Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam


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The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Omniscience<br />

Al-'Allâm: The All-Knowing<br />

Al-Khabîr: The All-Aware<br />

Al-Muhît: The Encompassing<br />

Al-Muhsî: The Appraiser<br />

Al-Hasîb: The Reckoner<br />

As-Samî': The All-Hearing<br />

Al-Basîr: The All-Seeing<br />

Ash-Shahîd: The Witness<br />

Al-Hafîz: The Preserver<br />

Ar-Raqîb: The Watchful<br />

Al-Hakîm: The All-Wise<br />

At-Tabîb: The True Physician<br />

Al-Qarîb: The Near<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Uniqueness<br />

Al-Wâhid: The One<br />

Al-Wahîd: The Unique<br />

Al-Ahad: Absolute Oneness<br />

Al-Fard: The Unequalled<br />

Al-Witr: The Single<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Creation<br />

Al-Khâliq, Al-Khallâq: The Crea<strong>to</strong>r,<br />

Master Crea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Bâri': The Maker<br />

Al-Musawwir: The Giver <strong>of</strong> Form<br />

Al-Badî': The Origina<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Fâtir: The Bringer-in<strong>to</strong>-Being<br />

Al-Fâliq:The One Who Splits <strong>and</strong><br />

Brings in<strong>to</strong> Being<br />

Adh-Dhâri': The Crea<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Munshî': The Producer <strong>of</strong><br />

Existence<br />

Al-Jâ'il: The One Who Puts in<br />

Place<br />

Al-Mubdi': The Origina<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Mu'îd: The Res<strong>to</strong>rer<br />

Al-Bâ'ith: The Raiser<br />

Al-Jâmi': The Ga<strong>the</strong>rer<br />

As-Sâni': The Maker<br />

Al-Muhdith: The One Who Brings<br />

in<strong>to</strong> Temporal Existence<br />

Al-Mûjid: The One Who Brings<br />

in<strong>to</strong> Existence<br />

Al-Mukawwin: The One Who<br />

Brings in<strong>to</strong> Being<br />

Collected by Muhammad <strong>Allah</strong>'s Sajad <strong>99</strong> Ali Divine - webmaster Attributes – www.deen<strong>islam</strong>.co.uk <strong>and</strong> extra Attributes - 10 th taken December from 2009 Quran <strong>and</strong> Hadith- Diagram<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Destiny<br />

Al-Muhyî: Who Gives Life,<br />

Al-Mumît: Who Makes Die<br />

Ad-Dârr: The Afflicter,<br />

An-Nâfi': The Helper<br />

Al-Qâbid:The Constric<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Bâsit: The Exp<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Al-Qabid: Withholds or Constricter<br />

Al-Basit: The One who exp<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

Al-Mutî, Al-Mâni: Giver, Withholder<br />

A-Muti: The Giver.<br />

Al-Mani': The Unapproachable<br />

Al-Mu'akhkhir: Postponer<br />

Al-Muqaddim: The Advancer<br />

Al-Mu'izz,: Honourer<br />

Al-Mudhill: Makes abased, Dishonourer<br />

Al-Mu'izz: Gives might <strong>to</strong> anyone<br />

Al-Khâfid, Ar-Râfi': Abaser, Exalter<br />

Ar-Râfi': <strong>the</strong> Exalter<br />

Al-Khâfid: The Abaser <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> proud<br />

An-Nâsir: The Helper,<br />

Al-Khâdhil:The Disappointer<br />

Al-Khadhil;To abstain from helping<br />

An-Nasir: Aider or assister<br />

Al-Muzîl: The Separa<strong>to</strong>r<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Generosity<br />

Ar-Râziq, Ar-Razzâq: The Provider<br />

Al-Mughnî: The Enricher<br />

Al-Wahhâb: The Ever-Giving<br />

Al-Mannân: The Benefac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Jawâd: The Magnanimous<br />

Al-Wasi': The All-Encompassing<br />

Al-Mujîb: The Quick <strong>to</strong> Respond<br />

Qâdî'l-Hajât: One who satisfies needs<br />

Al-Mughîth, Al-Ghiyâth: Succour<br />

Al-Wadûd: The Most Loving<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Life<br />

Al-Hayy: The Living<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Eternity<br />

Al-Qadîm: The Timelessly Eternal<br />

Al-Azalî: The Pre-Eternal<br />

Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir: The First & <strong>the</strong> Last<br />

Al-Bâqî: The Abiding<br />

Ad-Dâ'im: The Everlasting<br />

Al-Abadî: The Post-Eternal<br />

As- Sarmadî: The Constant<br />

Al-Wârith: The Inheri<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Ad-Dahr: Time<br />

Al-Qayyûm: The Self-Sustaining<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Lordship<br />

Al-Malik; Al-Mâlik: The King, <strong>the</strong> Master<br />

Mâlik al-Mulk: Master <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kingdom<br />

