Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam


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Collected by Muhammad Sajad Ali - webmaster – www.deen<strong>islam</strong>.co.uk - 10 th December 2009<br />

He who brings in<strong>to</strong> existence or caused it <strong>to</strong> happen for <strong>the</strong> first time, not having been before. This<br />

is really bringing something in<strong>to</strong> temporality.<br />

"It may well be that after that <strong>Allah</strong> will cause a new situation <strong>to</strong> develop." (65:1)<br />

Al-Mûjid: The One Who Brings in<strong>to</strong> Existence<br />

Bringer in<strong>to</strong> existence from non-existence. Also <strong>the</strong> One who enriches so that <strong>the</strong> person is in no<br />

need, also <strong>to</strong> streng<strong>the</strong>n after weakness.<br />

Al-Mukawwin: The One Who Brings in<strong>to</strong> Being<br />

The One who makes something come in<strong>to</strong> existence by saying "Be! (kun).<br />

"His comm<strong>and</strong> when He desires a thing is just <strong>to</strong> say <strong>to</strong> it,'Be!"'<strong>and</strong> it is." (36:81)<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong> Related <strong>to</strong> Lordship<br />

Al-Malik; Al-Mâlik: The King, <strong>the</strong> Master<br />

Al-Mali is <strong>the</strong> King, <strong>the</strong> Sovereign; Al-Mâlik is <strong>the</strong> Master, Owner, Malik is <strong>the</strong> governor <strong>of</strong> beings<br />

who have <strong>the</strong> consciousness <strong>of</strong> being governed, not <strong>the</strong> case with Mâlik, who owns everything.<br />

Al-Malik is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ninety-Nine <strong>Names</strong>.<br />

"He <strong>to</strong> Whom <strong>the</strong> kingdom <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> heavens <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth belongs." (2:106).<br />

"Exalted be <strong>Allah</strong>, <strong>the</strong> King, <strong>the</strong> Real. There is no god but Him, Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Noble<br />

Throne." (23:117)<br />


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