong><br />

knowledge for him <strong>and</strong> not even a single work <strong>of</strong> a person is never completed he should read this<br />

name.<br />

The One who is Most Knowing. The One who possesses <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> discrimination between right<br />

<strong>and</strong> wrong <strong>and</strong> who is free from error or misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

The One who has perfect wisdom. The One whose wisdom turns mankind back from wrongdoing.<br />

The One who is qualified <strong>to</strong> judge <strong>the</strong> worth <strong>of</strong> all things.<br />

From <strong>the</strong> root h-k-m which has <strong>the</strong> following classical Arabic connotations:<br />

<strong>to</strong> prevent or restrain from wrongdoing or corruption<br />

<strong>to</strong> turn someone back from wrongdoing or ignorance<br />

<strong>to</strong> be wise, knowing <strong>the</strong> true nature <strong>of</strong> things<br />

<strong>to</strong> pass judgment, <strong>to</strong> decide, pass a verdict<br />

<strong>to</strong> judge <strong>and</strong> pass sentence<br />

This name is used in <strong>the</strong> Qur'ân. For example, see 2:32<br />


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