Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam

Sufi Introduction to the 99 Names of Allah and sufi ... - Deen islam


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Collected by Muhammad Sajad Ali - webmaster – www.deen<strong>islam</strong>.co.uk - 10 th December 2009<br />

The Divine <strong>Names</strong> Related <strong>to</strong> Lordship<br />

Al-Malik; Al-Mâlik: The King, <strong>the</strong> Master<br />

Mâlik al-Mulk: The Master <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kingdom<br />

Ar-Rabb: The Lord<br />

As-Sayyid: The Master<br />

As-Samad: The Everlasting Sustainer <strong>of</strong> All<br />

Al-Mawlâ, Al-Walî, Al-Wâlî: The Protec<strong>to</strong>r, The Friend<br />

Al-Mudabbir: The Manager<br />

The <strong>Names</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> Destiny<br />

Al-Muhyî, Al-Mumît: The One Who Gives Life, The One who Makes Die<br />

Ad-Dârr, An-Nâfi': The Afflicter, The Helper<br />

Al-Qâbid, Al-Bâsit: The Constric<strong>to</strong>r, The Exp<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Al-Qabid: The One who withholds or The Constricter<br />

Al-Basit: The One who exp<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

Al-Mutî, Al-Mâni: The Giver, The Withholder<br />

A-Muti: The Giver.<br />

Al-Mani': The Unapproachable<br />

Al-Muqaddim, Al-Mu'akhkhir: The Advancer, The Postponer<br />

Al-Mu'akhkhir: The Postponer or Delayer,<br />

Al-Muqaddim: The Advancer<br />

Al-Mu'izz, Al-Mudhill: The Honourer, The Dishonourer<br />

Al-Mudhill: He Who makes low <strong>and</strong> abased.<br />

Al-Mu'izz: He who gives might <strong>to</strong> whomever He will.<br />

Al-Khâfid, Ar-Râfi': The Abaser, The Exalter<br />

Ar-Râfi': <strong>the</strong> Exalter<br />

Al-Khâfid: The Abaser <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> proud<br />


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