Ar-Rabb: The Lord<br />

As-Sayyid: The Master<br />

As-Samad: Everlasting Sustainer <strong>of</strong> All<br />

Al-Mawlâ, Al-Walî,: The Protec<strong>to</strong>r,<br />

Al-Wâlî : The Friend<br />

Al-Mudabbir: The Manager<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Beneficence<br />

Ar-Rahmân, : The All-Merciful<br />

Ar-Rahîm: Most Merciful<br />

Ar-Ra'ûf: The All-Gentle<br />

Al-Hannân: The Tender<br />

Ar-Rafîq; : The Kind,<br />

Ash-Shafîq: The Compassionate<br />

Al- Mun'im: The Blesser<br />

Al-Muhsin: The Beneficient<br />

Dhû'l-Fadl: The Possesser <strong>of</strong> Bounty,<br />

Al-Mufaddil: The Bes<strong>to</strong>wer 6<br />

Al-Latîf: The All-Subtle<br />

Al-Barr; Al-Bârr: The All-Good<br />

Dhû't-Tawl: Possessor <strong>of</strong> Abundance<br />

Al-Hafî: The Gracious<br />

Al-Kâshif ad-Durr: Who Removes Harm<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Perfection<br />

As-Subbûh: glorification <strong>and</strong> tanzih<br />

Al-Quddûs: The All-Perfect, All-Holy<br />

Subbuh denies imperfection<br />

Quddus affirms perfection.<br />

As-Salâm: Perfect Peace<br />

At-Tâhir: The Pure<br />

Al- Muta'âlî: The High Exalted<br />

Al-'A'lâ: The Most High<br />

Ar-Râfi': The Exalter<br />

Al-'Adhîm: The Magnificent<br />

Al-Kabîr: The Incomparably Great<br />

Al-Mutakabbir: The Supremely Great<br />

Al-Jalîl: The Majestic<br />

Dhû'l-Jalâl wa'l-Ikrâm: Lord <strong>of</strong> Majesty &<br />

Generosity<br />

Al-Jamîl: The Beautiful<br />

Al-Majîd: The Noble, The Glorious<br />

Al-Karîm,: The Generous,<br />

Al-Akram The Most Generous<br />

Al-Hamîd: The Praiseworthy<br />

Al-Ghanî: The Rich Beyond Need<br />

Al-Wâjid: The Rich<br />

Az-Zâhir: The Outward<br />

Al-Bâtin: The Inward<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Justice<br />

Al'Adl, Al-'Âdil: The Just<br />

Al-Muqsit: The Equitable<br />

Al-Hakam: The Judge<br />

Al-Fattâh,: The Just Decider,<br />

Al-Fâtih: The Opener<br />

Ad-Dayyân: The Requiter<br />

Ash-Shakûr; Ash-Shâkir: Ever-Thankful<br />

Al-Muntaqim: The Exac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Revenge<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Guidance<br />

Al-Hâdî: The Guide<br />

Ar-Rashîd: The Correct Guide<br />

Al-Mubîn: The Clarifier<br />

An-Nûr: The Light<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Power<br />

Al-Qadîr, Al-Muqtadir: The All-Powerful<br />

Al-Qawi, : The All-Strong,<br />

Dhu'l-Quwwa: The Possessor <strong>of</strong> Strength<br />

Al-Matîn: The Firm<br />

Ash-Shadîd: The Severe<br />

Al-Qâhir; : The Absolute Master<br />

Al-Qahhâ: All-Conquering<br />

Al-Jâlib, Al-Jallâb: The Compeller<br />

Al-'Azîz: The Almighty<br />

Al-Jabbâr: The Compeller<br />

Al-Muqît: The Maintainer<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Existence<br />

Mawjûd: The Existing<br />

Al- Kâ'in: The One Who Is<br />

Ath-Thâbit: One Whose Existence is Firm<br />

Al-Haqq: The Truly Real<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Certainty<br />

As-Sâdiq: The Truthful<br />

Al-Mu'min: The Trustworthy<br />

Al-Muhaymin: The Safeguarder<br />

Al-Amîn: The Secure<br />

Al-Wafî: The Faithful<br />

Al-Kafîl: The Guaran<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Wakîl: The Guardian<br />

Al-Kâfî: The One Who Suffices<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong><br />

Related <strong>to</strong> Leniency<br />

Al-Ghâfir, The Forgiving,<br />

Al-Ghafûr The Ever-Forgiving,<br />

Al-Ghaffar:The Endlessly Forgiving:<br />

As-Sâtir, As-Sattâr: The Veiler<br />

Al-'Afuw: The All-Pardoning<br />

At-Tawwâb: The Ever-Returning<br />

Qâbil at-Tawb: Who Accepts Repentance<br />

Al-Halîm: The All-Forbearing<br />

As-Sabûr: The Patient

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