Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers

Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers Oratio Matutinalis Morning Prayers

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with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages, amen. Verses to the Mother of God: Rejoice, God’s Mother, spotless Virgin! Rejoice, thou who didst receive joy from the angel! Rejoice, for thou didst beget the brightness of the eternal Light! Rejoice, O Mother; rejoice, Holy God-bearer and Virgin! Thou alone art mother without a nuptial union. Everything created by thy Son praises thee as the Mother of the Light. Be a merciful intercessor for us. = Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son. + And His name shall be called Emmanuel. Let us pray. O God, Who wast pleased that Thy Word should take flesh from the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, at the tidings of an angel, grant us Thy humble servants that we who believe she is truly the Birth-giver of God, may be aided by her intercessions with Thee. 9 Through the selfsame Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages of ages, amen. I entreat and beseech thee, Saint N., in the name of the Lord, that thou wouldst deign to have me in thy prayers, so that the enemy and adversary may not at any time have power to harm me. Lord, I have sinned before Thee and before Thine angels. Deal with me in Thy mercy, O Lord. Heal me, and I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and salvation, and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. Honour and power be Thine for ages of ages, amen. I believe that thou art the holy angel appointed by God almighty to guard me. Therefore I entreat, and by Him Who gave thee this office I humbly implore, that at all times and in all places thou wouldest guard me, the weak, unworthy, and wretched sinner, throughout this life. Mayest thou protect and defend me from all evils, and when God commands my soul to pass from this place, do not let the demons have any power over it, but receive it gently from my body, and bear it with sweetness into the bosom of Abraham, God our Creator and Saviour bidding and helping thee, He that is blessed unto ages of ages, amen. nat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum, amen. Verses to the Mother of God: Gaude, Dei Génitrix, Virgo immaculáta! Gaude, quæ gaúdium ab ángelo suscepísti! Gaude, quæ genuísti ætérni lúminis claritátem! Gaude, Mater; gaude, Sancta Dei Génitrix Virgo! Tu sola Mater innúpta. Te laudat omnis Fílii tui creatúra Genitrícem Lucis. Sis pro nobis pia intervéntrix. = Ecce, Virgo concípiet et páriet Fílium. + Et vocábitur nomen ejus Emmánuel. Orémus. Deus, qui de beátæ Maríæ Vírginis útero Verbum Tuum ángelo nuntiánte carnem suscípere voluísti, præsta supplícibus Tuis ut qui vere eam Genitrícem Dei crédimus, ejus apud Te intercessiónibus adjuvémur. 9 Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et regant in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum, amen. Praecor te et rogo, sancte N., in nómine Dómini, uti dignéris me in oratiónibus tuis habére, ne inimícus et adversárius ullo témpore váleat nocére me. Dómine, peccávi ante Te et ante ángelos Tuos. Fac mecum in Tua misericórdia, Dómine. Sana me et sanábor, quia Tu es salus mea, et véniat orátio mea in conspéctum sancti templi Tui. Tuus sit honor et virtus in sǽcula sæculórum, amen. Credo te esse sanctus ángelus a Deo deputátus ad custódiam meam. Ita déprecor, et per Eum qui tibi hoc offícium dedit súpplicans implóro, ut per hanc vitam me peccatórem semper et ubíque custódias, débilem, indígnum ac míserum. Prótegas et deféndas me ab ómnibus malis. Et quando Deus ánimam meam migráre ex hoc loco jússerit, ne permíttas dǽmones ullam potestátem in eam habére, sed súscipe eam léniter ex córpore meo et defer eam suáviter in sinum Ábrahæ. Jubénte te Deo Creatóre et Salvatóre nostro, qui est benedíctus in sǽcula sæculórum, amen.

Into Thy hands, O Lord, and into the hands of Thy holy ones, I commit this night my spirit and my body, my brothers and sisters, my friends, my cousins, my kin, my benefactors, and all Christian people. Keep us this night, O Lord, by the intercessions and prayers of the blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, from sins, and from the enemy’s snares, and from sudden death and the torments of hell. Enkindle my heart with the Holy Spirit, by Thy holy grace. And make me be more obedient to Thy commandments, and let me never be separated from Thee, amen. Make three crosses on your forehead with your right thumb, saying: 9 Christ is victor! 9 Christ is king! 9 Christ is emperor! Then sign yourself in the usual way, saying: = Behold the 9 Cross of the Lord; flee, bands of enemies. + The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David has prevailed, alleluia. Make the sign of the Cross away from yourself with three fingers, in all four directions: East: The 9 Cross puts every evil thing to flight. South: The 9 Cross restores the universe. West: By this sign of the 9 Cross, let every wicked thing now flee. North: And by the same 9 sign, let all kind and good things be preserved. 9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. _____________ Later, just before you go to bed, sprinkle holy water over the bed and then sign it with the Cross, saying: 9 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. Having laid yourself down in bed, pray continually with a repentant and humble heart, until sleep comes. In manus Tuas, Dómine, et in manus sanctórum Tuórum, comméndo in hac nocte spíritum et corpus meum, fratres et soróres, amícos, consobrínos, consanguíneos, benefactóres, et omnes Christiános. Consérva nos in hac nocte, Dómine, intercessiónibus precibúsque beátæ Maríæ Vírginis et ómnium sanctórum, a peccátis, et ab insídiis inimíci, a morte subitánea et a torméntis gehénnæ. Accénde cor meum per Spíritum Sanctum et per grátiam Tuam. Et fac me mélius obedíre mandátis Tuis, et ne sinas me in ætérnum separári a Te, amen. Make three crosses on your forehead with your right thumb, saying: 9 Christus vincit! 9 Christus regnat! 9 Christus ímperat! Then sign yourself in the usual way, saying: = Ecce 9 crucem Dómini; fugíte, partes advérsæ. + Vicit Leo de tribu Juda, radix David, allelúia. Make the sign of the Cross away from yourself with three fingers, in all four directions: East: Crux 9 fugat omne malum. South: Crux 9 est reparátio rerum. West: Per crucis hoc 9 signum fúgiat procul omne malígnum. North: Et per idem 9 signum salvétur quodque benígnum. 9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen. _____________ Later, just before you go to bed, sprinkle holy water over the bed and then sign it with the Cross, saying: 9 In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti, amen. Having laid yourself down in bed, pray continually with a repentant and humble heart, until sleep comes. These daily prayers in the Western Rite are from sources approved for use in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Sept., 2008.

