Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam


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Collected by Muhammad Sajad Ali - webmaster – www.deen<strong>islam</strong>.co.uk - 10 th December 2009<br />

An-Nâsir, Al-Khâdhil: The Helper, The Disappointer<br />

Al-Khadhil;To abstain from helping<br />

An-Nasir: Aider or assister<br />

Al-Muzîl: The Separa<strong>to</strong>r<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong> Related <strong>to</strong> Justice<br />

Al'Adl, Al-'Âdil: The Just<br />

Al-Muqsit: The Equitable<br />

Al-Hakam: The Judge<br />

Al-Fattâh, Al-Fâtih: The Just Decider, The Opener<br />

Ad-Dayyân: The Requiter<br />

Ash-Shakûr; Ash-Shâkir: The Ever-Thankful<br />

Al-Muntaqim: The Exac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Revenge<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong> Related <strong>to</strong> Certainty<br />

As-Sâdiq: The Truthful<br />

Al-Mu'min: The Trustworthy<br />

Al-Muhaymin: The Safeguarder<br />

Al-Amîn: The Secure<br />

Al-Wafî: The Faithful<br />

Al-Kafîl: The Guaran<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Al-Wakîl: The Guardian<br />

Al-Kâfî: The One Who Suffices<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong> Related <strong>to</strong> Guidance<br />

Al-Hâdî: The Guide<br />

Ar-Rashîd: The Correct Guide<br />


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