with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through<br />

all the ages of ages, amen.<br />

Verses to the Mother of God:<br />

Rejoice, God’s Mother, spotless Virgin!<br />

Rejoice, thou who didst receive joy from the angel!<br />

Rejoice, for thou didst beget the brightness of the eternal<br />

Light!<br />

Rejoice, O Mother; rejoice, Holy God-bearer and Virgin!<br />

Thou alone art mother without a nuptial union. Everything<br />

created by thy Son praises thee as the Mother of<br />

the Light. Be a merciful intercessor for us.<br />

= Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son.<br />

+ And His name shall be called Emmanuel.<br />

Let us pray. O God, Who wast pleased that Thy Word<br />

should take flesh from the womb of the blessed Virgin<br />

Mary, at the tidings of an angel, grant us Thy humble<br />

servants that we who believe she is truly the Birth-giver<br />

of God, may be aided by her intercessions with Thee. 9<br />

Through the selfsame Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord,<br />

Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy<br />

Spirit, God through all the ages of ages, amen.<br />

I entreat and beseech thee, Saint N., in the name of the<br />

Lord, that thou wouldst deign to have me in thy prayers,<br />

so that the enemy and adversary may not at any time<br />

have power to harm me.<br />

Lord, I have sinned before Thee and before Thine angels.<br />

Deal with me in Thy mercy, O Lord. Heal me, and<br />

I shall be healed, for Thou art my healing and salvation,<br />

and let my prayer come before Thy holy temple. Honour<br />

and power be Thine for ages of ages, amen.<br />

I believe that thou art the holy angel appointed by God<br />

almighty to guard me. Therefore I entreat, and by Him<br />

Who gave thee this office I humbly implore, that at all<br />

times and in all places thou wouldest guard me, the<br />

weak, unworthy, and wretched sinner, throughout this<br />

life. Mayest thou protect and defend me from all evils,<br />

and when God commands my soul to pass from this<br />

place, do not let the demons have any power over it, but<br />

receive it gently from my body, and bear it with sweetness<br />

into the bosom of Abraham, God our Creator and<br />

Saviour bidding and helping thee, He that is blessed<br />

unto ages of ages, amen.<br />

nat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula<br />

sæculórum, amen.<br />

Verses to the Mother of God:<br />

Gaude, Dei Génitrix, Virgo immaculáta!<br />

Gaude, quæ gaúdium ab ángelo suscepísti!<br />

Gaude, quæ genuísti ætérni lúminis claritátem!<br />

Gaude, Mater; gaude, Sancta Dei Génitrix Virgo!<br />

Tu sola Mater innúpta. Te laudat omnis Fílii tui creatúra<br />

Genitrícem Lucis. Sis pro nobis pia intervéntrix.<br />

= Ecce, Virgo concípiet et páriet Fílium.<br />

+ Et vocábitur nomen ejus Emmánuel.<br />

Orémus. Deus, qui de beátæ Maríæ Vírginis útero Verbum<br />

Tuum ángelo nuntiánte carnem suscípere voluísti,<br />

præsta supplícibus Tuis ut qui vere eam Genitrícem Dei<br />

crédimus, ejus apud Te intercessiónibus adjuvémur. 9<br />

Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium<br />

Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et regant in unitáte Spíritus<br />

Sancti, Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Praecor te et rogo, sancte N., in nómine Dómini, uti<br />

dignéris me in oratiónibus tuis habére, ne inimícus et<br />

adversárius ullo témpore váleat nocére me.<br />

Dómine, peccávi ante Te et ante ángelos Tuos. Fac<br />

mecum in Tua misericórdia, Dómine. Sana me et sanábor,<br />

quia Tu es salus mea, et véniat orátio mea in conspéctum<br />

sancti templi Tui. Tuus sit honor et virtus in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.<br />

Credo te esse sanctus ángelus a Deo deputátus ad<br />

custódiam meam. Ita déprecor, et per Eum qui tibi hoc<br />

offícium dedit súpplicans implóro, ut per hanc vitam<br />

me peccatórem semper et ubíque custódias, débilem,<br />

indígnum ac míserum. Prótegas et deféndas me ab ómnibus<br />

malis. Et quando Deus ánimam meam migráre ex<br />

hoc loco jússerit, ne permíttas dǽmones ullam potestátem<br />

in eam habére, sed súscipe eam léniter ex córpore<br />

meo et defer eam suáviter in sinum Ábrahæ. Jubénte te<br />

Deo Creatóre et Salvatóre nostro, qui est benedíctus in<br />

sǽcula sæculórum, amen.

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